



  • 中文名:劉小京
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1966年
  • 職業:教師








1、南皮近濱海缺水鹽漬區綜合治理配套技術研究. 1990年河北省科技進步一等獎.
4、南皮近濱海缺水鹽漬區淺層地下水最佳化利用與調控模式研究. 1990年中國科學院科技進步三等獎.
5、深淺井結合鹹淡水混用低壓管道輸水灌水技術的試驗研究. 1992年獲中國科學院科技進步三等獎.
6、黑龍港流域缺水區夏玉米節水高產農機農藝結合配套技術. 1995年獲河北省科技進步三等獎.
7、南皮試區旱地棉田農機農藝配套技術研究. 1996年獲中國科學院科技進步三等獎.
8、金絲小棗籬壁型早果高產優質高效栽培技術. 1997年獲林業部科技進步三等獎.


1.Jin Xu, Yuzhen Wang, Hengxia Yin, Xiaojing Liu*. Efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Malus zumi (Matsumura) Rehd using leaf explant regeneration system. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 2009, DOI: 10.2225/vol12-issue1-fulltext-4.
2.Jin Xu, Hengxia Yin, Wenying Wang, Qin Mi, Xiaojing Liu*. Effects of sodium nitroprusside on callus induction and shoots regeneration in micropropagated Dioscorea opposita. Plant Growth Regulation DOI: 10.1007/s10725-009-9410-z
3.Xiangjun Li*,Ping An, Shinobu Inanaga, Egrinya Eneji, Xiaojing Liu. 2009.Nitrogen accumulation in Soybean following defoliation. Journal of Plant Nutrition,32:71-83
4. Li, W., An, P., Liu, X., Khan, M.A., Tsuji, W. and Tanaka, K. 2008. The effect of light, temperature and bracteoles on germination of polymorphic seeds of Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin under saline conditions Seed Sci. & Technol., 36, 325-338
5.WEI-QIANG LI, LIU XIAO-JING*, M. AJMAL KHAN2 AND BILQUEES GUL. 2008. Relationship between soil characteristics and halophytic vegetation in coastal region of North China. Pakistan Journal of Botany 40(3):1081-1090.
6. WLi, P. AN and X. Liu. 2008. Effect of storage, stratification, temperature and gibberellins on germination of dimorphic seeds of Suaeda salsa under saline conditions. Seed science and technology 36:122-132
7.Xiaojing Liu*,Wei Huang, Zhen Niu, Shinsuke Mori, Toshiaki Tadano. 2008. Interactive Effect of Moisture Levels and Salinity Levels of Soil on the Growth and Ion Relations of Halophyte.Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39(5 & 6 ): 741 – 752.
8. Zhigang Li, Xiaojing Liu*, Xiumei Zhang, Weiqiang Li.2008. Infiltration of melting saline ice water in soil columns:Consequences on soil moisture and salt content. Agricultural Water Management 95:498-502
9.Yanmin Yang , Zhu Ouyang,, Yonghui Yang, Xiaojing Liu.2008. Simulation of the effect of pruning and topping oncotton growth using COTTON2K model. Field Crops Research 106: 126–137.
10. Deyu Duan, Weiqiang Li, Xiaojing Liu*, Hua Ouyang, Ping An. 2007. Seed germination and seedling growth of Suaeda salsa under salt stress. Ann. Bot. Fennci 44: 161-169.
11.Salman. Gulzar, M.A. Khan, Xiaojing Liu,2007. Seed Germination Strategies of Desmostachya Bipinnata: A Fodder Crop for Saline Soils. Rangeland Ecology & Management 60(4):401-407.
12. Shaikh Faiza, Gul Bilquees, Li Weiqiang, Liu Xiaojing, Khan M. Ajmal. 2007. Effect of calcium and light on the seed germination of Urochondra setulosa under different salts. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B. 8(1):20-26.
13. Yanmin Yang, Xiaojing Liu*, Zhu Ouyang, Yonghui Yang, and Xinli Wang.2006. An optimal staggered canopy system for high yield cultivation of cotton and light distribution in the canopy. Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability III, edited by Wei Gao, Susan L. Ustin, (Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6298 62982G1-11). (EI)
14. Yang Yanmin, Liu Xiaojing*, Li Weiqiang, Li Cunzhen. 2006. Effect of different mulch materials on winter wheat production in desalinized soil in Heilonggang region of North China. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B. 7(11):858-867.
15. Salman Gulzar, M. Ajmal Khan, Irwin A. Ungar and Xiaojing Liu. 2005. Influence of Salinity on growth and osmotic relations of Sporobolus ioclados. Pak. J. Bot. 37(1):119-129
16. Weiqiang Li, Xiaojing Liu, M.Ajmal Khan, S. Yamaguchi. 2005. The effect of plant growth regulators, nitric oxide, nitrate, nitrite and light on the germination of dimorphic seeds of Suaeda salsa under saline conditions. Journal of Plant Research 118(3), 207-214
17. Li, W. Q., Liu, X. J., Khan, M. A., Kamiya, Y. and Yamaguchi, S. 2005. Hormonal and environmental regulation of seed germination in flixweed (Descurainia sophia). Plant Growth Regulation. 45(3), 199–207.
18. Xiaojing Liu, Yanmin Yang, Weiqiang Li, Cunzhen Li., Deyu Duan and Toshiaki Tadano.2004. Interactive Effects of Sodium Chloride and Nitrogen on Growth and Ion Accumulation of a Halophyte.Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 35 (15&16), 2111-2123.
19. Deyu Duan,Xiaojing Liu, M. Ajmal Khan and Bilquees Gul. 2004. Effects of salt and water stress on seed germination of Chenopodium glaucum L.Pakistan Journal of Botany 36(4):793-800
20. Ichizen, N., Nishio, T., Sun, J. Y. and Liu, X. J..2004. Relationship between wheat yield and Suaeda glauca coverage on fields with different soil Na concentrations in China. Weed Biology and Management 4(3), 168-170.
21. K.R.Reddy, R.R.Robana, Harry F. Hodges, X. J. Liu, James M. Mckinion. 1998. Interactions of CO2 enrichment and temperature on cotton growth and leaf characteristics. Environmwntal and Experimental Botany 39,117-129
22. 陳成升,謝志霞,劉小京. 旱鹽互作對冬小麥幼苗生長及其抗逆生理特性的影響. 套用生態學報 2009,20(4):811-816
23. 李志剛,劉小京,張秀梅,孫家靈,牛振. 冬季鹹水結冰灌溉后土壤水鹽運移規律的初步研究. 華北農學報 2008,23(增刊):187-192.
24. 劉小京、劉孟雨主編:鹽生植物利用與區域農業可持續發展。氣象出版社,北京,2002。


