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  • 中文名:劉振
  • 學位/學歷:博士 




1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(32101853):秸稈利用下鹽鹼地農田土壤固碳與呼吸對作物光合的調控機制,30萬,2022.01–2024.12
2. 山東省自然科學基金青年項目(ZR2021QC189):耕作和秸稈還田下農田土壤固碳與呼吸對作物光合的貢獻機制,15萬,2022.01–2024.12
1. Liu, Z., Nie, L. P., Zhang, M. K., Zhang, S. M., Yang, H. Z., Guo, L. W., Xia, J. B., Ning, T. Y., Jiao, N. Y., Kuzyakov, Y. Long-term subsoiling and straw return increase soil organic carbon fractions and crop yield. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, 2023, 00094.
2. Liu, Z., Wang, N., Lü, J. L., Wang, L., Li, G., Ning, T. Y. Climate-smart tillage practices with straw return to sustain crop productivity. Agronomy, 2022, 12, 2452.
3. Liu, Z., Liu, W. T., Liu, H. T., Gao, T. P., Zhao, H. X., Li, G., Han, H. F., Li, Z. J., Lal, R., Ning, T. Y. Capture of soil respiration for higher photosynthesis with lower CO2 emission. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 246, 119029.
4. Liu, Z., Sun, K., Liu, W. T., Gao, T. P., Li, G., Han, H. F., Li, Z. J., Ning, T. Y. Responses of soil carbon, nitrogen, and wheat and maize productivity to 10 years of decreased nitrogen fertilizerunder contrasting tillage systems. Soil & Tillage Research, 2020, 196, 104444.
5. Liu, Z., Ma, F. Y., Hu, T. X., Zhao, K. G., Gao, T. P., Zhao, H. X., Ning, T. Y. Using stable isotopes to quantify water uptake from different soil layers and water use efficiency of wheat under long-term tillage and straw return practices. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 229, 105933.
6. Liu, Z., Gao, T. P., Tian, S. Z., Hu, H. Y., Li, G., Ning, T. Y. Soil organic carbon increment sources and crop yields under long-term conservation tillage practices in wheat-maize systems. Land Degradation & Development, 2020, 31, 1138–1150.
7. Liu, Z., Gao, T. P., Liu, W. T., Sun, K., Xin, Y. N., Liu, H. J., Wang, S. Z., Li, G., Han, H. F., Li, Z. J., Ning, T. Y. Effects of part and whole straw returning on soil carbon sequestration in C3–C4 rotation cropland. Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science, 2019, 182, 429–440.
8. Liu, Z., Sun, K., Zheng, B., Dong, Q. L., Li, G., Han, H. F., Li, Z. J., Ning, T. Y. Impacts of straw, biogas slurry, manure and mineral fertilizer applications on several biochemical properties and crop yield in a wheat-maize cropping system. Plant Soil & Environment,2019, 65, 1–8.
9. Liu, Z., Wang, D. Y., Li, G., Ning, T. Y., Tian, S. Z., Hu, H. Y., Li, Z. J. Cosmic exergy-based ecological assessment for farmland-dairy- biogas agroecosystems in North China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 159, 317–325.
10. Liu, Z., Wang, D. Y., Ning, T. Y., Zhang, S. M., Yang, Y., He, Z. K., Li, Z. J. Sustainability assessment of straw utilization circulation modes based on the emergetic ecological footprint. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 75, 1–7.
11. Tian, S. Z.#, Liu, Z.#, Wang, B. W., Wang, Y., Li, Z. J., Lal, R., Ning, T.Y. Balancing the use of maize residues for soil amendment and forage. Plant Soil & Environment, 2016, 11, 490–496.
12. 劉振, 寧堂原. 黃淮海平原灌區節水高效耕作制度構建. 乾旱地區農業研究, 2023, 41, 31-40.
13. 劉振, 劉玲, 張淑敏, 孫濤, 寧堂原, 李傳榮, 李增嘉. 秸稈利用循環模式的能值效率和持續發展能力. 生態學報, 2016, 36, 4739–4750.


