



  • 中文名:吳立範
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男




學歷:1978.1~1982.1 就讀於安徽大學,獲得經濟學學士學位
1983.9~1986.6 就讀於南開大學,獲得經濟學碩士學位(世界經濟)
1988.8~1994.7留學美國,就讀於伊利諾伊大學香檳分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),並獲得財務學博士學位
工作經歷:1982.1~1983.8 任教於安徽大學經濟系,助教
1986.8~1988.1 任教於南開大學金融系,講師
1994.8~1998.8 任教於香港城市大學,助理教授
1998.9~2007.7 任教於美國加州州立大學洛杉磯分校,先後任助理教授、副教授、教授


南開大學客座教授(2000~ )
華南師範大學客座教授(2000~ )


"Price Discovery for Segmented U.S.-Listed Chinese Stocks: Location or Market Quality?" (with Chen and Li), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, forthcoming.
"Price Causal Relations between China and the World Oil Markets" (with Chen and Chen), Global Finance Journal, forthcoming.
“Causality-in-variance and causality-in-mean among European government bond markets” (with Li and Refalo), Applied Financial Economics, Volume 18, No. 21, December 2008 , pp. 1709 - 1720.
"An Anatomy of Bullish Underlying Linked Securities” (with K.C. Chen), Global Finance Journal, Volume 17, 2007, pp. 34-46.
“State Ownership and Firm Valuation in China” (with K.C. Chen), International Journal of Finance, Volume 18, No. 1, 2006, pp. 3821-3846.
“A Retrospective Study of the 1994 Unlisted Trading Privileges Act” (with K.C. Chen), International Journal of Management Theory and Practices,2004年8月第5卷第1期第1-12頁。
“Cost of Raising Capital – Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) in Hong Kong” (with K.C. Chen), Journal of Financial Management and Analysis,2002年12月第15卷第2期第24-36頁。
“Pricing Market Index Target-Term Securities” (with K.C. Chen and C. Taylor), Journal of Financial Management and Analysis,2001年9月第14卷第1期第11-18頁。
“Introduction and Expiration Effects of Derivative Equtiey Warrants in Hong Kong” (with K.C. Chen), International Journal of Finance,2001年10月第10卷第37-52頁。
"Stock Price Behavior Around Order-Imbalance Induced Temporary Nontrading: The Case of Hong Kong" (with K.C. Chen and Hun Park), Journal of Emerging Market,2001年冬季第5卷第3期第6-26頁。
"Pricing Commodity-Indexed Preferred Securities" (with K.C. Chen and Sangphill Kim), International Journal of Management Theory and Practices 2001年8月第1卷第1期第55-64頁。
“Inside Trading in the Hong Kong Stock Market” (with Michael Wong and Yan-Leung Cheung), Asia-Pacific Financial Market,2000年9月第7卷第3期第275-288頁。
“Market Liquidity and Trader Welfare in Multiple Dealer Markets” (with Peter Locke and Asani Sarkar), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 1999年3月第34卷第57-88頁。
“Information Asymmetry and the Pricing of Cross-Listed Stocks: Evidence from Chinese A- and B-Shares” (with Sugato Chakravarty and Asani Sarkar), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money,1998年8月第8卷第325-355頁。
“Price Transmission and Market Openness: A Comparative Analysis of Asian Stock Markets” (with Asani Sarkar), Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 1998年12月第1卷第2期第215-232頁。
“Additional Evidence of The Spinoff Effect: The Case of Hong Kong”, Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets, 1998年9月第4卷第127-141頁。
“Market Reactions to the Hong Kong Trading Suspensions: Mandatory Versus Voluntary”, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,1998年5月第25卷第419-437頁。
“On Existence of An “Optimal Stock Price”: Evidence from Stock Splits and Reverse Stock Splits in Hong Kong” (with Bob Chan), International Journal of Business,1997年6月第2卷第45-67頁。
“國企新股上市在香港上市的時效和市場反應”,《世界經濟》1995年11月第 42-47頁。
“勞力剩餘型經濟的發展——評 Gustave Ranies講座”,《南開經濟研究》,1985年12月。
譯著:Mayer 等的《貨幣、銀行和經濟》(第1,2,3,15,16和17章) ,財經出版社,1990年。
譯著:Fei 和Ranies的《勞力剩餘型經濟的發展》(第6,7和8章), 華夏出版社,1989年。
“ Unlisted Trading Privileges in Listed IPOs” (with Chen), Proceedings of 2003亞太地區管理國際會議, 西雅圖, 2003年8月。
“Do Brokers Misallocate Customer Trades? Evidence From Futures Markets” (with Sarkar), 紐約聯儲銀行, 2000年6 月。
"The Price Effect of Derivative Warrants Trading in Hong Kong" (with Chen),亞太地區管理國際會議,舊金山,1999年8月13-15日。
"Execution Quality and Principal-Agent Conflicts in Dealer Markets: Evidence from Futures Exchanges” (with Asani Sarkar),《金融研究雜誌》關於價格形成的研討會,法國,Toulouse 市,1999年3月19-20日。
"Information Asymmetry and Price Discount of Cross-Listed Stocks: Evidence form Chinese A- and B-shares" (with Sugato Chakravarty and Asani Sarkar),1998 金融管理協會年會,芝加哥,1998年10月14-17日。
“Do Brokers Misallocate Customer Trades? Evidence from Futures Markets” (with Hun Park and Asani Sarkar),1998 金融管理協會年會,芝加哥,1998年10月14-17日;歐洲金融協會年會,里斯本,葡萄牙,1998年6月25-26日。
“An Empirical Analysis of Order Imbalance Induced Temporary Nontrading: The Case of Hong Kong” (with Hun Park), 1996金融管理協會年會,夏威夷,1997年10月16-19日。
“Market Reactions to the Hong Kong Trading Suspensions: Mandatory Versus Voluntary”,亞太地區金融協會第四屆年會,馬來西亞,1997年7月14-16日。
“International Transmission of Stock Price: Evidence from Asian Emerging Markets” (with Jin Chen), 1996金融管理協會年會,紐奧良,199610月15-18日。
“On Existence of An “Optimal Stock Price”: Evidence from Stock Splits and Reverse Stock Splits in Hong Kong” (with Bob Chan),第三屆國際金融年會,夏威夷,1996年4月4-6日。
“Did the Good Guys Lose? Regulatory Restrictions of Dual Trading” (with Peter Locke and Asani Sarkar), 1995金融管理協會年會,紐約,1995年10月17-21日。
“The Costs and Benefits of Endogenous Market Making: The Case of Dual Trading” (with Hun Park and Asani Sarkar),1994歐洲金融管理協會年會,義大利米蘭,1994年8月21-24日。
“期貨市場莊家的成本和收益” (與Sarkar) 獲得1994年美國個人投資協會優秀論文獎。
Chief Editor for “Journal of China Southern Economics” (2008~ )
Editorial Board for “Chinese Management Studies” (2008~ )
Associate Editor for “Investment Management and Financial Innovations” (2004~ )
Associate Editor for “International Journal of Business” (2006~ )
Asian Pacific Journal of Finance
International Review of Financial Analysis
Pacific Basin Finance Journal
Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
Journal of Banking and Finance
International Journal of Business
b.Pearson Addison Weslen出版社,由Berk和DeMarzo編寫的“財務管理”2006年第一版。
評論員,第58屆美國金融學會年會, 芝加哥,1998 年1月。


