



  • 書名:北京大學英語系教材系列·北大英文寫作教程
  • ISBN:7301064462
  • 頁數:269頁
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2003年9月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32開
  • 正文語種:簡體中文、英語


This book is dedicated to the hardworking and devoted students of China,who have captured my heart and opened my eyes and mind.


With over five thousand years struggle to sustain life,yet stalwart of his tory replete with conflict and in dedication to fami ly and commit— ment to purpose,wrapped in hearts SO pure in intent,China is an enig—ma.Only until recently have more than just a Iew outsiders had theopportunity to experience this mysterious land.However,traveling Chi—Ha’s vast terrain and studying its inc redible history do not provide thetrue picture of the channing and magnificent place that is China.What makes China beautiful is her people.
As a Foreign Expert and teacher in China,teaching at Peking University,Tsinghua University,the National Judges College,and South China University of Technology,I have had the opportunity to share ideas and feelings with,be challenged by,and learn from,the remarkable young people of China.What has impressed me most is nottheir intellectual abilit、,-一which is impressive but their optimism and sense of humor,particularly in light of the struggles they endure.These are the people to tell'about China.Their anecdotal glimpses of
life provide the real story of what is China.
My students have written essays about life in China to fulfill thewriting assignments in my English Writing class.By reading their es—says,I have gained new insights into the culture of China.Seeing Chi—na through my students’eyes has given me a new perspective as a for—eigner in China,and also as a human being Oil this earth.I thought 1was the teacher;yet through them I became an Unexpected Student.From me they learned the essential techniques and components of goodexposition writing, as outlined in this book. From them I learned about
their ancient and modern cuhures, their views on the outside world,their sensitive feelings on life, their dreams, their struggles, and theirtriumphs. I think I received the better education.
A Peking University Coursebook on English Exposition Writing isan ESL (English as a Second Language) textbook on college expositionwriting. However, it is more than that. In addition to providing excel-lent examples of exposition writing, this book provides a look at Chinathrough the pure hearts, hope-filled eyes, and brilliant minds of Chi-na's greatest asset--her students.
By Diane M. Coffman (Foreign Expert, Peking Universityand Associate, Brigham YoungUniversity China Teachers Program)


Part I Essential Techniques of Exposition Writing
1 Recognize the Importance of Style and Word Choice
2 Remember Rules for Good Sentences and Paragraphs
3 Use Transition Words and Phrases
4 Understand the“Building Blicks”Writing Types
5 Use Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing
6 Have a Strong Thesis Statement
7 Select the Internal Structure of the Essay
8 Follow the Steps of the Writing Process
Part II Essential Components of Exposition Writing
1 英語文章的基本要素
2 規範的結構
3 如何開頭
4 如何展開
5 如何結尾
6 引文格式
Part III Writing Example Index by Title ,Writing Types and Strctures
1 自我篇
2 生活篇
3 大學篇
4 人際關係篇
5 家庭篇
6 中國篇


