


  • 中文名:呂杭炳
  • 國籍:中國
  • 性別:男
  • 職 稱研究員


學 歷: 博士
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區北土城西路3號



2004.9-2009.1 復旦大學 博士:微電子學固體電子學
2000.9-2004.7 山東大學 學士:套用物理專業


2012.10~至今 中科院微電子研究所副研究員
2012.3~2012.10 中科院微電子研究所助理研究員
2010.3~2012.3 中科院微電子研究所博士後


1. Haitao Sun, Hangbing Lv*, Qi Liu, et al, "Overcoming the Dilemma Between RESET Current and Data Retention of RRAM by Lateral Dissolution of Conducting Filament", IEEE, Electron Device Lett
2. Hangbing Lv, Yingtao Li, et al., "Self-Rectifying Resistive Switching Device with a-Si/WO3 bilayer", IEEE, Electron Device Lett
3. Yingtao Li, Hangbing Lv*, Qi. Liu, et al., "Bipolar one diode–one resistor integration for high-density resistive memory applications", Nanoscale
4. Ming Wang, Hangbing Lv*, et al., “Investigation of One Dimension Thickness Scaling on Cu/HfOx/Pt Resistive Switching Device Performance”, IEEE, Electron Device Lett
5. Qi Liu, Jun Sun, Hangbing Lv*, et al., “Real-Time Observation on Dynamic Growth/Dissolution of Conductive Filaments in Oxide-Electrolyte-Based ReRAM,” Adv. Mater
Hangbing Lv, Wentai Lian, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Yingtao Li, Wei Wang, Yan Wang, Sen Zhang, and Ming Liu, "Voltage Driving or Current Driving: Which Is Preferred for RRAM Programming?", IEEE VLSI-TSA, T62, (2011).
Hangbing Lv, Tingao Tang, "Performance Improvement of CuxO Resistive Switching Memory by Surface Modification", Applied Physics A, Special Issue, (2011).
Hangbing Lv, Tingao Tang, "The Role of CuAlO Interface Layer for Switching Behavior of Al/CuxO/Cu Memory Device", IEEE Electron Device Letters
Hangbing Lv, Haijun Wan, Tingao Tang, "Resistive Switching Uniformity Improvement by Introducing a Thin GST Interface Layer", IEEE Electron Device Letters
Hangbing Lv, Ming Yin, Haijun Wan, et al., "Endurance enhancement of Cu-oxide based resistive switching memory with Al top electrode", Applied Physics Letters
11. Hangbing Lv, Ming Yin, Tingao Tang, et al., "Resistive Memory Switching of CuxO Films for Nonvolatile Memory Application", IEEE Electron Device Letters
12. HangBing Lv, Ming Yin, Tingao Tang, et al., "Forming Process Investigation of CuxO Memory Films", IEEE Electron Device Letters
13. Hangbing Lv, Ming Yin, Peng Zhou, et al, "Improvement of Endurance and Switching Stability of Forming-free CuxO RRAM", The 23rd IEEE Non-Volatile Semiconductor Memory Workshop (NVSMW)
14. Hangbing Lv, Peng Zhou, Tingao Tang, et al., "Nano-crystalline phase change memory with composite Si-Sb-Te film for better data retention and lower operation current", The 22nd IEEE Non-Volatile Semiconductor Memory Workshop (NVSMW)
15. Hangbing Lv, Peng Zhou, Tingao Tang, et al., "A nano-scale-sized 3D element for phase change memories". Semiconductor Science and Technology
16. Yan Wang, Hangbing Lv, Wei Wang, Ming Liu, et al.," Highly Stable Radiation Hardened Resistive Switching Memory", IEEE Electron Device Letters
17. Peng Zhou, Hangbing Lv, Ming Yin, et al., "Performance improvement of CuOx with gradual oxygen concentration for non-volatile memory application", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B
18. Xia Wu, Hangbing Lv, Peng Zhou, et al., "Reproducible unipolar resistance switching in stoichiometric ZrO2 films", Applied Physics Letters
19. Qi Liu, Shibing Long, Hangbing Lv, Ming Liu,et al., "Controllable growth of nanoscale conductive filaments in solid-electrolyte-based ReRAM by using metal nanocrystal cover bottom electrode", ACS Nano
Ming Yin, Peng Zhou, Hangbing Lv, Ming Liu, et al., "Improvement of resistive switching in CuxO using new RESET mode", IEEE Electron Device Letters


1. 863項目子課題:
2. 自然科學基金青年基金項目:
3. 自然科學基金面上項目:


