- 書名:分數統計與量子理論
- 作者:A.Khare
- ISBN:9787506247191
- 頁數:309
- 定價:38.00元
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 出版時間:2000-6
- 裝幀:簡裝本
1.1 Historical Review
1.2 Plan of the Book
2 Fractional Statistics in Two Dimensions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Why Fractional Spin?
2.3 Wily Fractional Statistics?
2.4 Basic Properties of Anyons
2.5 Flux Tube Model of Anyons
2.6 The Braid Group
3 Quantum Mechanics of Anyons
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Two Noninteracting Anyons
3.3 Two Anyons in an Oscillator Potential
3.4 Two Anyons in a Uniform Magnetic Field
3.5 Magnetic Field with Coulomb Repulsion
3.6 Scattering of Two Anyons in Coulomb Field
3.7 N Anyons in an Oscillator Potential
3.8 Three Anyon Ground State
3.9 General Results for N Anyons
3.10 N Anyons Experiencing a N-body Potential
3.11 N Anyons in a Uniform Magnetic Field
3.12 Pseudo-Integrability of N Anyon systen
4 Statistical Mechanics of an Ideal Anyon Gas
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Idel Fermi Gas in Two Dimensions
4.3 Ideal Bose Gas in Two Dimensions
4.4 Ideal Anyon Gas: Second Virial Coefficient
4.5 Ideal Anyon Gas: Third Virial Coefficient
4.6 Ideal Anyon Gas: Higher Virial Coefficient
5 Fractional Exclusion Statistics
5.1 Introducion
5.2 Distributin Function
5.3 Thermodynamics of an Ideal Gas
5.4 Gentile Statistics
5.5 New Fractional Exclusion Statistics
6 introdcuion to Chern-Simons Term
6.1 Introcution
6.2 What is Chern-Simons Term?
6.3 Gauge Invariant Mass Term?
6.4 Behavior Under c, p, and T
6.5 Coleman-Hill Theorem
7 Soliton as Anyon in Field Theories
8 Anyons as Elementary Field Quanta
9 Anyon Superconductivity
10 Quantum Hall Effect and Anyons
11 Omitted Topics