


2010年應邀擔任香港城市大學訪問教授(Visiting Professor)。


  • 中文名:劉亞猛
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:福建永春
  • 出生日期:1948年10月1出生
  • 職業:教授,博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:美國南加州大學
  • 主要成就:獲福建省社科優秀作品一等獎
  • 代表作品:《追求象徵的力量》,《西方修辭學史》


1978.3--1979.6 福建師範大學外語系77級英語專業本科。
1979.9--1982.8 福建師範大學外語系研究生,獲英語語言文學碩士學位。
1987年獲得美國南加州大學(University of Southern California)最高研究獎學金,轉為自費公派留學生,開 始在該校英文系"修辭學、文學、語言學跨學科博士專業"攻讀以西方修辭為方向的博士學位。
1992年獲博士學位後,歷任美國卡內基-梅隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)英文系英語和修辭學助理教授、副教授。在卡內基-梅隆大學工作期間開設英語和修辭專業本科到博士研究生的各種課程,指導過多名以西方修辭為方向的美國博士生。
2010年應邀擔任香港城市大學訪問教授(Visiting Professor)。


西方修辭歷史和理論 (History and theory of rhetoric)
論辯研究 (Argumentation studies)
比較文化和比較修辭研究 (Comparative culture and comparative rhetoric)


1.《追求象徵的力量:關於西方修辭思想的思考》北京: 三聯書店, 2004.
2.《西方修辭學史》 北京: 外語教學與研究出版社, 2008




自1996-1997學年度以來參加指導美國卡內基—梅隆大學英語系修辭專業美國博士研究生總計六名, 其中作為指導委員會主席全程指導博士生(直到通過答 辯獲得學位)1名。


國際修辭學史研究會 (ISHR)會員
中國跨文化交際研究會 會員


1. "Mahathir's Oratory, 'Asian Voices,' and the Rhetorical Norm of the Global Village." The 1998 Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: June 6, 1998).
2. "From Arguing within to Arguing across Boundaries: Globalization as a New Challenge to Argumentation Studies." The 4th International Conference on Argumentation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands: June 16-19, 1998).
3. "Open Up the 'Deep Play' in the Conceptualization of Cross-Cultural Composition Textbooks." The 1999 Conference of College Composition and Communication (Atlanta: March 25, 1999)
4. "Contact Zone and Imagination." The 2000 Conference of College Composition and Communication (Minneapolis: April 15, 2000)
5. "The Other of Classical Rhetoric and Classical Rhetoric as the Other." The 2000 Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference (Washington, D.C.: May 27, 2000)
6. "The Development of Ancient Chinese Rhetoric and the Invention of Classical Chinese Discourse." The 2001 Conference of College Composition and Communication (Denver: March 16, 2001)
7. "Beyond Wartime Propaganda: Argumentation and Hostilities in the Age of Information and Democracy." The 5th International Conference on Argumentation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands: June 25-28, 2002)
8. "Imposed Dialogues: Moderating Political/Legal Wrangles through Mediated Interactions."Conference on Argumentation in Dialogic Interaction. (Lugano, Switzerland. June 30, 2002)
9. "Countersigning with Ancient Chinese Masters and Postmodern Western Thinkers, or How to Overcome a Double Otherness with a Double Responsibility." The 2003 Conference of College Composition and Communication (New York: March 20, 2003)
10."Cross-cultural Miscommunication and Its Remedies." China Fifth International Symposium on Cross-cultural Communication (Xiangtan, Hunan: Oct. 11-13, 2003)
11."Relevance and Rhetoric." The 8th Pragmatics Conference of China (Guangzhou, Guangdong: Dec. 18-20.)
12.“English and American Literary Studies at a Crossroads” (處於三岔路口的英美文學研究) The 2004 Conference of China Society for the Study of English Literature (Fuzhou, Fujian: Nov. 19-23, 2004) [中國英國文學學會2004福州研討會(福州:2004年11月19-23日)].
13.“The Pragmatician’s Self-fashioning” (語用學家的自我定位). The 2nd Annual Conference of China Pragmatics Association (Fuzhou, Fujian: Dec. 3-7,2004) [中國語用學研究會第二屆年會 (福州:2004年12月3-7日)].


