[8] 世界頂級期刊Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Physics、Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters和ACS、RCS、AIP出版的期刊的審稿人。
1, Yuzhen Ouyang, YP. Liu(劉艷平) *; Zhiming M. Wang, Zongwen Liu & Minghua Wu,*. FLIM as a Promising Tool for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring. Nano-Micro Letters, 13, 133 (2021). IF:16.42(二維材料螢光壽命顯微成像技術).
2,Yu, J., Kuang, X., Li, J. and YP. Liu(劉艷平)*;. Giant nonlinear optical activity in two-dimensional palladium diselenide. Nat Commun 12, 1083 ,2021, IF:14.9. ( Editor featured highlights, 高被引文章,二維材料 非線性光學特性).
3,YP. Liu(劉艷平)*,Cheng Zeng, Juan Yu, Jiahong Zhong, Bo Li, Zhengwei Zhang, Zongwen Liu , Zhiming M. Wang, Anlian Pan, Xidong Duan,* Moiré superlattice and related Moiré Excitons in Twisted van der Waals Heterostructures. Chem Soc Rev, IF:54.56(doi.org/10.1039/D0CS01002B, Back cover feature, 2021, 封面文章,二維材料莫爾超晶格).
4,Jiahong Zhong, Cheng Zeng, Juan Yu, Lingkai Cao, Junnan Ding, Ziliang Zhao, Zongwen Liu, and YP. Liu(劉艷平)*;, "Direct observation of enhanced performance in suspended ReS2 photodetectors," Opt. Express 29, 3567-3574 ,2021, IF:3.95(二維材料光電探測器).
5, Cheng Zeng, Jiahong Zhong, Yun-Peng Wang, Chunxiao Cong, Xiaofei Yue, Zongwen Liu, and YP. Liu(劉艷平) *;.Observation of split defect-bound excitons in twisted WSe2/WSe2 homostructure. Appl. Phys. Lett.,2020,117:153103[2]. IF:3.9(二維材料范德華異質結).
6,Lingkai Cao, Jiahong Zhong, Juan Yu, Cheng Zeng, Junnan Ding, Chunxiao Cong, Xiaofei Yue, Zongwen Liu, and YP. Liu(劉艷平) *;"Valley-polarized local excitons in WSe2/WS2 vertical heterostructures". Optics Express,2020,28(15):22135-22143[3]. IF:3.95(二維材料范德華異質結).
7, J. Yu; XF. Kuang; YJ. Gao; YP. Wang; KQ. Chen; Liu, Z. W., YP. Liu(劉艷平) *;. Observation of Double Indirect Interlayer Exciton in WSe2/WS2 Heterostructure. Optics Express,2020,28(9):13260-13268[6]. IF:3.95(二維材料范德華異質結).
8,JH.Zhong; J.Yu; LK.Cao; C. Zeng; JN. Ding; Liu, Z. W,YP. Liu(劉艷平) *; High-Performance Polarization-Sensitive Photodetector based on a Few-Layered PdSe2 Nanosheet. Nano Research,2020,13:1780–1786.IF:8.9(二維材料光電探測器).
9,YP. Liu(劉艷平) *; Cheng Zeng; He, J.; Wang, Z. M. M.; Liu, Z. W. Spintronics in Two-dimensional Materials.Nano-Micro Letters,2020,12(93). IF:16.4(二維材料自旋電子學, 封面文章).
10,J. Yu; XF. Kuang; YJ. Gao; YP. Wang; KQ. Chen; Liu, Z. W., YP. Liu(劉艷平) *;. Direct Observation of Linear Dichroism Transition in Two-dimensional Palladium Diselenide. Nano Letters,2020,20(2):1172-1182. IF:12. 51(二維材料線性光學特性).
11,YP. Liu(劉艷平) *; Zhang, S. Y.; He, J.; Wang, Z. M. M.; Liu, Z. W. Recent progress in the fabrication, properties, and devices of heterostructures based on 2D materials. Nano-Micro Letters,2019,11(13). IF:16.4(二維材料范德華異質結).
12,YP. Liu(劉艷平) *; Y.J.Gao., S.Y.Zhang., J. He., and ZW. Liu. Valleytronics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Materials, Nano Research, 2019,IF:8.51(二維材料谷電子學).
13,YP. Liu(劉艷平) *; Tom Kyle.; Xiaowei Zhang; Jie Yao. et al., Alloying effect on Bright-Dark Exciton States in Ternary Monolayer MoxW1-xSe2, New Journal of Physics,2017, 19(7):073018,IF:3.773(二維材料激子特性).
14,YP. Liu(劉艷平) #; Xiang Liu#.; Yanjing Zhang#; Jun He. et al., Effect of Magnetic Field on the Electronic Transport in Bilayer Graphene Nanomesh, Nanotechnology,2017.28,235303,IF:3.39(石墨烯納米洞量子輸運).
15,YP. Liu(劉艷平); Xia, Q. L., He, J and Liu Z.W., Direct Observation of High Photoresponsivity in Pure Graphene Photodetectors. Nanoscale Research Letters,2017,IF:3.159(二維材料光電探測器).
16,YP. Liu(劉艷平); Tom, Kyle.; Xi, Wang.; Yao Jie.; et al., Dynamic control of optical response in layered metal Chalcogenide nanoplates, NANO LETTERS,2016.1,488-496,IF:12.279(二維材料光學特性的動態電學調控).
17,X.Yu*.,Z.Dong*., YP. Liu(劉艷平)*.,T.Jin.,J.K.W.Yang and Q.Wang., High performance, visible to mid-infrared photodetector based on graphene nanoribbons passivated by HfO2, NANOSCALE,同等第一作者,2015.12,IF:6.97(二維材料光電探測器).
18,YP. Liu(劉艷平); Goolaup, S.C.; Lew, W. S. et al., Excitonic Bandgap Dependence on Stacking Configuration in Four-layer Graphene, Applied Physics Letters,2013.2,IF:3.521(石墨烯量子輸運特性).
19,YP. Liu(劉艷平); Idzuchi, H., Fukuma, Y., Rousseau, O., Otani, Y and Lew, W. S., Spin injection properties in trilayer graphene lateral spin valves. Applied Physics Letters,2013.3,IF:3.521(石墨烯自旋電子學).
20,YP. Liu(劉艷平); Lew, W.S., Liew, H. F and Zhou, T. J., Observation of Oscillatory Resistance Behavior in Coupled Bernal and Rhombohedral Stacking Graphene, ACS NANO,2011.5,IF:15.88(石墨烯量子輸運特性).
21,YP. Liu(劉艷平); Goolaup, S.; Murapaka, C.; Lew, W. S.; Wong, S. K., Effect of Magnetic Field on the Electronics Transport in Trilayer Graphene,ACS NANO,2010.7,IF:15.88(石墨烯量子輸運特性).