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  • 中文名:吳善和
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1966年
  • 學位/學歷:大學本科
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:實分析、數學不等式及套用
  • 職務:龍巖學院信息工程學院副院長
  • 學術代表作:《Selected Problems and Theorems of Analytic Inequalities》 
  • 職稱:教授


吳善和受聘擔任4個國際學術期刊編委(SCI、EI源刊),擔任美國《數學評論》評論員。發表學術論文被SCI收錄80餘篇,其中28篇發表於SCI二區刊物。主持福建省自然科學基金項目4項,主持福建省教育廳科技項目5項。現任《數學分析》省級精品課程負責人、數學專業基礎課省級教學團隊負責人、福建省卓越教師培養計畫改革項目“高校、政府、中學三位一體的中學數學教師培養模式的探索與實踐” 負責人。擔任第27屆、29屆、32屆福建省青少年科技創新大賽評審。2007 年入選福建省新建本科高校新世紀優秀人才計畫,2010年被授予龍巖市首屆優秀人才榮譽稱號,2014年被評為龍巖市千名名師。連續獲得第八屆、九屆、十屆福建省自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎。
















[1] 吳善和, Generalization and sharpness of the power means inequality and their applications, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 312 (2): 637-652 DEC 2005 (SCI)
[2] 吳善和, Some results on extending and sharpening the Weierstrass product inequalities, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 308 (2): 689-702 AUG 2005(SCI)
[3] 吳善和,L. Debnath, Generalizations of Aczel's inequality and Popoviciu's inequality, INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED MATHEMATICS,36(2): 49-62 FEB 2005(SCI)
[4] 吳善和, Generalization and sharpness of Finsler-Hadwiger's inequality and its applications, MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS, 9 (3): 421-426 JUL 2006(SCI)
[5] 吳善和, L. Debnath, A new generalized and sharp version of Jordan's inequality and its applications to the improvement of the Yang Le inequality, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 19 (12): 1378-1384 DEC 2006 (SCI)
[6] 吳善和, Generalization of a sharp Holder's inequality and its application, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 332 (1): 741-750 AUG 2007(SCI)
[7] 吳善和, L. Debnath, Inequalities for convex sequences and their applications, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 54 (4): 525-534 AUG 2007(SCI)
[8] 吳善和, L. Debnath, Generalization of the Wolstenholme cyclic inequality and its application, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 53 (1): 104-114 JAN 2007(SCI)
[9] 吳善和, L. Debnath, A new generalized and sharp version of Jordan's inequality and its applications to the improvement of the Yang Le inequality, II, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 20 (5): 532-538 MAY 2007 (SCI)
[10] 吳善和, A further generalization of Aczel's inequality and Popoviciu's inequality, MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS, 10 (3): 565-573 JUL 2007(SCI)
[11] 吳善和, H.M. Srivastava, A weighted and exponential generalization of Wilker's inequality and its applications, INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS, 18(8): 529-535, 2007(SCI)
[12] 吳善和, H.M. Srivastava, Some improvements and generalizations of Steffensen's integral inequality, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 192 (2): 422-428 SEP 2007(SCI)
[13] 吳善和, H.M. Srivastava, A further refinement of Wilker's inequality, INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS, 19(10): 757-765, 2008(SCI)
[14] 吳善和, Some improvements of Aczel's inequality and Popoviciu's inequality, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 56(5): 1196-1205 SEP 2008(SCI)
[15] 吳善和, H.M. Srivastava, A further refinement of a Jordan type inequality and its application, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 197 (2): 914-923 APR 2008(SCI)
[16] 吳善和, A new sharpened and generalized version of Holder's inequality and its applications, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 197 (2): 708-714 APR 2008(SCI)
[17] 吳善和, L. Debnath, Weighted generalization of Rado's inequality and Popoviciu's inequality, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 21 (4): 313-319 APR 2008(SCI)
[18] 吳善和, L. Debnath, A new generalization of Aczel's inequality and its applications to an improvement of Bellman's inequality, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 21 (6): 588-593 JUN 2008(SCI)
[19] 吳善和, L. Debnath, A new sharpened version of the Neuberg-Pedoe inequality, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 21 (6): 558-562 JUN 2008(SCI)
[20] 吳善和, L. Debnath, Jordan-type inequalities for differentiable functions and their applications, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 21 (8): 803-809 AUG 2008(SCI)
[21] 吳善和, A sharpened version of the fundamental triangle inequality, MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS, 11 (3): 477-482 JUL 2008(SCI)
[22] 吳善和, Some improvements of Aczel's inequality and Popoviciu's inequality, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 56 (5): 1196-1205 SEP 2008(SCI)
[23] 吳善和, L. Debnath, H.M. Srivastava, Some refined families of Jordan-type inequalities and their applications, INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS,19(3-4): 183-193 MAR-APR 2008(SCI)
[24] 吳善和, L. Debnath, A generalization of L'Hospital-type rules for monotonicity and its application, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 22 (2): 284-290 FEB 2009(SCI)
[25] 吳善和, L. Debnath, Generalizations of a parameterized Jordan-type inequality, Janous's inequality and Tsintsifas's inequality, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 22 (1): 130-135 JAN 2009(SCI)
[26] 吳善和, On a weighted and exponential generalization of Rado’s Inequality, TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 13 (1): 359-368 FEB 2009(SCI)
[27] 吳善和, Note on a conjecture of R. A. Satnoianu,MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS, 12 (1): 147-151 JAN 2009(SCI)
[28] 吳善和, On the weighted generalization of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality and its applications, ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 39 (5): 1741-1749, 2009(SCI)
[29] 吳善和, A. Baricz, Generalizations of Mitrinovic, Adamovic and Lazarevic's inequalities and their applications, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE-DEBRECEN, 75 (3-4): 447-458 OCT 2009(SCI)
[30] 吳善和, Parametrized Garfunkel-Bankoff inequality and improved Finsler-Hadwiger inequality, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 23 (3): 331-336 MAR 2010(SCI)
[31] 吳善和, A unified generalization of Aczél, Popoviciu and Bellman’s inequalities, TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 14 (4): 1635-1646 AUG 2010(SCI)
[32] 吳善和, O. Furdui, A note on a conjectured Nesbitt type inequality, TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 15(2):449-456,2011(SCI)
[33] 吳善和, L. Debnath, Inequalities for differences of power means in two variables, ANALYSIS MATHEMATICA,37(2): 151-159,2011(SCI)
[34] 吳善和, H.N. Shi, A relation of weak majorization and its applications to certain inequalities for means, MATHEMATICA SLOVACA, 61 (4):561-570,2011(SCI)
[35] 吳善和, L. Debnath, Wilker-type inequalities for hyperbolic functions, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 25(5): 837-842, 2012(SCI)
[36] I. Iscan, 吳善和, Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for harmonically convex functions via fractional integrals, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 238: 237-244, 2014(SCI)


