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  • 中文名:劉鴻飛
  • 出生地:吉林通化
  • 畢業院校:吉林大學
  • 職業:科研


2006年獲得吉林大學博士學位。於2006年入職中科院國家天文台工作至今,2008年-2019年任FAST工程接收機與終端系統副總工程師。2017年獲得貴州省科學技術進步二等獎;2014年獲國家天文台青年基金項目資助;2019年獲得國家自然科學基金天文聯合基金項目資助;2019年獲得國家重點研發計畫戰略性國際科技創新合作重點項目資助;2022年獲得國家自然科學基金面上項目資助。主要從事射電天文低溫接收機及其核心器件研究。研究成果發表於國際知名期刊,包括Optics Express,Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics等,總計40餘篇,第一作者SCI論文9篇;獲授權專利4項。主持完成國家自然科學基金項目1項、主持在研國家自然科學基金項目1項、作為課題負責人在研國家重點研發計畫項目1項、參與完成國家重點研發計畫2項、參與完成國家自然科學基金國際合作重點項目1項。


1.Hong-Fei Liu, Peng Jiang, Chuan He, Fan Yang, Hong-Ju Liu, Sheng-Wang Wang, Yang Wu, Yan Zhu, Yang Cao, Jin-You Song, Xiang-Wei Shi, Ming-Lei Guo, Hang Zhang, and Wen-Hao Liu, An Ultra-wide Bandwidth Low-frequency Radio Astronomical Cryogenic Receiver for FAST Telescope, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22:115016 (14pp), 2022
2.Hong-Fei Liu, Chuan He, Jin Wang, Peng Jiang, Sheng-Wang Wang, Yang Wu, Hang Zhang, Jin-You Song Xiang-Wei Shi and Ming-Lei Guo, Ultra-Low Noise L-Band Cryogenic Astronomical Receiver for FAST Telescope. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021 Vol.21 No.7, 182 (12pp), 2021
3.Hongfei Liu, Gaofeng Pan, Zhong Lin, Cheng Liu, Wenbai Zhu, Rendong Nan, Chunsheng Li, Guanjun Gao, Wenyong Luo, Chengjin Jin, Jinyou Song, High-stability 48-core bendable and movable optical cable for FAST telescope optical transmission system, Optical Fiber Technology, 38, 2017
4.Hongfei Liu and Sander Weinreb, Ultra-low loss lumped element cryogenic coolable high pass filter and cryogenic measurement method, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 59(9),2017
5.Hongfei Liu and Sander Weinreb, Ultra-low-loss high-pass filter with air-core short-circuit coaxial cable, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 9(9), 2017,
6.Hongfei Liu, Chengjin Jin, Yang Cao, Hengqian Gan, High Linearity, Low Noise, L-Band Cryogenic Amplifier for Radio Telescope, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 59(3), 2017
7.Hongfei Liu, Alin Hou, Hongbo Zhang, Daming Zhang, Maobin Yi, A voltage calibration technique of electro optic probing for characterization internal to IC chip, Microelectronics Reliability, 47 (2007) 82–87
8.Hongfei Liu, Alin Hou, Hongbo Zhang, Daming Zhang, Maobin Yi, Poled silica DR1 films with thermally stability and large electro optic coefficient applying in external probe tip, Chinese Physics Letters, 23 (6), 2006
9.Hongfei Liu, Maobin Yi, Hongbo Zhang, Alin Hou, Xiaohong Chuai, Daming Zhang, Electro optic measurement system with high spatial resolution utilizing poled polymer film as external probe, Optics & Laser Technology, 37 (2005) 410–415
10.Zhennan Zheng, Zhonghan Su, Xinlu Gao, Guanjun Gao, Jingcan Ma, Jiasi Yang, Chunsheng Li, Shanguo Huang*, and Hongfei Liu*, Data-aided channel equalization scheme for FAST radio over fiber transmission system, Opt. Express, 29, 24525-24535 (2021)


