1、Yuzhen Wang, Taoyong Chen, Chaofeng Han, Donghua He, Haibo,Liu, Huazhang An, Zhen Cai, Xuetao Cao. Lysosome-associated Small Rab GTPase Rab7b Negatively Regulates TLR4 Signaling in Macrophages by Promoting Lysosomal Degradation of TLR4.Blood 2007,110(3):962-971
2、Xiaochun Ge, Guo-Jing Li(co-first author), Shengbin Wang, Huifen Zhu, Tong Zhu, Xun Wang, Yiji Xia, AtNUDT7, a negative regulator of basal immunity in Arabidopsis, modulates two distinct defense response pathways and is involved in maintaining redox homeostasis, Plant Physiology, 2007, 145: 204-215
3、Dongtao Ren, Kwang-Yeol Yang, Guo-Jing Li(co-first author), Yidong Liu and Shuqun Zhang, Activation of Ntf4, a Tobacco Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase, during Plant Defense Response and Its Involvement in Hypersensitive Response-Like Cell Death,Plant Physiology, 2006,141:1482-1493
4、Lide Bao, Shivani Chatterjee, Sabine Lohmer, and Dietmar Schomburg. An Irreversible and Kinetically Controlled Process: Thermal Induced Denaturation of L-2-Hydroxyisocaproate Dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus confuses. The Protein Journal, 2007,26(3), 143-151
5、Yang Yan, Ma You-zhi, Xu Zhao-shi, Chen Xin-ming, He Zhong-hu, Yu Zhuo, M Wilkinson, D. H. Jones, R. P. Shewry and Xia Lan-qin. Isolation and expression characterization of novel Vp-1genes in Chinese wheats. J. Exp. Bot, 2007, 58 (11):2863-2871
6、Wang M.Y., Gu D., Liu T.S., et al. Overexpression of a putative maize calcineurin B-like protein in Arabidopsis confers salt tolerance, Plant Mol. Biol., 2007, 65, 733-746
7、Yang Yan, Zhao Xian-Lin, Xia Lan-qin, Chen Xin-ming, Xia Xian-chun, Yu Zuo and He Zhong-hu. Development and validation of a Viviparous-1 STS marker for pre-harvest sprouting resistence in Chinese wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet.,2007, 115:971-980
8、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Ryuichi WADA. Hideki ENDO. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Motoki SASAKI. Masa-aki OIKAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Macroscopic Anatomy of the Auditory Tube Divericulum (Guttural Pouch) in the Thoroughbred Equine---A Silicon Mold Approach---. Okajimas Folia Anat.Jpn.76(6),335~346,2000 (Equine Research Institute Report 2000: 65~66)
9、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Ryuichi WADA. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Atsutoshi KUWANO. Masa-aki OIKAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Histological and Morphometrical Studies on the Mucosa of the Equine Guttural Pouch (Auditory Tube Diverticulum). Okajimas Folia Anat,Jpn. 77(2-3),69~76,2000 (Equine Research Institute Report 2000: 66~67)
10、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Ryuichi WADA. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Takeo SUGIURA. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Masa-aki OIKAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Distribution of Immunoglobulin Isotypes and Subisotypes in Equine Guttural Pouch (Auditory Thbe Diverticulum). J.Vet.Med.Sci. 62(9),1001~1003,2000 (Equine Research Institute Report 2000: 67)
11、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Seiji HOBO. Toru ANZAI. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Ryuichi WADA. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Masa-aki OIKAWA. Atsuhiko HASEGAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Microbiological and Cytological Analysis of Guttural Pouch Lavages Obtained from Apparently Healthy Thoroughbreds.J.Equine Sci.10(2),49~51,1999(Annual Report of Equine Research Institute) (ERI,1999 (7): 50)
12、Feng Fu-Ying et al. Enhancement of fatty acid production of Chlorella sp. (Chlorophyceae) by adding glucose and sodium thiosulfate in culture medium. Process Biochemistry 2005, 40:1315-1318
13、Feng Fu-Ying et al. Characteristics of Pigment, Fatty acid and Membrane Lipid and Their Taxonomic Implication of Chlorella sp. 1061. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica. 2004, 35:453-458.
