- 中文名:周進節
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:機械製造及其自動化
- 任職院校:中北大學
- 教學職稱:教授
- 性別:男
- 周進節,鄭陽,張吉堂.基於壓電晶片陣列的管中導波時反檢測方法研究.機械工程學報,2013,49(22):59-65.(EI: 20135217144174)
- 周進節,鄭陽,張吉堂.基於單探頭的桿中缺陷超聲導波時反檢測方法.機械工程學報. 2013,49(8):19-24. (EI: 20132216383977)
- 周進節,何存富,鄭陽,等.基於非對稱激勵的管道導波時反檢測方法研究.機械工程學報.2012, 48(16):14-20. (EI:20124115554791)
- 周進節,何存富,鄭陽,等.基於共源方法的管中導波缺陷成像研究.工程力學.2013, 30 (6): 288-294. (EI:20133516670513)
- 周進節,何存富,鄭陽,等.超聲導波時反聚焦方法對管中裂紋擴展過程檢測的規律研究.套用基礎與工程科學學報,2012,20(6):1128-1136. (EI: 20130415931985)
- 何存富,周進節,吳斌,等.管道導波時反聚焦檢測系統的實現與套用.儀器儀表學報,2012,33(2):342-348.(EI: 20121314906783)
- 何存富,周進節,鄭陽,等.具有自保護功能的超聲導波回波檢測系統的設計與實現.北京工業大學學報,2012,38(11):1623-1628. (EI: 20125015786805)
- 何存富,周進節,吳斌,等.時間反轉導波激勵板卡的設計及實現.北京工業大學學報.2013, 39(1):25-30.
- 何存富,周進節,鄭陽,等.超聲導波任意波形脈衝激勵源的設計與實現.測控技術,2011,30(10):96-102.
- 何存富,鄭陽,周進節,等.基於雷射測振儀的Lamb波離面和面內位移檢測研究.機械工程學報,2012,48(8):6-11.(EI: 20122415119567)
- 鄭陽,何存富,周進節,等.超聲蘭姆波斜入射裂紋時的散射特性. 機械工程學報. 2013, 49(4):6-12. (EI: 20131316153227)
- 鄭陽,何存富,周進節,等.超聲Lamb波在缺陷處的二維散射特性研究.工程力學.2013, 30(8):236-243. (EI:20133916790406)
- 符浩,王維斌,周進節,等.基於相關的超聲導波檢測信號分析方法.壓力容器.2011,28(7):59-64.
- 齊文博,吳斌,周進節,等.基於USB2.0匯流排的超聲導波檢測分析軟體的研發.計算機測量與控制.2013,21(6):1693-1696.
- 何存富,朱海濤,周進節,等.錨桿超聲導波檢測用功率放大器的設計.微計算機信息.2010,26(11):13-14.
- Fu Hao, Wu Bin, Zhou Jinjie, et al.Synthetic time-reversal focusing method for guided wave pipeline inspection. International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Application, 2011:1517-1520.(EI: 2012657117)
- Cunfu He, Yang Zheng, Jinjie Zhou,et al. Waveform prediction of ultrasonic guided waves based on spectrum synthesis and phase velocity. Information-an international interdisciplinary journal, 2010, 13(6): 2135-2144. (SCI:V21YK)
- Xian FK,Zhou JJ,Lian XF,Shen JC,Chen YP.Molecular dynamics simulation of crack propagation in very small grain size nanocopper with different grain size gradients, RSC Advances,2024,14(1):616-625
- Jinjie Zhou, Jinchuan Shen, Wenying Yue, Yao Liu, Zemei Chen.Molecular dynamics simulation of reinforcement mechanism of graphene_aluminum composites and microstructure evolution,Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2023,23:2147-2159
- J.J. Zhou,Y Hu,X Li,Y Zheng,S Yang,Y Liu. Micro-Sized Pinhole Inspection with Segmented Time Reversal and High-Order Modes Cluster Lamb Waves Based on EMATs, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2023,36:1-13
- Yang Hu,Jinjie Zhou,Wenying Yue.Research on Crossing-Pipe Support Structure Defect Detection of EMAT-Excited CSH Wave,Sensors, 2023,23,5535:1-14
- Jinjie Zhou,Fankai Xian,Jinchuan Shen. Mechanisms during Strain Rate-Dependent Crack Propagation of Copper Nanowires Containing Edge Cracks,Nanomaterials,2023,13:1231-1-14
- J Zhou,D Yu,X Li,Y Zheng,Y Liu.Reconstructing echoes completely submerged in background noise by a stacked denoising autoencoder method for low-power EMAT testing, Measurement Science and Technology,2023,34:125910-1-13
- J.J. Zhou,S.J. Zhao,Y Zheng,X.Q. Shen,J.T. Zhang. Variational Wavelet Ensemble Empirical (VWEE) Denoising Method for Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Signal in High-Temperature Environment with Low-Voltage Excitation, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2022,35:1-14
- Shuaijie Zhao,Jinjie Zhou,Yao Liu,Jitang Zhang,Jie Cui.Application of Adaptive Filtering Based on Variational Mode Decomposition for High-Temperature Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Denoising, Sensors,2022,22,7042:1-16
- J.J. Zhou,J.C Shen,F.A. Essa,J.G. Yu.Twins and grain boundaries - dominated the reverse Bauschinger effect and tension-compression asymmetry,Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2022,18:15-28
- Jinjie Zhou,Jiaqi Bai,Yao Liu.Fabrication and Modeling of Matching System for Air-Coupled Transducer,Micromachines,2022,13:1-15
- J Shen,J Zhou,G Zhao, C Gong,J Yu,Z Xia,F Xian.Attenuation of the Bauschinger effect and enhancement of tension–compression asymmetry, RSC Advances,2022,12:21235-21246
- Zheng Yang,Li Zheng,Zhou Jinjie, et al.Study on the Change Law of Transverse Ultrasonic Velocity in a High Temperature Material,Research in Nondestructive Evaluation,2021,32(1):38-57
- Zheng Yang, Mu Ruijie,Zhou Jinjie, et al.High-spatial-resolution magnetic Barkhausen noise sensor with shielded receiver,Sensors and Actuators A-Physical,2020,316,112334:1-10
- Zhou Jinjie and Zheng Yang.Broadband Linear High Power Amplifier Based on Parallel Amplification Architecture for Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Guided Wave, Sensors,2019,19,2924:1-18
- Zhou Jinjie,Cui Shijie.Effect of mismatch degree on mechanical properties of Ni-based single crystal alloy under force-temperature coupling, Materials Research Express,2019,7(6),2924:1-18
- 鄭陽,張鑫,周進節,譚繼東.周向磁巴克豪森噪聲分布及平面應力測量,儀器儀表學報,2021,42(6):75-87
- 周進節,賈浩東,鄭陽,張宗健.跑道形線圈EMAT有限元建模與聲場特性研究,機械工程學報,2020,56(2):9-19
- 鄭陽,周進節*,張宗健,譚繼東.電磁超聲檢測頻率自適應最佳化方法研究,機械工程學報,2019,55(14):11-18
- 高溫承壓設備損傷電磁超聲線上檢測關鍵技術研究,省部級科技進步獎一等獎,2020年,排名3/15
- 管道腐蝕陣列超聲導波無損檢測關鍵技術及儀器研發,協會科學技術獎一等獎,2019年,排名2/15
- 電磁超聲高溫測厚關鍵技術與套用,協會科學技術獎一等獎,2017年,排名2/15