- 中文名:劉俊
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:中國科學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:四川大學旅遊學院系主任
- 職稱:教授
- Jun Liu, Tingting Feng, Xi Yang. The Energy Requirements and Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Tourism Industry of Western China: A Case of Chengdu City. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2011,15(2887-2894). (SCI 影響力因子:4.56)
- Quan sheng Ge, Jun hu Dai, Jun Liu*The Effect of Climate Change on the Fall Foliage Vacation in China. Tourism Management. (On line doi 10.1016/j.tourman.2013.02.020). (SSCI 影響力因子:2.59) *通訊作者
- Jun Liu, Han Cheng, Xiaoqian Sun, Lihuang, Qiuchan Fan.Effects of climate change on outdoor skating in the Bei Hai Park of Beijing and related adaptive strategies. Sustainability. 2017,6 (SSCI影響力因子:1.78)
- Jun Liu, Jianghuan Zhu, Yunyun Li, Chu lin, Lijun Wu.Farming versus tourism: The case of a World Heritage Site in China. Tourism Economics,2017,6 (SSCI影響力因子:0.86)
- Jun Liu, Chu. Lin,Li. Huang, Jianghuan Zhu, Lijun Wu,Yunyun Li. Use of Household Survey Data as a Tool to Assess the Carbon Footprint of Rural Tourist Accommodation and Related Services in China: A Case Study of Mount Qingcheng,Sustainability. 2017,6 (SSCI影響力因子:1.78)
- Fan Chen, Jun Liu*, Quansheng Ge. Pulling vs. pushing: effect of climate factors on periodical fluctuation of Russian and South Korean tourist demand in Hainan Island, China. Chinese Geographical Science.2017,27(4): 648–659. (SCI影響力因子:1.3) *通訊作者
- Haolong Liu, Junhu Dai and Jun Liu*.Spatiotemporal variation in full-flowering dates of tree peonies in the middle and lower reaches of China's Yellow River: A simulation through the panel data model. Sustainability. 2017,6 (SSCI影響力因子:1.78)*通訊作者
- Jun Liu, Fan Chen, Quansheng Ge, Yunyun Li. Climate Change and Fruit-Picking Tourism: Impact and Adaptation.2016, advances in meteorology. (SCI影響力因子:1.3)
- Ge quansheng,Xi Yang,Zhi Qiao,Haolong Liu,Jun Liu*. Monitoring Grassland Tourist Season of Inner Mongolia, China using Remote Sensing Data. Advances in Meteorology .2014 (SCI 影響力因子1.24) *通訊作者
- Jun Liu,Xi Yang,Haolong Liu, Zhi Qiao.Sensor Nodes Deployment Strategy for Monitoring Roadside Biomass Carbon Stocks of Tourism Destination: a case of Wulong World Natural Heritage, China. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2014 (SCI 影響力因子1.38)
- 劉俊,李云云. 氣候變化對成都桃花觀賞旅遊的影響與人類適應行為.地理研究,2016.3.(CSSCI)
- 劉俊,李云云,林楚,王家慶.長江旅遊帶旅遊資源空間格局研究.長江流域資源與環境,2016,7.(CSSCI)
- 2017年,主持國家自然基金面上項目“四川植物觀賞旅遊時令時空格局對氣候變化的回響與人類適應研究”(41771163)
- 2011-2015年,主持國家自然基金青年基金項目“武隆世界遺產地旅遊業化石能源消費與土地利用/覆被變化的綜合碳效應研究”(41101115)已結題
- 2017年,主持國家重點研發計畫,國際合作項目“食物浪費綜合效應評估及減量化技術引進與研發”子課題
- 2017年,主持中國科學院重點部署任務項目“新時期國民營養與糧食安全研究”(ZDBS-SSW-DQC 002)子課題
- 2018年,主持四川省重點研發項目“可持續發展實驗區智慧旅遊發展關鍵技術集成與示範”(2018SZ0373)
- 2016年,主持教育部人文社科項目“生態安全約束條件下旅遊小城鎮開發邊界劃定研究”(16YJC790060)