



  • 書名:全球傳媒報告(Ⅰ 戰爭與傳媒)
  • 作者李希光
  • 出版社復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2005年01月01日
  • 定價:16.0
  • ISBN:9787309045246
封面專題: 公共形象與危機管理
◆ 為形象與聲望而戰: 試論全球傳播時代的政府形象與公共關係戰略 董關鵬
◆複雜利益事件中如何塑造政府形象——由城市改造問題引發的思考 寇佳嬋
◆跨文化語境下的形象修復策略——杜邦“特富龍”事件形象修復話語分析 尹麗娟 史安斌
◆全球媒介經濟學的生態狀況與發展趨勢——以《媒介經濟學雜誌》所刊論文為例 邵培仁 張 潔
◆中國媒體國際傳播的障礙與應對策略探討 許正林
◆信息帝國批判 阿蘭·奈特 菲利浦·羅伯森
◆影響媒體內容豐富性的阻礙因素——關於電視製作設備及人員的基礎理論研究 羅伯特·G·皮卡特
◆論日本媒體對中報導框架的形成與變遷 張 寧
中國國家利益視角中的日本——《環球時報》如何報導日本 嚴怡寧
◆新聞語言與意識形態——從美國期刊對“人民幣升值”的報導說起 范 紅 霍 侃
◆可見與不可見——視覺藝術與文化 周 進
◆俄媒體政治功能轉型對社會穩定的影響 胡逢瑛 吳 非
◆德國廣播電視業的發展及其管理模式 丁智勇 陳虹嫣
◆ 維亞康姆中國發展策略研究 潘 霽
◆ 日本動漫成功之考察——從民族文化和深刻主題切入 李 婧
Table of Contents
Cover Topic: Public Image and Crisis Management
Fight for Image and Reputation: On the Government Image and Public Relation Strategy in the Global Communication Era Dong Guanpeng
How to Build Government Image in Events with Mixed Interests — A Case Study of City Reconstruction Kou Jiachan
DuPont's Discourse on “Teflon” in China: Restoring Image in an Intercultural Context Yin Lijuan Shi Anbin
Media Research
Ecological Situations and Development Trends of Global Media Economics — Examples from Journal of Media Economics Shao Peiren Zhang Jie
Obstacles and Countermeasures of Chinese Media in the International Communication Xu Zhenglin
Voices from the Overseas
On the Criticism of Information Imperial Alan Knight Philip Robertson
Obstacles to Abundance of Media Content — Basic Theoretical Research on Television Production Equipment and Professional Personnel Robert G. Picard
Communication & China
The Formation and Transformation of the Framing of News Coverage on China by Japanese Media Zhang Ning
The National Image of Japan from the View of China's National Interest —
How does Global Times Report Japan Yan Yining
Academic Papers
News Language and Ideology: A Case Study of Chinese Currency Appreciation
Coverage in the U.S. News Magazines Fan Hong Huo Kan
Visible and Invisible — Vision Art and Culture Zhou Jin
Global Media Outlook
The Influence of Transformation of the Russian Media's Political Function on Social Stability Hu Fengying Wu Fei
The Development of German Broadcasting Industry and its Management Mode Ding Zhiyong Chen Hongyan
Case Studies
The Research of Viacom's Development Strategy in China Pan Ji
The Review of Japanese Cartoon's Success — From National Culture and Profound Topic Li Jing


