









1. 訂單融資類供應鏈金融系統多方博弈與契約協調研究,中國博士後基金面上資助項目,2019.
2. “一帶一路”跨境電商中供應鏈金融業務運作模式和風險管理研究,教育部人文社科青年基金項目,2020.
3. 西安推動產學研深度融合創新機制研究——基於促進“科技成果就地轉化”的視角,西安市科技計畫軟科學研究重點項目,2020.
4. “綠色訂單融資”系統的運作決策與政府補貼策略研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2022.
5. 基於區塊鏈的“綠色訂單融資”運作決策與協調最佳化研究,中國博士後基金特別資助(站中)項目,2023.


  • 期刊論文(Selected Publications):
29.Shi J*, Liu D, Du Q, Cheng, T.C.E. The role of the procurement commitment contract in a low-carbon supply chain with a capital-constrained supplier. International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, 255, Article ID 108681.(SCI,中科院/JCR Q1,ABS2021版3星,FMS2022版英文B類,JIF2022: 12)
28.史金召, 焦文歆, 杜強, 黎建強. 雙向碳減排成本分擔下資金約束供應鏈契約協調研究[J]. 系統科學與數學, 2023, 43(05): 1225-1241.(CSCD,FMS T2)
27.Shi J, Jiao W*, Jing K, Yang Q, Lai K.K*. Joint economic-environmental benefit optimization by carbon-abatement cost sharing in a capital-constrained green supply chain. Processes,2023,11(1),226.(SCI)
26.馮平平,張懿銘,扈衷權,史金召,柴建. 基於區塊鏈技術的綠色供應鏈融資策略研究[J]. 管理工程學報.(CSSCI,FMS T1)
25.Du Q, Zhu H, Huang Y, Pang Q, Shi J. Profit allocation of carbon emission reduction in the construction supply chain, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023,.(SCI)
24.Lin F, Lin W, Shi J, Wu P, Hong W. Effects of prepayment policy on equilibrium of the retailer-dominated channel considering manufacturer effor. PAIRO – Operations Research, 2023,.(SCI)
23.史金召, 孫茂林, 黎建強. 我國跨境電商供應鏈金融的模式設計與風險管控[J]. 國際貿易, 2022, (11): 26-34.(CSSCI)
22.Lin F, Wu P, Shi J, Tao J, Zhuo X*. Impacts of expiration date on optimal ordering policy for deteriorating items under two-level trade credit: Quantity loss and quality loss. Journal of The Operational Research Society, 2022, 73(6): 1393-1410.(SCI & SSCI, FMS2020版英文B類, ABS2021版3星)
21.Li Y, Guo J, Lai K. K, Shi J. Optimal portfolio liquidation with cross-price impacts on trading. Operational Research, 2022, 22: 1083–1102. (SCI & SSCI)
20.Shi J, Guo J, Du Q*, Lin F, Lai K. K, Cheng, T. C. E. Optimal financing mode selection for a capital-constrained retailer under an implicit bankruptcy cost. International Journal of Production Economics, 2020, 228, Article ID 107657. (SCI & SSCI, 中科院/JCR Q1, ABS2018版3星, FMS2020版英文B類, JIF2020: 7.885)
19.Shi J, Du Q*, Lin F, Li Y, Bai L, Fung R. Y. K, Lai K. K. Coordinating the supply chain finance system with buyback contract: A capital-constrained newsvendor problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 146 (2020), Article ID 106587. (SCI & SSCI, FMS2020版英文B類, ABS2018版2星, JCR Q1, JIF2020: 5.431)
18.Shi J, Guo J, Du Q, Bai L, Li Y, Yan W, Lai K. K*. Evolution of the complex partnerships between banks and B2B e-trading platforms: A theoretical interpretation from the Chinese market, Complexity, 2020, Article ID 9350253. (SCI)
17.Lin F, Shi J, Wu P*, Zhuo X. Retailer’s optimal procurement strategy under supply disruption and stochastic demand: Backup sourcing or simultaneous sourcing, Complexity, 2020, Article ID 9612648. (SCI)
16.邢光遠, 史金召(通訊作者), 路程. “一帶一路”倡議下中國跨境電商的政策演進與發展態勢[J]. 西安交通大學學報(社會科學版), 2020, 40(5): 11-19. (CSSCI)
15.史金召, 郭菊娥, Richard Y.K. Fung, 夏兵. 不同決策目標下受資金約束零售商的最優採購策略研究[J]. 中國管理科學, 2018, 26(5): 98-108. (CSSCI)
14.Shi J, Guo J, Fung R. Y. K*. Decision support system for purchasing management of seasonal products: A capital-constrained retailer perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 80: 171-182. (SCI, ABS2015版3星)