14、Guo-Jing Li, Shucai Wang, Kai Xia and Xie Zhou, Effect of Yeast Elicitor and Salicylic Acid on Contents of Endogenous Plant Hormones of Ti-transformed Salvia miltiorrhiza Cell Aggregates,Plant Growth Regulation, 2003, 39: 27-32
15、Liming Xiong, Rui Gang Wang, Guohong Mao, Jessica Koczan, Identification of drought tolerane determinants by genetic analysis of root response to drought stress and abscisic acid, Plant physiology,2006,142:1065
16、Yang Yan, Zhao Xian-lin, Zhang Yong, He Zhong-hu, Yu Zhuo, M. S. Röder, Xia Lan-qin. Evaluation and validation of four molecular markers associated with pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in Chinese wheat.Acta Crop Science, 2008, 34(1):17-24
17、Zhou H.M., Z. Yong. In vitro development of caprine ovarian preantral follicles. Theriogenology2000, 54(4): 641-650
18、Zhou H.M. and Zhang. Y. Regulation of growth factors on in vitro growth of preantral follicles in goat. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 2005 28 (3): 235-242
19、Zhou H.M., Liu C.X., Wang W.L, Heterospecific Nuclear Transferred Embryos Derived From Equine Fibroblast Cells and Enucleated Bovine Oocytes.Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2006, 41: 243-247
20、Zhou H.M., D. Allain, J. Q. Li. Genetic parameters of production traits of Inner Mongolia cashmere goats in China. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 2002, 119: 385-390
21、Zhou H.M., D. Allain, J. Q. Li. Effects of non-genetic factors on production traits of Inner Mongolia cashmere goats in China. Small Ruminant Research 2003, 47: 85-89
22、Zhou H.M. and Zhang Yong. Effects of growth factors on in vitro development of caprine preantral follicle oocytes. Animal Reproduction Science2005, 90: 265-272
23、Zhou H.M. and Zhang Yong. Impact of growth factors on in vitro development of caprine oocytes at pre-antral stage. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2005, 40: 161-165
24、Zhou H.M. and Zhang Yong. In Vitro Growth and Maturation of Caprine Oocytes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2006, 41: 444-447
25、Zhou H.M. and Guo Z.H. Heterogenous Nuclear Transfer Embryos Reconstructed by Bovine Oocytes and Camel (Camelus bactrianus) Skin Fibroblasts and Their Subsequent Development. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal 2006, 42 (1): 16-19
26、Zhou H.M. and Guo Z.H. Heterogeneous Nuclear-Transferred-Embryos Reconstructed with Camel (Camelus bactrianus) Skin Fibroblasts and Enucleated Ovine Oocytes and Their Development. Animal Reproduction Science 2006, 95 (3-4): 324-330
27、Zhou H.M. Chen Y. Developmental Potential of Cloned Embryos From Adult and Fetal Ovine Somatic Cells. Reproduction Fertility and Development 2007, 19 (1): 169
28、Zhou H.M. and Jin S.Y. Ca cascade and Meiotic Resumption of Caprine Primary Oocyte.Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2007, 42: 555-559
29、Islam M.S. and Zhou H.M. Isolation and characterization of putative epidermal stem cells derived from Cashmere goat fetus. European Journal of Dermatology 2007, 17 (4): 302-308
30、Islam M.S. and Zhou H.M. Isolation and propagation of keratinocytes derived from Cashmere Goat Fetus. Tissue and Cell 2007, 39: 377-385
31、Zhang D., Zhao J., Zhou H.M. Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Embryos by Human Somatic cells and Bovine Enucleated Oocytes and Isolation of Putative Human Embryonic Stem Cell Clones. Reproduction Fertility and Development 2007, 20 (1): 113-113
32、Zhou H.M., Li B.S., Zhang L.J. Cloned Embryos From Horse Somatic Cells and Enucleated Bovine and Ovine Oocytes and Their Development Competence.Reproduction Fertility and Development 2007, 20 (1) : 113-114
