君子蘭鏈球菌由周東坡,平文祥, 邵忠琦定名的鏈球菌屬的一個新種。
- 中文名:君子蘭鏈球菌
- 外文名:Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. wenguanensis nov. subsp.
AMS-88-06 | |
拉丁菌名 | Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. wenguanensis nov. subsp. |
中文菌名 | 君子蘭鏈球菌 |
定名人 | 周東坡 平文祥 邵忠琦 |
Nomencla | Dai Lianyun and Wang Xuepin |
發表文章 | 鏈球菌屬的一個新種 |
Article | A New Subspecies of Bacillus Thuringiensis |
作者 | 周東坡 平文祥 宋秀娟 史玉英 陳宏偉 / 邵忠琦 |
Author | Dai Lianyun and Wang Xuepin |
作者單位 | 齊齊哈爾師範學院生物 系, 齊齊哈爾 161042 |
摘要 | 自君子蘭 (Clivia miniata) 軟 腐病病株的葉片病灶中分離到兩株致病菌. 經鑑定其中一 株 (85-2) 多為雙球狀, 也有呈單個存在, 極少為四個細 胞相連的短鏈.無芽孢, 無鞭毛, 不運動, 革蘭氏染色陽 性, 抗酸染色陰性, 兼性厭氧生長, 可從多種糖類產酸, 但不產氣, 接觸酶和苯丙氫酸脫氨酶均為陰性, 不液化明 膠,還原石蕊牛奶並凝固, 腖化, 生長溫度範圍為 15-53'C, DNA中G+C含量為41.7mol%. 由於其性狀與鏈球 菌屬的各已知種均不相同, 故定為一個新種, 命名為君子 蘭鏈球菌 (Streptococcus miniatus Zhou, Ping et Shao sp. nov.) . |
Abstract | The strain TW20 was isolated from a soil sample collected in Beijing. Morphological observation showed that the vegetative cell was not motile.Gram-positive. Rod with dimensions of 1.2-1.5 X 4.0-5.0 micrometer. Parasporal inclusion is irregular in shape. Electron micrograph of a thinsection of TW20 at sporagium stage showed a few parasporal inclusion is irregular in shape. The biochemical character and esterase type of strain TW20 are different from all referance standard strains. Bioassays on larval have shownthat the new strain TW20 has no pathogenicity against Dendrolimus tabulaeformis, Lymantria dispara, Malacosoma neustria testacea and Anoplophora glabripennis.On the basis of the aforementioned characteristies, we propose the name of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. wenguanensis for the type strain TW20. |
關鍵字 | 鏈球 菌屬, 君子蘭鏈球菌 |
期刊 | 微生物學報 29(2):79-83, 1989. |
Publication | Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 28(4):pp.301-306, 1988. |
分享省市 | 廣東省廣州市 |
Place | Haidian District, Beijing City, China |
採集地 | 廣州園藝研究所君子蘭 患有軟腐病病株的葉片 |
Environment | The bacterium isolated from soil under Chinese pine forest at Hot Spering (Wenquan) village. |
生態環境 | 亞熱帶海洋性氣候園林 |
寄主 | 君子蘭的葉片 |
Habitat | warm temperate semi-moist continental climate neddle-leaf forest area |
Host | soil under Chinese pine forest |
採集人 | 周東坡 平文祥 宋秀娟 史玉英 陳宏偉 |
Isolation Person | Dai Lianyun and Wang Xuepin |
保存單位 | 齊齊哈爾師範學院生物系, 齊齊哈爾 161042 |
Preservation Unit | Institute of Forest Research, Forest Research Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100093, China |
Speciman No. | No.TW20 |
備註 | 該菌是一種引起植物軟腐病的病原菌. |