- 中文名:劉書田
- 外文名:Liu shutian
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1962-07
- 職業:大學教授
- 畢業院校:武漢工業大學
- 主要成就:教育部科技進步二等獎
8.“高檔數控工具機與基礎製造裝備”科技重大專項課題(2009ZX04014-034), 面向動靜熱特性的工具機數位化設計及其軟體,2009-2010,課題組副組長;
5.旋 翼 槳 葉 優 化 設 計 軟 件,軍工項目(602所合作),2007-2009,負責人;
6.瀋陽飛機設計研究所,鈦合金焊接結構建模方法研究,2008 -2009,負責人;
10.東芝公司,“超音波裝置的熱解析”, 2007-2008,負責人,
2. 結構拓撲最佳化與材料設計
4. 複合材料力學與細觀力學
6. 多尺度計算
7. 基於參數化的大型結構分析與設計最佳化
8. 空天結構新構型設計的拓撲最佳化理論以及軟體實現技術
1.Shutian Liu, Wenjiong Chen, Yongcun Zhang*, Design optimization of porous fibrous material for maximizing absorption of sounds under set frequency bands, Applied Accoustics, 2014, 76: 319-328. (SCI/EI)
2.Jian Zhao, Renjing Gao, Shutian Liu*, Yu Huang, A new sensitivity improving method for piezoelectric resonance mass sensors through cantilever cross-section modification, IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(3): 1612-1621. (SCI/EI)
3.Yongcun Zhang, Yupin Hou and Shutian Liu*, A New Method of Discrete Optimization for Cross-section Selection of Truss Structures, Engineering Optimizaiton, 2013. (SCI/EI)
4.Jian Zhao, Yongcun Zhang, Yu Huang, Shutian Liu, Guoxi Chen, Renjing Gao, Yintang Yang. Mechanical-magnetic Coupling Analysis of A Novel Large Stroke Penta-stable Mechanism Possessing Multistability Transforming Capability. ASME Transactions Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2014. (SCI/EI)
5.Renjing Gao, Yankang Zhang, Jian Zhao*, Shutian Liu*, A novel V-shaped cross section cantilever sensor for monitoring concentrated masses with improved detecting sensitivity and measuring accuracy, IEEE Sensors Journal. 2014, 14(2), pp 11-19. (SCI/EI)
17.Liu Shutian, Dong Yanzhang and Xu Weikai, Design optimization for relative bandwidth of left-handed metamaterials with split-ring resonators. Journal of Optics, 2011. 13(015102 (7pp)). (SCI/EI)
18.Zhang Z., Liu S.T., Tang Z., Comparisons of honeycomb sandwich and foam-filled cylindrical columns under axial crushing loads, Thin-Walled Structures, 2011, 49(9):1071-1079. (SCI/EI)
19.Shutian Liu, Heting Qiao. Topology optimization of continuum structures with different tensile and compressive properties in bridge layout design. Structural and Mutidisciplinary Optimization, 2011, 43 (3): 369-380. (SCI/EI)
20.Zheqi Lin, Hae Chang Gea, Shutian Liu, Design of piezoelectric energy harvesting devices by applying topology optimization subjected to broadb and random vibrations, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2011, 27(5): 730-737. (SCI/EI)
21.Liu S, Su W. Topology optimization of couple-stress material structures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2010, 40(1): 319-327. (SCI/EI)
22.Zhang Z., Liu S.T., Tang Z., Crashworthiness investigation of kagome honeycomb sandwich cylindrical column under axial crushing loads, Thin-Walled Structures, 2010, 48(1):9-18.(SCI/EI)
23.Wiekai Xu, Yanzhang Dong, Shutian Liu, Possible Existence Of Granular Left-Handed Materials Based On Bruggeman Formalism. International Journal Of Modern Physics B, 2010, 24(27): 5469-5474.(SCI/EI)
24.Liu Shutian and Lin Zheqi, Integrated design optimization of voltage channel distribution and control voltages for tracking the dynamic shapes of smart plates. Smart Materials and Structures, 2010, 19():125013. (SCI/EI)
25.XU Weikai, LIU Shutian, DONG Yangzhang, Design of Structural Left-handed Material based on Topology Optimization, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2010, 25(2): 282-286. (SCI/EI)
26.Su W, Liu S. Size-dependent optimal microstructure design based on couple-stress theory. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2010, 42(2):243-254 .(SCI/EI)
27.Zhang Hui, Liu Shutian and Zhang Xiong, Topology optimization of 3D structures with design-dependent loads. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2010. 26(5): 767-775. (SCI/EI)
28.Zhang Hui, Liu Shutian and Zhang Xiong, Topology optimization of 3D structures with design-dependent loads. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2010. 26(5): 767-775. (SCI/EI)
29.Liu S, Su W. Topology optimization of couple-stress material structures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2010, 40(1): 319-327. (SCI/EI)
30.Zhang Z., Liu S.T., Tang Z., Crashworthiness investigation of kagome honeycomb sandwich cylindrical column under axial crushing loads, Thin-Walled Structures, 2010, 48(1):9-18.(SCI/EI)
31.Su W, Liu S. Size-dependent optimal microstructure design based on couple-stress theory. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2010, 42(2).(SCI/EI)
49.Liu Shutian, Cao Xianfan, Design optimization of material with zero thermal expansion coefficients and design verification with numerically simulated experiments, Acta Materiae compositae sinica, 2005, 22(1):126-132.
50.劉書田,陳秀華,曹先凡,汪海,夾芯圓柱殼穩定性最佳化,工程力學,2005,22(1): 135-140.
51.Liu Shutian, Chen Xiuhua, Cao Xianfan, Wang Hai, Optimization of buckling-prone cylindrical shells with porous material core, Engineering Mechanics, 2005, 22(1): 135-140.
52.馬紅艷,劉書田,顧元憲,張文首.隨機波浪作用下海洋平台回響分析與結構最佳化設計,工程力學, 2005, 22(1):129-134
53.Ma Hongyan, Liu Shutian, Gu Yuanxian, Zhang Wenshou, Response analysis and optimization of jacket offshore platforms under random wave load, Engineering Mechanics, 2005, 22(1): 129-134.
54.閻軍, 程耿東, 劉書田, 劉嶺, 周期性點陣類桁架材料等效彈性性能預測及尺度效應, 固體力學學報, 2005, 26(4):421-428
55.Yan Jun, Cheng Gengdong, Liu Shutian, Liu Ling, Prediction of Equivalent Elastic Properties Of Truss Materialsw Ith Periodic Microstructure and The Scale Effects, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2005, 26(4):421-428.
56.汪海,孫國鈞,許希武,劉書田, 縫合參數對複合材料板面內剛度和強度影響研究, 工程力學, 2005, 22(6): 82-86.
WANG Hai, SUN Guojun, XU Xiwu, LIU Shutian, Effects of Stitching Parameters on In-Plane Stiffness and Strength of Composite Laminates, Engineering Mechanics, 2005, 22(6): 82-86.
57.Ma Hongyan, Liu Shutian, Gu Yuanxian, Zhang Wenshou, Response analysis and optimization of jacket offshore platforms under random wave load, Engineering Mechanics, 2005, 22(1): 129-134.
58.閻軍, 程耿東, 劉書田, 劉嶺, 周期性點陣類桁架材料等效彈性性能預測及尺度效應, 固體力學學報, 2005, 26(4):421-428
Yan Jun, Cheng Gengdong, Liu Shutian, Liu Ling, Prediction of Equivalent Elastic Properties Of Truss Materialsw Ith Periodic Microstructure and The Scale Effects, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2005, 26(4):421-428