



  • 中文名:十八屆三中全會與中國的轉型
  • 作者:蔡鑫
  • 出版時間:2015年01月01日
  • 出版社中國人民大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787300197616




Chapter One Economic Transition: To Improve Market Economic System
1.1 Reasons for China's Economic Transition
1.2 Improving Basic Economic System and Market System
1.3 Speeding Up Transformation of Economic Development Mode: To Build An Innovative Country
1.3.1 Self-owned Core Technology Strategy
1.3.2 Intellectual Property Strategy
1.3.3 Innovation Promotes Adjustment of Structure of Factors of Production
1.4 Speeding up Transformation of Economic Development Mode.To upgrade Industrial and Foreign Trade Structure
1.4.1 Speeding up upgrade of Industrial and Foreign Trade Structure
1.4.2 Self-owned Brand Strategy
1.4.3 Green Economy Promotes Sustainable Development
1.5 Speeding up Transformation of Economic Development Mode, To Transform Demand Structure
1.5.1 Tranforming from overseas demand and investment to domestic consumption need
1.5.2 Enabling Chinese people to have money to consume, feel reassured to consume, and dare to consume
Chapter Two Social System Reform: To Build A Harmunious Society
2.1 Characteristics of Social Transition at the New Historical Turning Point
2.1.1 Government Leads Reform
2.1.2 Prioritized Economic Development Sets Good Base
2.1.3 Economic Development Mode about to Change
2.1.4 Transforming under More Complicated Conditions
2.1.5 Urbanization and Farmers' Right are important sectors
2.2 New Opportunities and New Tasks for China's Social System Re- form
2.2.1 Improving Urban-rural Integrated System
2.2.2 Speeding up Transformation of Government Functions
2.2.3 Innovating Social Management System
Chapter Three Political System Reform: To Build( I)enmctatic Politics
3.1 Development History of China's Political System in Several Decades
3.2 Path of Gradual Progress of China's Political System Reform
3.2.1 The Improving Political Climate
3.2.2 The Improving Outbound Environment
3.2.3 Having Gradually Formed An Atmosphere of Reform
3.2.4 Progress Made in Democratic Ruling-By-Law
3.3 Outlook of China's Political System Reform
Chapter Four Ecological Civilization: To Protect Sustainable Development
4.1 Deepening Ecological Civilization System Reform
4.2 Economic Development That Ahides by "Green" Bottom Line
4.3 Ecological Urban Construction for All Human Beings
4.4 Exploring the Road for Green Agricultural Development
4.5 Multiple Factors Joining Hands to Deal with Ecological Environment Issues
4.6 Public Participation as A New Life-style
4.7 Environmental Protection Volunteers as the Watchmen for the "Green"
Chapter Five Advanced Culture; To Build Socialist Cultural Power
5.1 Promoting Construction of Cultural Power
5.2 Building Social Consensus through the Soualist core value System
5.3 Improving Citizen's Morality to Guide Cultural Tendency
5.3.1 Strengthening Social Morality Construction
5.3.2 Fostering Positive Social Mentality
5.3.3 Fostering Honest Business Culture
5.3.4 Fostering the Culture of Trust
5.4 Forming A Public Cultural Service System
5.4.1 Further Strengthening Construction of the Public Cultural Service System
5.4.2 Improving the Quality of Cultural Products And Enhancing Cultural Heritage
5.5 Developing Cultural Industry to Enhance China's Cultural Strengthen And Competitiveness
5.5.1 Deepening Reforms in The Cultural System
5.5.2 Cultural Industry Flourishes
Chapter Six The Key to China's Transition: To Construct The Ruling Party
6.1 Historical Tasks and Severe Challenges for CPC
6.2 New Thoughts in Constructing The Ruling Party
6.3 New Look of The Ruling Party's Construction
6.3.1 Enhancing Ideals and Faith Education
6.3.2 New Chapter of Organization Construction
6.3.3 New Progress in Working-Style Construction
6.3.4 New Achieuements Made in Combating Corruption and Upholding Integrity
6.3.5 A New Level of Institution Construction


