劉華北,博士 (Ph.D.),男,華中科技大學土木與力學學院教授,中組部“青年千人”學者,美國紐約州岩土工程註冊工程師。劉教授於1996年獲河海大學水利水電工程學士學位,於1999年獲清華大學水工結構工程碩士學位,於2003年獲美國哥倫比亞大學岩土工程博士學位,2003年8月至2007年8月於清華大學土木工程系工作,先後任講師、副教授、地下工程研究所副所長、所長。2007年8月至2013年6月在紐約城市大學大學工作,任土木工程系助理教授,並於2013年獲得終身教職及副教授資格。2013年7月獲得中組部“青年千人計畫”資助到華中科技大學工作。
- 中文名:劉華北
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:博士,青年千人
- 畢業院校:河海大學,清華大學,美國哥倫比亞大學
劉華北,博士 (Ph.D.),男,華中科技大學土木與力學學院教授,中組部“青年千人”學者,美國紐約州岩土工程註冊工程師。茅以升土力學及岩土工程青年獎獲得者(2014)
1) 加筋土結構
劉教授在土與結構相互作用、岩土材料本構模型、加筋土結構及岩土結構抗震方面的工作在國際有一定的影響,研究成果被國際學者所廣泛引用,其SCI及EI收錄論文在SCOPUS被他引520多次,其在Web of Science上的H因子為11,在SCOPUS上的H因子為16(2015年春)。他是美國土木工程師協會(ASCE)Journal of Bridge Engineering 的副主編及國際期刊 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology編委,同時為ASCE多孔介質力學專業委員會及ASCE土工合成材料專業委員會的委員。他也是中國土工合成材料協會理事及中國振動工程學會土動力學專業委員會委員。
1. Liu, Huabei, Yang, Guangqing (2015). Analytical method for thelateral displacements of steel reinforced soil walls on stiff foundations withincremental panel facings. Geotechnique, accepted.
2. Liu, Huabei (2015). Reinforcement load andcompression of reinforced soil mass under surcharge loading. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 141(6), 04015017.
3. Liu, Huabei, Torres, D.M., Agrawal, A.K.,Yi, Z., and Liu, G. (2015). Simplified blast load effects on column and bent beamof highway bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, published online.
4. Liu, Huabei, and Nezili, S. (2015). Centrifugemodeling of underground tunnel in saturated soil subjected to internal blastloading. Journal of Performance of Constructued Facilities, ASCE, published online.
5. Liu, Huabei, Zou, Degao, and Liu, Jingmao(2014). Constitutive modeling of dense gravelly soils subjected to cyclic loading.International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 38(14),1503-1518.
6. Yang, G.Q., Liu, Huabei(corresponding author), Zou, Y.T., Xiong, B.L. (2014). Post-constructionperformance of a two-tiered geogrid reinforced soil wall backfilled withsoil-rock mixture. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 42(2), 91-97.
7. Liu, Huabei, Yang, Guangqing, Ling, Hoe I.(2014). Seismic response of multi-tiered reinforced soil retaining walls. SoilDynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 61-62, 1-12.
8. Liu, Huabei, Won, Myoung-Soo (2014). Stress-dilatancyand reinforcement load of vertical reinforced soil composite: an analyticalmethod. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 140(3), 630-639.
9. Liu, Huabei, Martinez, Jason (2014). Creep behaviorof sand-geomembrane interfaces. Geosynthetics International, 21(1), 83-88.
10. Liu, Huabei (2013). Unified sand modelingusing associated or non-associated flow rule. Mechanics ResearchCommunications, 50, 63-70.
11. Liu, Huabei, Zou, Degao (2013). Associatedgeneralized plasticity framework for modeling gravelly soils consideringparticle breakage. Journal of EngineeringMechanics, ASCE, 139(5), 606-615.
12. Liu, Huabei (2012). Soil-structure interactionand failure of cast-iron subway tunnels subjected to medium internal blast loading.Journal of Performance of ConstructedFacilities, ASCE, 26(5): 691-701.
13. Yang, Guangqing, Liu, Huabei(corresponding author), Lv, Peng, Zhang, Baojian (2012). Geogrid-reinforcedlime-treated cohesive soil retaining wall: Case study and implication. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 35:112-118.
14. Liu, Huabei, Ling, H.I. (2012). Seismic responsesof reinforced soil retaining walls and the strain-softening of backfill soils.International Journal of Geomechanics,ASCE, 12(4): 351-356.
15. Liu, Huabei (2012). Long-termlateral displacement of geosynthetic-reinforced soil segmental retaining walls.Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 32,18-27.
16. Liu, Huabei, Wang, Xiangyu, and Song,Erxiang (2011). Reinforcement load and deformation mode of geosynthetic-reinforcedsoil walls subject to seismic loading during service life. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 29(1), 1-16.