

《綜合英語教程同步練習4(第3版)》自學使用方便。在設計上,充分考慮到學習者自學的需要,採用多種方式使學習者運用一般性的學習策略就可以自行解決困難,因此,絕大部分練習任務不需要教師指導,學習者可以憑藉一般的詞典或者網路工具解決學習困難,極大地提高了學習效率。 《綜合英語教程同步練習4(第3版)》引導學習者運用“英語口語書面語網路語料庫”。英美文化界在網路上提供的大量免費語料庫是我國外語學習者的重要學習工具和學習資源。但是,我國的外語學習者並沒有對此給予足夠的重視。《綜合英語教程同步練習4(第3版)》積極鼓勵學習者充分利用這些工具和資源。書中的“學習策略”(Learning Strategies)部分有詳細的教學過程,學習者只要按照編者所提供的學習程式,就能學會如何使用語料庫。


  • 書名:同步練習:綜合英語教程4
  • 作者:曹進 鄒為誠
  • 出版日期:2011年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787040319941
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社
  • 外文名:Integrated Skills of English
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:191頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:30.00




Unit 1 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 2 Mr.Boggis's Secret
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 3 Time to Stop Excuses for Lateness
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 4 Hummingbird Winter
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 5 The Power of a Good Name
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Reading Literature
Unit 6 Chinese Food
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 7 They Will Not Be Forgotten
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 8 The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 8 In a Manner of Speaking
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 10 The Dream of an Hour
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Reading Literature
Unit 11 The Poets and the Housewife
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 12 Science and Art
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 13 The Power of Beliefs
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 14 Package Design
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Extra Reading
Unit 15 Hong Kong
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening Comprehension
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 TEM 4 Practice
Part 5 Reading Literature



'And so that was that,' went on the doctor.He paused and said again, but this time with certain finality in his voice, 'And so that was that.'
'I don't understand,' said Jane Helier.'Is that all? I mean, it's very tragic, I suppose, but it isn't well, it isn't what I call creepy.'
'I think there's more to follow,' said Sir Henry
'Yes,' said Dr.Lloyd, 'there's more to follow.You see, right at the time there was one queer thing.Of course I asked questions of the fishermen, etc.as to what they'd seen.They were eye-witnesses.And one woman had rather a funny story.I didn't pay any attention to it at the time, but it came back to me afterwards.She insisted, you see, that Miss Durrant wasn't in difficulties when she called out.The other swam out to her and according to this woman, deliberately held Miss Durrant's head under water.I didn't, as I say, pay much attention.It was such a fantastic story, and these things look so differently from the shore.Miss Barton might have tried to make her friend lose consciousness, realizing that the latter's panic-stricken clutching would drown them both.You see, according to the Spanish woman's story, it looked as though-well, as though Miss Barton was deliberately trying to drown her companion.
‘As I say, I paid very little attention to this story at the time.It came back to me later.Our great difficulty was to find out anything about this woman, Amy Durrant.She didn't seem to have any relations, Miss Barton and I went through her things together.We found one address and wrote there, but it proved to be simply a room she had taken in which to keep her things.The landlady knew nothing, had only seen her when she took the room.Miss Durrant had remarked at the time that she always liked to have one place she could call her own to which she could return at any moment.There were one or two nice pieces of old furniture and some bound numbers of Academy pictures, and a trunk of pieces of material bought at sales, but no personal belongings.She had mentioned to the landlady that her father and mother had died in India when she was a child and that she had been brought up by an uncle who was a clergyman, but she did not say if he was her father's or her mother's brother, so the name was no guide.


