



  • 軟體名稱:分數移動
  • 軟體平台IOS
  • 軟體大小:17.42 MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
犯滿離場旨在提供全面和完全可定製的分數,統計,新聞,警報和iPhone和iPad更終極的移動運動的經驗。 ?蘋果的“驚人的應用程式的iPhone 5 ”。 ?精選App Store的基本運動為iPhone和iPad應用程式。 ? App Store的精華名人堂成員。 ? “時代”雜誌50必須具備的iPad應用程式。 實時覆蓋範圍包括: - 足球( NFL , NCAA , CFL ) - 籃球( NBA , NCAA - 包括瘋狂三月) - 曲棍球( NHL - 世界青年冰球錦標賽, IIHF ) - 棒球(MLB ) - 混合武術( MMA : UFC ,鋒線Bellator ,分數格鬥系列) - 足球(英超/英超,意甲,西甲,德甲,歐冠, MLS ) - 賽車( NASCAR Sprint杯子,公式1 ) - 高爾夫( PGA , LPGA , EPGA ) - 網球( ATP , WTA ) - 長曲棍球( NLL) ? NEW - 手機體育新聞的方式,它的意思是:視覺更豐富,全面,的snackable內容!犯滿離場提供最全面,策劃,手機體育新聞。進入任何聯盟的新聞欄目,並獲得最新的故事,鳴叫, GIF和視頻犯滿離場的內部的內容團隊親自送到。按照一個故事,從開始到結束,每一口大小的堆放在上面的最後更新。 ?新的新聞和熱門遊戲:我們會為你帶來最大的體育故事在瞬間熱門新聞。熱門新聞,讓你的故事成為頭條新聞,一目了然地查看。想知道什麼樣的遊戲,看出來的?沒問題。熱門遊戲收集所有最流行的事件在一個地方,你在那一刻,體育趨勢的未來,所以你不會錯過的事情。 ?新最新新聞警報的每個聯賽中,球隊和球員:爭取最大的新聞在您最喜愛的運動之上。您可以配置這些設定區域開/關。 ?新玩家提示: NFL,NBA, NHL和MLB用戶犯滿離場的新玩家警報實時通知他們後當一名球員做出了重大的得分的好戲,或參與新聞。例如,如果你需要知道什麼時候你的四分衛拋出一個達陣或你的球員之一,是不是在首發陣容,我們就開槍打死你一個警告,讓你知道。 ?新的播放器比較:你現在可以選擇從幾乎任何聯賽的球員,並比較他們的切身統計側端,然後再作出任何倉促名冊移動。想知道誰擁有更多的傳球碼 - 德魯布雷斯或湯姆·布雷迪?這種類型的問題回答了在一個單元的比較工具,可從任何球員卡通過點擊任何花名冊,比分或領導人部分。 ?我的分數: “我的分數”區域定製應用程式。按照任何一支球隊,球員或事件。球員分組,你可以按照你的幻想隊(足球,曲棍球,籃球和棒球)在一個實時的應用程式。 ?推動快訊:獲得免費推送警報,包括目標,在任何遊戲中的宿舍和關鍵時刻的兩端,讓你的行動上,隨時隨地。 ?球員卡的概況: “球員卡配置” ,在這裡你可以做播放器的照片,最近的表現,賽季的統計,生物,更深入的研究。 ?水平狀態查看器:使用“水平狀態查看器”來查看統計先進!翻轉您的設備上水平的球員卡或盒高分屏查看更深的統計。 ?團隊:使用“團隊視圖”跟上每一個扣籃,目標,達陣或擺動和瀏覽團隊的具體訊息,排名,最近的表現,賽季日程,花名冊和傷害。您也可以按照接收推送通知任何一支球隊每場比賽的目標,或團隊日程同步到您的日曆。 ?在Twitter上關注我們的最新更新
theScore is designed to deliver the ultimate mobile sports experience with comprehensive and completely customizable scores, stats, news, alerts and much more for the iPhone and iPad. One of Apple's "Amazing Apps for iPhone 5". Featured as an App Store Essential Sports App for iPhone and iPad. Member of the App Store Essentials Hall of Fame. One of Time Magazine's 50 Must-Have iPad apps. Real time coverage includes: - Football (NFL, NCAA, CFL) - Basketball (NBA, NCAA - including March Madness) - Hockey (NHL, IIHF - World Junior Hockey Championship) - Baseball (MLB) - Mixed Martial Arts (MMA: UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator, Score Fighting Series) - Soccer (EPL / Premier League, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, UEFA Champions, MLS) - Auto Racing (NASCAR Sprint Cup, Formula 1) - Golf (PGA, LPGA, EPGA) - Tennis (ATP, WTA) - Lacrosse (NLL) NEW – Mobile sports news the way it’s meant to be: Rich, comprehensive, snackable content with even more visuals! theScore now delivers the most comprehensive, curated, mobile sports news available. Go into the News section of any league and get the latest stories, tweets, GIFs and videos personally delivered by theScore’s in-house content team. Follow a story from start to finish, with each bite-sized update stacked on top the last. NEW Top News and Hot Games: We’ll bring you the biggest sports stories in an instant with Top News. Top News gives you an at-a-glance view of the stories making headlines. Want to know what games to look out for No problem. Hot Games gathers all of the most popular events in one place, showing you what’s trending in sports at that moment and what’s coming-up, so you won't miss a thing. NEW Breaking News Alerts for Every League, Team and Player: Be on top of the biggest news in your favorite sports. You can configure these on/off in the settings area. NEW Player Alerts: With theScore’s new Player Alerts for NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB users are notified in real-time when a player they’re following makes a major scoring play or is involved in breaking news. For example, if you need to know when your quarterback throws a touchdown or one of your guys is not in the starting line-up, we’ll shoot you an alert and let you know. NEW Player Compare: You’ll now be able to select players from almost any league and compare their vital stats side-by-side, before you make any hasty roster moves. Want to know who has more passing yards - Drew Brees or Tom Brady This type of question is answered in a snap with the compare tool, accessible from any player card by clicking on any roster, box score or leaders sections. My Score: Use the "My Score" area to customize the app. Follow any team, player or event. With Player grouping you can follow all of your fantasy teams (football, hockey, basketball and baseball) in one app in real-time. Push Alerts: Receive free Push Alerts including goals, ends of quarters and key moments in any game to keep you on top of the action; anytime-anywhere. Player Card Profiles: Check out the "Player Card Profiles" where you can do in-depth research with player photos, recent performances, season stats, bio and more. Horizontal Stats Viewer: Use the "Horizontal Stats Viewer" to view advanced stats! Flip your device horizontally on a player card or box score screen to view deeper stats. Team View: Use the "Team View" to keep up with every dunk, goal, touchdown or swing and browse team specific news, rankings, recent performances, season schedules, rosters and injuries. You can also follow any team to receive push alerts for every game or goal, or sync the team schedule to your calendar. Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates


