- 中文名:周可金
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:博士,教授,碩士生導師
- 主要成就:多次獲民進安徽省直優秀會員和多個優秀提案
- 性別:男
- 學歷:博士
1984.9-1988.7:安徽農業大學農學系,學士;1988.9-1991.6:瀋陽農業大學農學院,碩士;2006.9-2009.12:湖南農業大學農學院 國家油料作物改良中心湖南分中心,博士,師從中國工程院院士 官春雲教授。
安徽省油菜產業技術體系首席專家,安徽省農作物品種審定委員會評審專家,安徽省作物學會理事,安徽省油菜產業協會副秘書長, 中國民主促進會安徽省省委委員,民進安徽省農業與農村工作專委會副主任,民進安徽農業大學總支主委,安徽省政協委員,合肥市政協委員。安徽省政協人口資源環境委員會副主任。
1. 沿淮低洼地農業減災增效關鍵技術研究與集成示範,子課題:高效經濟作物新品種篩選,國家科技支撐計畫(2009BADA6B01)
2. 花生優質安全增效關鍵技術研究與示範,國家科技支撐計畫(2006BAD21B04)
3. 優質油菜產業提升關鍵技術集成與示範, 科技部科技富民強縣專項行動計畫(安徽2009)
4.經濟實用型緩釋BB肥研製與套用, 省“十一五”攻關計畫面上項目
5. 安徽省中藥材平衡施肥技術研究與示範, 加拿大國際植物營養研究所合作項目(Anhui 17)
6. 主要經濟作物養分特性及平衡施肥技術研究與示範, 加拿大國際植物營養研究所合作項目(Anhui 19)
2. 花生優質安全增效關鍵技術研究與示範,國家科技支撐計畫(2006BAD21B04)
3. 優質油菜產業提升關鍵技術集成與示範, 科技部科技富民強縣專項行動計畫(安徽2009)
4.經濟實用型緩釋BB肥研製與套用, 省“十一五”攻關計畫面上項目
5. 安徽省中藥材平衡施肥技術研究與示範, 加拿大國際植物營養研究所合作項目(Anhui 17)
6. 主要經濟作物養分特性及平衡施肥技術研究與示範, 加拿大國際植物營養研究所合作項目(Anhui 19)
◆ 選育花生新品種
1. 農花1號(皖品鑑登字第060500)
2. 廬花10號(皖品鑑登字第1005003)
3. 廬花11號(皖品鑑登字第1105009)
4. 農蕎2號 (皖品鑑登字第1116001)
◆ 發布標準
1. DB34T 1575-2011 綠色食品 沿淮地區綠豆生產技術規程(主持)
2. DB34T 1576-2011 綠色食品 沿淮地區花生栽培技術規程(主持)
3. DB34T 1572-2011 綠色食品 馬鈴薯、南瓜、蘿蔔三熟制栽培技術規程(參加)
1. 農花1號(皖品鑑登字第060500)
2. 廬花10號(皖品鑑登字第1005003)
3. 廬花11號(皖品鑑登字第1105009)
4. 農蕎2號 (皖品鑑登字第1116001)
◆ 發布標準
1. DB34T 1575-2011 綠色食品 沿淮地區綠豆生產技術規程(主持)
2. DB34T 1576-2011 綠色食品 沿淮地區花生栽培技術規程(主持)
3. DB34T 1572-2011 綠色食品 馬鈴薯、南瓜、蘿蔔三熟制栽培技術規程(參加)
1.ZHOU Kejin, XING Jun, LIU lei, LU Wei (2007), Straw mulching effects on Agro-ecosystem and yield component of Rapeseed(B. napus L.) under no-tillage condition, Sustainable Development in Cruciferous Oilseed Crops Production- Proceedings of the 12th international rapeseed congress. Wuhan, China, March 26-30. Science Press USA Inc
2.Zhang zhenqian, Xiao gang, Tan Tailong, Zhou kejin, Guan Chunyun(2010). Advances in normalized cDNA library and its applications, Agrcultural science & Technology
3.ZHOU Ke-jin,XIAO Wen-na,ZHANG Li-gan,Lei Hong-ling,MA Cheng-ze. Effect of balanced fertilizing on growth and development and photosynthetic characteristics of Bo Chrysanthemum(2008),Editor, Li Hua-dong, Plant nutrient management of agriculture sustainable development, Jiangxi People Press
4.Zhou Ke-jin, Guan Chun-yun, Xiao Wen-na(2010). Effects of two chemical ripeners on chlorophyll fluorescence of pods in rapeseed, Chin J. Oil Crop Sci.