13.Shi J, Fung R. Y. K, Guo J*. Optimal ordering and pricing policies for seasonal products: Impacts of demand uncertainty and capital constraint. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016, Article ID 1801658, 13 pages. (SCI & SSCI)
12.史金召, 任凱利, 王賓, 孫慶剛. 西部民生訴求下的區域民生科技發展對策研究——以新疆地區為例[J]. 科技管理研究, 2016, 36(1): 30-36. (CSSCI)
11.王占浩, 郭菊娥, 劉子晗, 史金召. 基於剛性兌付的中國影子銀行影響效應[J]. 系統工程, 2016, 34(5): 1-7. (CSCD)
10.史金召, 郭菊娥, 晏文雋. 線上供應鏈金融中銀行與B2B平台的激勵契約研究[J]. 管理科學, 2015, 28(5): 79-92. (CSSCI)
9.史金召, 郭菊娥. 網際網路視角下的供應鏈金融模式發展與國內實踐研究[J]. 西安交通大學學報(社會科學版), 2015, 35 (4): 10-16. (CSSCI)
8.史金召, 郭菊娥, 王樹斌, 劉子晗. 我國煤炭電子交易市場的整合路徑研究[J]. 商業經濟與管理, 2015 (9): 20-27. (CSSCI)
7.Wang S, Guo J, Shi J, Liu Z. Developing Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources in China: A Conceptual Analysis Framework. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2015, 14(8): 1791-1801. (SCI)
6.Shi J, Guo J, Wang S, Wang Z. Credit Risk Evaluation of Online Supply Chain Finance Based on Third-party B2B E-commerce Platform: an Exploratory Research Based on China’s Practice. International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology, 2015, 8(5): 93-104. (EI)
5.郭菊娥, 史金召(通訊作者), 王智鑫. 基於第三方 B2B 平台的線上供應鏈金融模式演進與風險管理研究[J]. 商業經濟與管理, 2014 (1): 13-22. (CSSCI, 人大複印資料轉載)
4.史金召, 王長春, 亓暉. 基於VaR模型的供應鏈金融信用風險動態控制方法研究[J]. 管理現代化, 2014, (6): 99-101. (CSSCI)
3.Miao M, Shi J, Chen Y. The Research on Demands and Development Strategy of Mobile Travel Service--an Empirical Study based on Chinese Scenic spot. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 2014, 9(7): 297-308. (EI)
2.郭菊娥, 王儉, 王樹斌, 史金召, 錢冬. 我國非常規油氣開發的現狀、前景及產業發展分析[C]//西安交通大學中國管理問題研究中心. 2014中國社會管理髮展報告. 北京:科學出版社, 2014.
1.苗苗, 史金召. 明星專題旅遊——傳統旅遊電子商務業發展新思路. 中國管理案例共享中心案例庫, 2012.
  • 會議報告:
9.史金召. “綠色訂單融資”系統的運作決策與政府補貼策略研究. 國家自然科學基金委2023年度工商管理學科青年基金項目交流會. 青島, 9/25-26, 2023.(分會報告)
8.分論壇七:物流與供應鏈創新管理. 第十六屆全國青年管理科學與系統科學學術會議暨管理學期刊發展論壇. 徐州, 6/17-18, 2023.(分論壇主持人/點評人)
7.史金召,孫茂林. 跨境電商背景下存貨質押融資風險控制研究. 第十六屆全國青年管理科學與系統科學學術會議暨管理學期刊發展論壇. 徐州, 6/17-18, 2023. (分會報告)
6.史金召. “一帶一路”背景下陝西省國際一流航空樞紐高質量建設與發展路徑研究. 陝西省交通強國試點成果交流大會. 西安, 5/31, 2023. (分會報告)
5.Session Chair for "Session 10: Supply Chain Analysis and Management". 2022 the 5th International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (IMMS 2022), joint with 2022 4th World Conference on Management Science and Engineering (WCMSE 2022). Chengdu, China, Aug 26-28, 2022. (分會主席,技術委員會成員)
4.Shi J, Wenxin Jiao, Dian Liu.Impacts of Carbon Abatement Cost-sharing on the Supply Chain with a Capital constrained Manufacturer. 2021 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII 2021). Osaka, Japan, Sep 16-18, 2021. (分會報告)
3.Shi J, Wenxin Jiao, Dian Liu.Cost-sharing of carbon abatement investment in a capital-constrained supply chain.2021 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Engineering (ICFIE 2021). IEEE Singapore SENS Chapter, Sep 16-18, 2021. (分會報告)
2.Shi J, Dian Liu, Wenxin Jiao.Effects of Procurement Commitment on the Production-order-financing System with Low-carbon Concerns. 2021 4th International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (IMMS 2021). Chengdu, China, Aug 27-29, 2021. (分會報告,技術委員會成員)
1.Shi J, Fung R. Y. K, Guo J.Impacts of capital constraints on retailer’s integrated ordering and pricing policies towards seasonal products [C]. The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. Taipei, Taiwan, China, Dec 7-10, 2016.(分會報告)




8.2018年5月,獲香港城市大學2017-2018年Peter Ho會議獎學金。