——劉亞猛,1984,語義場與英語修辭 [J],《福建外語》第2期。
——劉亞猛,1986, 上下文與上下文分析 [J],《福建外語》第2期。
——Liu, Yameng. 1989. The Making of Elizabeth Drury: The Voice of God in `An Anatomy of the World` [J]. The John Donne Journal 8.1 2: 89 102.
[造出一個伊利莎白·德如瑞來:約翰·唐恩“解剖世界”一詩中的上帝之聲。 發表於《約翰·唐恩學刊》1989年第1-2期合刊。]
——Liu, Yameng. 1991. Aristotle and the Stasis Theory [J]. Rhetoric Society Quarterly
21.1: 53 59.
[亞里士多德與爭議點理論。 發表於《北美修辭學會季刊》1991年第1期。]
——Young, Richard, and Yameng Liu (eds.). 1994. Landmark Essays on Rhetorical Invention in Writing. Eds [C]. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press, 1994.
[《有關修辭發明的標誌性論文》。與美國當代著名修辭理論家Richard Young 教授合編,1994年由美國赫爾瑪格拉斯出版社出版]
——Liu, Yameng. 1995. Disciplinary Politics and the Institutionalization of the Generic Triad in Classical Rhetoric [J]. College English 57.1: 9-26.
——Liu, Yameng. 1995. The Dilemma of Argumentation and the Possibility of Engagement in Philosophical Debates [A]. In Frans H. van Eemeren et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Argumentation [C]. Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation.
[哲學論辯中的兩難。 發表於國際論辯研究中心1995年出版的《第3屆國際論辯研討會優秀論文集》]
——Liu, Yameng. 1995. Rhetoric and Reflexivity [J]. Philosophy and Rhetoric 28.4: 333-49.
——Liu, Yameng. 1996. Three Issues in the Argumentative Conception of Early Chinese Discourse [J]. Philosophy East and West 46.1: 33-58.
——Liu, Yameng. 1996. To Capture the Essence of Chinese Oratory: An Anatomy of a Paradigm in Comparative Rhetoric [J]. Rhetoric Review 14.2 : 318-35.
——Liu, Yameng. 1996. "Confucius." In Theresa Enos (ed). The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. New York: Garland. 139-140.
——Liu, Yameng. 1996. "Correctness." In Theresa Enos (ed). The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. New York: Garland, 1996. 151-53.
——Liu, Yameng. 1997. Unintelligibility or Defeat: The Issue of Engagement in Philosophical Debates [J]. Argumentation 11.4: 479-91.
——Liu, Yameng. 1997. Authority, Presumption, and Invention [J]. Philosophy and Rhetoric 30.4: 413-27.
——Liu, Yameng, and Richard E. Young. 1998. “Disciplinary Assumptions and Institutional Imperatives: Structural Tensions in the Pedagogy of Rhetoric” [J]. JAC 18.3: 475-88.
——Liu, Yameng. 1999. “Self, Other, In-between: Cross-cultural Composition Readers and the Reconstruction of Cultural Identities.” In Xin Liu Gale and Fredric G. Gale (eds.). (Re)Visioning Composition Textbooks: Conflicts of Culture, Ideology, and Pedagogy. Albany: SUNY Press. 69-92.
——Liu, Yameng. 1999. Justify My Position in Your Terms: Cross-cultural Argumentation in a Globalized World.” Argumentation 13.3 (1999): 297-315.
——Liu, Yameng. 1999. “Thou Shalt Not Work Both Sides of the Aisle: Dick Morris, Ideology, and the Regulation of the Flow of Rhetorical Resources” [A]. In Jack Selzer and Sharon Crowley (eds.). Rhetorical Bodies [C]. Madison: U of Wisconsin P. 314-25.
——Liu, Yameng. 1999. "From Arguing Within to Arguing Across Boundaries: Globalization as a New Challenge to Argumentation Studies" (A). In Frans H. van Eemeren et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Argumentation [C]. Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation. 519-23.
——Liu, Yameng. 2000. “Contrastive Rhetoric/Comparative Rhetoric.” In Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum. Eds. Linda Shamoon, et al. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 2000. 71-75.
——Liu, Yameng. 2002. "Invention and Inventiveness: A Postmodern Redaction." In Perspectives on Rhetorical Invention. Eds. Janet Atwill and Janice Lauer. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.
[從後現代的觀點重新審視修辭發明與發明性。 發表於美國田納西大學出版社2002年出版的《有關修辭發明的當代理論觀點》一書。]
——Liu, Yameng. 2003. “Beyond Wartime Propaganda: Argumentation and Hostilities in the Age of Information and Democracy” [A]. In Frans H. van Eemeren et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Argumentation [C]. Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation. 679-690.
[超越戰時宣傳:信息和民主時代戰爭與論辯的關係。 發表於國際論辯研究中心2003年出版的《第5屆國際論辯研討會優秀論文集》]
——Liu, Yameng. 2004. Argument in a Nutshell: Condensation as a Transfiguring Mechanism in Argumentative Discourse. Argumentation 18.1: 43-59.
[一言以論之:濃縮作為論辯的變形手段。 發表於國際論辯學會會刊《論辯》2004年第1期。]
——Liu, Yameng. 2004. “Rhetoric and the Invention of Ancient Chinese Discourse.” Rhetoric Before and Beyond the Greeks. Eds. Carol Lipson & Roberta Binkley. New York: SUNY. 147-164. [“修辭與中國先秦話語的發明.” 長篇英文論文. 發表於由美國紐約州立大學出版社2004年出版的《古希臘之前和之外的修辭傳統》一書]
——劉亞猛, 2004,關聯與修辭 [J]. 《外語教學與研究》36.4 (2004): 252-55.
——劉亞猛,2004,風物常宜放眼量:西方學術文化與中西學術翻譯.《中國翻譯》25.6 (2004): 44-48.
——劉亞猛,2004, 西方修辭學科建設:迷惘與希望 [J].《福建師範大學學報哲學社會科學版》 6 (2004).
——劉亞猛,2004,《追求象徵的力量:關於西方修辭思想的思考》. 北京:三聯書店, 2004.
——劉亞猛,2005,韋努蒂的“翻譯倫理”及其自我解構 [J].《中國翻譯》26.5 (2005): 40-45.
——劉亞猛,2006,詮釋與修辭 《福建師範大學學報》
——劉亞猛,2006,二十世紀美國修辭的宣言——評韋恩·布斯的《關於修辭的修辭:對有效交流的求索》 《修辭學習》
——劉亞猛,2007, 修辭與當代西方史學論爭 《修辭學習》
——劉亞猛,2009,當代西方人文學科的範式轉換及中國修辭學的發展模式 《修辭學習》
——劉亞猛,2010, 當代西方修辭研究的兩個特點及其緣由 《當代修辭學》
——劉亞猛,2010,言說與秩序:軸心時期中西語言思想的一個重要區別及其當代含義 《浙江大學學報》
——劉亞猛,朱純深 2011,Rhetoric as the Antistrophos of pragmatics: Toward a "Competition of Cooperation" in the study of language use 《Journal of Pragmatics》


