- 中文名:劉選明
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:湖南邵陽
- 出生日期:1963年
- 畢業院校:湖南師範大學
[1] Xuhong Yu, Dror Shalitin,Xuanming Liu, Maskit Maymon, John Klejnot, Hongyun Yang, Javier Lopez, Xiaoying Zhao, Krishnaprasad T. Bendehakkalu1, and Chentao Lin. Depression of the NC80 motif is critical for the photoactivation of Arabidopsis CRY2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA(PNAS),2007,104(17):7289-7294(共第1作者)
[2] Xiaoying Zhao, Xuhong Yu, Eloise Foo, Greg Symons, Javier Lopez, Bendehakkalu T. Krishnapraasdh, Jim Reid, Xiang Jing, Xuanming Liu, and Chentao Lin. A study of Gibberellin homeostasis and cryptochrome-mediated blue light inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, Plant Physiology, 2007,145(1):106-118
[3] Xuhong Yu,John Klejnot, Xiaoying Zhao, Dror Shalitin, Maskit Maymon, Hongyun Yang, Xuanming Liu, Javier Lopez, and Chentao Lin, ArabidopsisCryptochrome 2 Completes Its Posttranslational Life Cycle in the Nucleus,Plant Cell,2007, 19(10):2146-3156
[4] Qiaoling Liu,Xuanming Liu,Yonghua Zhu,Dongyin Tang, Synthesis of Stable Luminescent Microspheres by a Simple Method. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2007,307:563-566
[5] Yuejun Yang, Xiaoying Zhao, Xu Li, Zecheng Zuo, Yan Li, Pingh Chen, Songping Liang, Xuhong Yu, Xuanming Liu, Chentao Lin, Arabidopsis cryptochromes regulate steady-state protein and mRNA expression in response to blue light and red light,Molecolar Plant ,2008,1(1):167-177
[6].Yuejun Yang, Yan Li, Xu Li, Xinhong Guo, Xiaojuan Xiao, Dongying Tang, Xuanming Liu,Comparative Proteome Analysis of Light Responses in Cryptochrome1-304and Columbia Type-4 of Arabidopsis thaliana,Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica,2008,40(1)27-37
[7] Chunyi Tong, Baoxiang Shia, Xiaojuan Xiao, Hongdong Liao, Yuanqing Zheng, Guoli Shen, Dongying Tang, Xuanming LiuAn Annexin V-based biosensor for quantitatively detecting early apoptotic cells. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24: 1777-1782
[8] Jianzhong Lin,Bo Zhou,Yuanzhu Yang,Jin Mei, Xiaoying Zhao,Xinhong Guo,Xingqun Huang,Dongying Tang,Xuanming Liu. Piercing and vacuum infiltration of the mature embryo:a simplified method for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of indica rice. Plant Cell Rep, 2009, 8: 1065-1074.
[9] Xiaojuan Xiao, Yuanzhu Yang, Yuejun Yang, Jianzhong Lin, Dongying Tang , Xuanming Liu. Comparative analysis of young panicle proteome in thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile rice Zhu-1S under sterile and fertile conditions. Biotechnol Lett, 2009, 31: 157–161
[10]Qiming Wang,Jianxin Zeng,Keqin Deng,Xiaoju Tu,Xiaoying Zhao,Dongying Tang, Xuanming Liu,DBB1a, involved in gibberellin homeostasis functions as a negative regulator of blue light-mediated hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis,Planta,2010.