1、Yuzhen Wang, Taoyong Chen, Chaofeng Han, Donghua He, Haibo,Liu, Huazhang An, Zhen Cai, Xuetao Cao. Lysosome-associated Small Rab GTPase Rab7b Negatively Regulates TLR4 Signaling in Macrophages by Promoting Lysosomal Degradation of TLR4.Blood 2007,110(3):962-971
2、Xiaochun Ge, Guo-Jing Li(co-first author), Shengbin Wang, Huifen Zhu, Tong Zhu, Xun Wang, Yiji Xia, AtNUDT7, a negative regulator of basal immunity in Arabidopsis, modulates two distinct defense response pathways and is involved in maintaining redox homeostasis, Plant Physiology, 2007, 145: 204-215
3、Dongtao Ren, Kwang-Yeol Yang, Guo-Jing Li(co-first author), Yidong Liu and Shuqun Zhang, Activation of Ntf4, a Tobacco Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase, during Plant Defense Response and Its Involvement in Hypersensitive Response-Like Cell Death,Plant Physiology, 2006,141:1482-1493
4、Lide Bao, Shivani Chatterjee, Sabine Lohmer, and Dietmar Schomburg. An Irreversible and Kinetically Controlled Process: Thermal Induced Denaturation of L-2-Hydroxyisocaproate Dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus confuses. The Protein Journal, 2007,26(3), 143-151
5、Yang Yan, Ma You-zhi, Xu Zhao-shi, Chen Xin-ming, He Zhong-hu, Yu Zhuo, M Wilkinson, D. H. Jones, R. P. Shewry and Xia Lan-qin. Isolation and expression characterization of novel Vp-1genes in Chinese wheats. J. Exp. Bot, 2007, 58 (11):2863-2871
6、Wang M.Y., Gu D., Liu T.S., et al. Overexpression of a putative maize calcineurin B-like protein in Arabidopsis confers salt tolerance, Plant Mol. Biol., 2007, 65, 733-746
7、Yang Yan, Zhao Xian-Lin, Xia Lan-qin, Chen Xin-ming, Xia Xian-chun, Yu Zuo and He Zhong-hu. Development and validation of a Viviparous-1 STS marker for pre-harvest sprouting resistence in Chinese wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet.,2007, 115:971-980
8、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Ryuichi WADA. Hideki ENDO. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Motoki SASAKI. Masa-aki OIKAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Macroscopic Anatomy of the Auditory Tube Divericulum (Guttural Pouch) in the Thoroughbred Equine---A Silicon Mold Approach---. Okajimas Folia Anat.Jpn.76(6),335~346,2000 (Equine Research Institute Report 2000: 65~66)
9、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Ryuichi WADA. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Atsutoshi KUWANO. Masa-aki OIKAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Histological and Morphometrical Studies on the Mucosa of the Equine Guttural Pouch (Auditory Tube Diverticulum). Okajimas Folia Anat,Jpn. 77(2-3),69~76,2000 (Equine Research Institute Report 2000: 66~67)
10、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Ryuichi WADA. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Takeo SUGIURA. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Masa-aki OIKAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Distribution of Immunoglobulin Isotypes and Subisotypes in Equine Guttural Pouch (Auditory Thbe Diverticulum). J.Vet.Med.Sci. 62(9),1001~1003,2000 (Equine Research Institute Report 2000: 67)
11、Dugarjaviin MANGLAI. Seiji HOBO. Toru ANZAI. Toyohiko YOSHIHARA. Ryuichi WADA. Masamichi KUROHMARU. Masa-aki OIKAWA. Atsuhiko HASEGAWA and Yoshihiro HAYASHI. Microbiological and Cytological Analysis of Guttural Pouch Lavages Obtained from Apparently Healthy Thoroughbreds.J.Equine Sci.10(2),49~51,1999(Annual Report of Equine Research Institute) (ERI,1999 (7): 50)
12、Feng Fu-Ying et al. Enhancement of fatty acid production of Chlorella sp. (Chlorophyceae) by adding glucose and sodium thiosulfate in culture medium. Process Biochemistry 2005, 40:1315-1318
13、Feng Fu-Ying et al. Characteristics of Pigment, Fatty acid and Membrane Lipid and Their Taxonomic Implication of Chlorella sp. 1061. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica. 2004, 35:453-458.
