千變萬化是一個漢語成語,拼音是qiān biàn wàn huà,意思是形容變化非常多;沒有窮盡。通指世事。
- 中文名:千變萬化
- 出處:《列子·周穆王》
- 讀音:qiān biàn wàn huà
- 類型:成語
- 該wayanad從峰頂千變萬化的景觀令人嘆為觀止。
Thekaleidoscopicview of wayanad from the top of the peak is breathtaking. - 自然千變萬化的物像,總有一根無形的線,牽引著來去歸途。
The myriads ofchangesof natural image, there is always an invisible line, pulling back home. - 探照燈和焰火使得天空的顏色千變萬化。
The search lights and the fireworks made the sky akaleidoscopeof colour. - 重心保持平衡,與千變萬化的主要障礙.
Maintaining balance with the centre of gravityeverchangingis the primary obstacle. - 在至今完成的幾百個作品中,懂得在千變萬化的設計中融入先進的科學技術改善生活質素,並力求通過使用新穎材料營造特別的效果和氛圍。
In the several thousands of works completed hitherto, he is good at blending advanced technology into thekaleidoscopicdesigns to improve life quality and strives for creating special effect and atmosphere by using new materials.