《網際網路電影資料庫(IMDb) 2005 documentary Shootout! North Hollywood Shootout created by the History Channel describing the event in detail with interviews from the involved police officers. North Hollywood Shootout documentary by Music Video Productions (MVP) (mostly interviews). In the opening scenes of the action film S.W.A.T.. Weapons, location, events, TV footage, and dialog from LAPD radio communcations of this shootout were all closely mimicked. (A deleted scene in the movie also included police officers running into a gun store to purchase M16 assault rifles citing the ineffective weaponry they had been supplied). A video was produced by the POST training association that contained the entire video of the shootout; however this video is not available to the public. The Learning Channel produced a two-hour program dubbed "Officer Down". World's Wildest Police Videos, Modern Marvels, Investigative Reports, and various other TV shows have done segments about the gunfight.
North Hollywood LAPD's radio traffic frequency Nancy J. Rigg.Maintaining Control.於2006年6月29日查閱. Transcript of portions of separate police frequencies referring to the North Hollywood shootout. Los Angeles Police Department - 1998 Medal of Valor Recipients(1998年).於2006年6月29日查閱. A three minute and 38 second clip from Google Video -- [1]