

何熾,西安交通大學教授、博士生導師、環境科學與工程系主任、能源環境工程研究所主任、大氣污染控制與資源化技術研究團隊負責人。兼任動力工程多相流國家重點實驗室教授、揮發性有機物污染控制材料與技術國家工程實驗室教授。國家優秀青年科學基金獲得者、入選王寬誠青年學者、西安交通大學青年拔尖人才A類。擔任環境科學學會揮發性有機污染物防治專業委員會常委、臭氧污染控制專業委員會委員、稀土學會催化專業委員會委員、環保產業協會廢氣淨化委員會委員及《Mater. Int.》《Int. J. Environ. Monitor. Anal.》等國際期刊編委。獲揮發性有機污染物污染防治專委會首屆青年學術創新獎、陝西省科學技術二等獎、陝西省高等學校科學技術一等獎。


  • 中文名:何熾
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:安徽安慶
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院生態環境研究中心
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:科研人員
  • 專業方向:大氣污染控制化學
1. 主要研究方向
2. 主要科研項目
3. 代表性論著
Yolk-shell-like mesoporous CoCrOx with superior activity and chlorine resistance in dichloromethane destruction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, in press
Insight into the boosted catalytic performance and chlorine resistance of nanosphere-like meso-macroporous CrOx/MnCo3Ox for 1,2-dichloroethane destruction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 259, 118018
Understanding the Promoting Effect of Dy-Doping on the MnFeOx Nanowires for Low-Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3: An Experimental and Theoretical Study, Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 380, 55-67
Atomic-scale insights into the low-temperature oxidation of methanol over a single-atom Pt1-Co3O4 catalyst, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1902041
Recent advances in the catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds: A review based on pollutant sorts and sources, Chemical Reviews, 2019, 119, 4471-4568
In-depth understanding the morphology effect of α-Fe2O3 on catalytic ethane destruction, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 11369-11383
Understanding the promotional effect of Mn2O3 on micro/mesoporous hybrid silica nanocubic-supported Pt catalysts for the low temperature destruction of methyl-ethyl-ketone: An experimental and theoretical study, ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8, 4213-4229
Insight into the efficient oxidation of methyl-ethyl-ketone over hierarchically micro-mesostructured Pt/K-(Al)SiO2 nanorod catalysts: Structure-activity relationships and mechanism, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 226, 220-233
Nanosphere-shaped Mn3O4 catalyst with remarkable for low-temperature activity for methyl-ethyl-ketone catalytic combustion of Methyl-ethyl-ketone, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 6288-6297