5.ZHOU Ke-jin, NIU Yun-sheng , XU Cheng-bao, et al(2005). Influence of phosphate fertilization and inter/mix cropping with milk vetch on rape physiology, Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (in Chinese)
6.Zhou Ke-jin, Guan Chun-yun, Xiao Wen-na, et al (2009). Effect s of chemical ripeners on photosynthetic characteristics of pods and rapeseed quality and yield. Acta Agronomica Sinica (in Chinese)
7.Zhou Ke-jin, Xiao Wen-na, Guan Chun-yun(2009). Analysis on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Pods for Different Winter Rapeseed Varieties (Brassica napus L.). Chin J. Oil Crop Sci. (in Chinese)
8.Zhou Ke-jin, Xiao Wen-na, Guan Chun-yun(2009). Effects of chemical ripeners on chlorophyll content and antioxidant enzyme system of rapeseed pods. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology (in Chinese)
9.ZH0U Ke-jin,XING Jun,BO Yu-hong, et al (2005). Physiological and ecological effects of inter-and mixed cropping rape with milk vetch. Chinese J. of Applied Ecology (in Chinese)
10.XIAO Wen-na, ZHOU Ke-jin*(2010). Effect of different chemical ripening agent s on photosynthetic physiology and yield and quality in rape seed. Journal of Northwest A &F University(Nat. Sci. Ed ) (in Chinese)
11.ZHOU Ke-jin, LEI Hong-ling, XIAO Wen-na, ZHANG Li-gan(2008). Concentration and Conformation of Sulfur within Peanut Leaves in Response to Sulfur Supply. Plant Nutri and Fert Sci(in Chinese)
12.ZHOU Ke-jin, XU Zhi-ling, WU Qi-zhi, XU Cheng-bao (2005). Study of Discrepancy of Physiology and Ecology between Three Pod-types on Peanut. Journal of Peanut Science
13.周可金,夏英萍 編著. 花生新品種與栽培新技術,安徽科學技術出版社,1995.10
14.王榮富,周可金 編著. 生物化工產品生產技術,安徽科學技術出版社,1995.6
15.周可金 參編,安徽油菜,鄭之寬主編,中國農業出版社,2000.5
16.周可金 參編,安徽花生,張華建主編,中國農業出版社,2002.3
17.周可金 參編,東南地區農作系統的養分管理與環境研究,中國農業出版社,2011.1
2.Zhang zhenqian, Xiao gang, Tan Tailong, Zhou kejin, Guan Chunyun(2010). Advances in normalized cDNA library and its applications, Agrcultural science & Technology
3.ZHOU Ke-jin,XIAO Wen-na,ZHANG Li-gan,Lei Hong-ling,MA Cheng-ze. Effect of balanced fertilizing on growth and development and photosynthetic characteristics of Bo Chrysanthemum(2008),Editor, Li Hua-dong, Plant nutrient management of agriculture sustainable development, Jiangxi People Press
4.Zhou Ke-jin, Guan Chun-yun, Xiao Wen-na(2010). Effects of two chemical ripeners on chlorophyll fluorescence of pods in rapeseed, Chin J. Oil Crop Sci.
5.ZHOU Ke-jin, NIU Yun-sheng , XU Cheng-bao, et al(2005). Influence of phosphate fertilization and inter/mix cropping with milk vetch on rape physiology, Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (in Chinese)
6.Zhou Ke-jin, Guan Chun-yun, Xiao Wen-na, et al (2009). Effect s of chemical ripeners on photosynthetic characteristics of pods and rapeseed quality and yield. Acta Agronomica Sinica (in Chinese)
7.Zhou Ke-jin, Xiao Wen-na, Guan Chun-yun(2009). Analysis on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Pods for Different Winter Rapeseed Varieties (Brassica napus L.). Chin J. Oil Crop Sci. (in Chinese)
8.Zhou Ke-jin, Xiao Wen-na, Guan Chun-yun(2009). Effects of chemical ripeners on chlorophyll content and antioxidant enzyme system of rapeseed pods. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology (in Chinese)
9.ZH0U Ke-jin,XING Jun,BO Yu-hong, et al (2005). Physiological and ecological effects of inter-and mixed cropping rape with milk vetch. Chinese J. of Applied Ecology (in Chinese)
10.XIAO Wen-na, ZHOU Ke-jin*(2010). Effect of different chemical ripening agent s on photosynthetic physiology and yield and quality in rape seed. Journal of Northwest A &F University(Nat. Sci. Ed ) (in Chinese)
11.ZHOU Ke-jin, LEI Hong-ling, XIAO Wen-na, ZHANG Li-gan(2008). Concentration and Conformation of Sulfur within Peanut Leaves in Response to Sulfur Supply. Plant Nutri and Fert Sci(in Chinese)
12.ZHOU Ke-jin, XU Zhi-ling, WU Qi-zhi, XU Cheng-bao (2005). Study of Discrepancy of Physiology and Ecology between Three Pod-types on Peanut. Journal of Peanut Science
13.周可金,夏英萍 編著. 花生新品種與栽培新技術,安徽科學技術出版社,1995.10
14.王榮富,周可金 編著. 生物化工產品生產技術,安徽科學技術出版社,1995.6
15.周可金 參編,安徽油菜,鄭之寬主編,中國農業出版社,2000.5
16.周可金 參編,安徽花生,張華建主編,中國農業出版社,2002.3
17.周可金 參編,東南地區農作系統的養分管理與環境研究,中國農業出版社,2011.1
18.周可金 參編,中國東南地區農林複合系統中的植物營養與施肥,中國農業出版社
3.《作物栽培學》教學改革和課程建設的研究與實踐, 第二完成人,安徽省教學成果二等獎, 2005.12
7.《作物栽培學》獲 “十五”規劃優秀教材二等獎,第二完成人,2005.12
8. 國家規劃教材《現代作物栽培學》國家規劃教材 參編, 高等教育出版社, 2011.8
9. 國家規劃教材《農業概論(第二版)》參編,中國農業出版社, 2007.11
9. 《作物栽培學》副主編,中國農業大學出版社,2002.1
3.《作物栽培學》教學改革和課程建設的研究與實踐, 第二完成人,安徽省教學成果二等獎, 2005.12
7.《作物栽培學》獲 “十五”規劃優秀教材二等獎,第二完成人,2005.12
8. 國家規劃教材《現代作物栽培學》國家規劃教材 參編, 高等教育出版社, 2011.8
9. 國家規劃教材《農業概論(第二版)》參編,中國農業出版社, 2007.11
9. 《作物栽培學》副主編,中國農業大學出版社,2002.1