14、Guo-Jing Li, Shucai Wang, Kai Xia and Xie Zhou, Effect of Yeast Elicitor and Salicylic Acid on Contents of Endogenous Plant Hormones of Ti-transformed Salvia miltiorrhiza Cell Aggregates,Plant Growth Regulation, 2003, 39: 27-32
15、Liming Xiong, Rui Gang Wang, Guohong Mao, Jessica Koczan, Identification of drought tolerane determinants by genetic analysis of root response to drought stress and abscisic acid, Plant physiology,2006,142:1065
16、Yang Yan, Zhao Xian-lin, Zhang Yong, He Zhong-hu, Yu Zhuo, M. S. Röder, Xia Lan-qin. Evaluation and validation of four molecular markers associated with pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in Chinese wheat.Acta Crop Science, 2008, 34(1):17-24
17、Zhou H.M., Z. Yong. In vitro development of caprine ovarian preantral follicles. Theriogenology2000, 54(4): 641-650
18、Zhou H.M. and Zhang. Y. Regulation of growth factors on in vitro growth of preantral follicles in goat. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 2005 28 (3): 235-242
19、Zhou H.M., Liu C.X., Wang W.L, Heterospecific Nuclear Transferred Embryos Derived From Equine Fibroblast Cells and Enucleated Bovine Oocytes.Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2006, 41: 243-247
20、Zhou H.M., D. Allain, J. Q. Li. Genetic parameters of production traits of Inner Mongolia cashmere goats in China. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 2002, 119: 385-390
21、Zhou H.M., D. Allain, J. Q. Li. Effects of non-genetic factors on production traits of Inner Mongolia cashmere goats in China. Small Ruminant Research 2003, 47: 85-89
22、Zhou H.M. and Zhang Yong. Effects of growth factors on in vitro development of caprine preantral follicle oocytes. Animal Reproduction Science2005, 90: 265-272
23、Zhou H.M. and Zhang Yong. Impact of growth factors on in vitro development of caprine oocytes at pre-antral stage. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2005, 40: 161-165
24、Zhou H.M. and Zhang Yong. In Vitro Growth and Maturation of Caprine Oocytes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2006, 41: 444-447
25、Zhou H.M. and Guo Z.H. Heterogenous Nuclear Transfer Embryos Reconstructed by Bovine Oocytes and Camel (Camelus bactrianus) Skin Fibroblasts and Their Subsequent Development. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal 2006, 42 (1): 16-19
26、Zhou H.M. and Guo Z.H. Heterogeneous Nuclear-Transferred-Embryos Reconstructed with Camel (Camelus bactrianus) Skin Fibroblasts and Enucleated Ovine Oocytes and Their Development. Animal Reproduction Science 2006, 95 (3-4): 324-330
27、Zhou H.M. Chen Y. Developmental Potential of Cloned Embryos From Adult and Fetal Ovine Somatic Cells. Reproduction Fertility and Development 2007, 19 (1): 169
28、Zhou H.M. and Jin S.Y. Ca cascade and Meiotic Resumption of Caprine Primary Oocyte.Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2007, 42: 555-559
29、Islam M.S. and Zhou H.M. Isolation and characterization of putative epidermal stem cells derived from Cashmere goat fetus. European Journal of Dermatology 2007, 17 (4): 302-308
30、Islam M.S. and Zhou H.M. Isolation and propagation of keratinocytes derived from Cashmere Goat Fetus. Tissue and Cell 2007, 39: 377-385
31、Zhang D., Zhao J., Zhou H.M. Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Embryos by Human Somatic cells and Bovine Enucleated Oocytes and Isolation of Putative Human Embryonic Stem Cell Clones. Reproduction Fertility and Development 2007, 20 (1): 113-113
32、Zhou H.M., Li B.S., Zhang L.J. Cloned Embryos From Horse Somatic Cells and Enucleated Bovine and Ovine Oocytes and Their Development Competence.Reproduction Fertility and Development 2007, 20 (1) : 113-114