23. Yu Hua,Chanle Wu,“Intrusion detection based on artificial immune system with self-similar traffic”, Proceedings the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetic,November 2003, Vol.4: 2437
25. Jianbing Xing,Chanle Wu,Muliu Tao,Libing Wu and Huyin Zhang,“Flexible Advance Reservation for Grid Computing”,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science(3251): 241-248 (SCI-E、ISTP收錄)
26. Yu Hua,Chanle Wu and Jianbing Xing,“Grid QoS Infrastructure: Advance Resource Reservation in Optical Burst Switching Networks”,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2004),Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Spinger Page 979-982 (SCI-E、ISTP收錄)
32. Yu Hua,Chanle Wu and Evan Wang,“Routing with SRLG Constraint and Protection Scheme in Optical Burst Switching Networks based on GMPLS”,The 4th International Conference on the Optical Internet (COIN2005),June 2005,Page: 246-252
33. Yu Hua,Chanle Wu,“Framework and Algorithm for Grid QoS Infrastructure in Optical Burst Switching Networks with GMPLS support”, Journal of Communication and Computer,May,2005,Vol.2(5):75-81
38. Qing Xiong,Chanle Wu,Jianbing Xing,Libing Wu and Huyin Zhang,“A Linked-List Data Structure for Advance Reservation Admission Control”,The 3rd International Conference on Networking and Mobile Computing, ICCNMC2005,LNCS 3619/2005,PP.901-910(SCI,EI,ISTP收錄)
44. Qin Liu,Chanle Wu,“A Novel Selection Approach for Replicated Multicast Servers Using Genetic Algorithm”,WCNM2005,Vols 1 and 2 :951-955
45. Yu Hua,Chanle Wu,“Dynamic Multi-Stage Resource Selection with Preference Factors in Grid Economy”,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2005),LNCS,Springer,2005 (SCI-E,ISTP收錄)
46. Yu Hua,Chanle Wu,Huyin Zhang,Libing Wu,“Heterogeneous Resource Selection with Portfolio Optimization in Grid Economy”,Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Application and Technologies,PDCAT 2005 (ISTP收錄)
47. Libing Wu,Chanle Wu,Jianqun Cui and Jianbing Xing,“An Adaptive Advance Reservation Mechanism for Grid Computing”,Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Application and Technologies,PDCAT 2005 (ISTP收錄)
48. Yu Hua,Chanle Wu and Mengxiao Wu,“Scheduling Scheme with Fairness and Adaptation in the Joint Allocation of Heterogeneous Resources”,Proceedings of the 6th International Workshopon Advanced Parallel ProcessingTechnologies (APPT'05) LNCS,Springer,Hong Kong,2005 (SCI-E,ISTP收錄)
53. Qin Liu,Xiaohua Jia and Chanle Wu,“Optimal Precomputation for Mapping Service Level Agreements in Grid Applications”,International Conference on Scalable Information Systems(INFOSCALE’06)