


  • 中文名:何道江
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1980年9月6日
  • 畢業院校:北京理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


1998.9—2002.7 安徽師範大學數計學院,本科,專業數學教育;
2003.9—2006.7 安徽師範大學數計學院,碩士,研究方向: 多元統計及套用,導師郭大偉教授;
2008.9—2011.7 北京理工大學數學學院,博士,研究方向: 統計推斷,導師徐興忠教授;
2015.3—2015.7 在中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院訪問。


不等式約束下的統計推斷,Bayes 統計推斷,高維數據統計分析。




[1] Daojiang He, Dawei Guo. Admissibility of linear estimators with respect to inequality constraints under matrix loss function. Linear Algebra and its Applications, (2009), 430: 241-250.
[2] Daojiang He, Xingzhong Xu. Admissibility of linear predictors in the super-population model with respect to inequality constraints under matrix loss function. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, (2011), 40: 3789-3799.
[3] Xuhua Liu, Daojiang He. Testing homogeneity of inverse Gaussian scale parameters based on generalized likelihood ratio. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, (2013), 42(2):382-392.
[4] Daojiang He, Xingzhong Xu, Jianxin Zhao. A new procedure for testing normality based on the L2 Wasserstein distance. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, (2013), 26(4):572-582.
[5] Daojiang He, Xingzhong Xu, Xuhua Liu. The use of posterior predictive p-values in testing goodness-of-fit. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, (2013), 42(23):4287–4297.
[6] Daojiang He , Xingzhong Xu. A goodness-of-fit testing approach for normality based on the posterior predictive distribution. Test (2013), 22: 1-18.
[7] Daojiang He, Jie Wu. Admissible linear estimators of multivariate regression coefficient with respect to an inequality constraint under matrix balanced loss function. Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2014), 129: 37-43.
[8] Daojiang He, Kai Xu. Estimation of the Cholesky decomposition in a conditional independent normal model with missing data. Statistics and Probability Letters, (2014), 88: 27-39.
[9]Daojiang He, Kai Xu, Xingzhong Xu.Random weighting empirical distribution function and its applications toGoodness-of-Fit Testing.Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, (2015) ,44: 1441-1452.
[10]Kai Xu,Daojiang He.Further results on estimation of covariance matrix.Statistics and Probability Letters, (2015), 101: 11-20.
[11]Kai Xu,Daojiang He.The superiority of Bayes estimators in a multivariate linear model with respect to normal-Inverse Wishart prior.Acta Mathematica Sinica, EnglishSeries. (2015), 31(6):1003-1014.
· He Daojiang, Bayesian goodness-of-fit tests based on the posterior predictive distribution, 2011年京津地區青年機率統計會議寶潔獎。


