何明靖,男, 1985年生於重慶市,博士,現任西南大學資源環境學院環境科學與工程系副教授。
- 中文名:何明靖
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 任職院校:西南大學資源環境學院
1、He MJ, Luo XJ, Yu LH, Liu J, Zhang XL, Chen SJ, Chen D, Mai BX. Tetrabromobisphenol-A and hexabromocyclododecane in birds from an e-waste region in South China: Influence of diet on diastereoisomer- and enantiomer-specific distribution and trophodynamics. Environment Science and Technology, 2010, 44: 5748-5754.
2、He MJ, Luo XJ, Chen MY, Sun YX, Chen SJ, Mai BX. Bioaccumulationof polybrominated diphenyl ethers and decabromodiphenyl ethane in fish from a river system in a highly industrialized area, South China. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 419: 109-115.
3、He MJ, Luo XJ, Sun YX, Chen SJ, Mai BX. Diasteroisomerand enantiomer-specific profiles of hexabromocyclododecane and tetrabromobisphenol A in an aquatic environment in a highly industrialized area, South China: Vertical profile, phase partition, and bioaccumulation. EnvironmentPollution ,2013, 179: 105-110.
4、He MJ, Luo XJ, Wu JP, Chen SJ, Wei SQ, Mai BX. Isomersof Dechlorane Plus in an Aquatic Environment in a Highly Industrialized Area in Southern China: Spatial and Vertical Distribution, Phase Partition, and Bioaccumulation. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 481: 1-6.
5、Chen SJ, Feng AH, He MJ, Chen MY, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Currentlevels and composition profiles of PBDEs and alternative flame retardants in surface sediments from the Pearl River Delta, southern China: Comparison with historical data. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 444: 205-211.
6、Chen MY, Luo XJ, Zhang XL, He MJ, Chen SJ, Mai BX. Chlorinatedparaffins in sediments from the Pearl River Delta, South China: Spatial and temporal distributions and implication for processes. Environment Science and Technology, 2011, 45: 9936-9943.
7、Sun YX, Luo XJ, Mo L, He MJ, Zhang Q, Chen SJ, Zou FS, Mai BX. Hexabromocyclododecane in terrestrial passerine birds from e-waste, urban and rural locations in the Pearl River Delta, South China: Levels, biomagnification, diastereoisomer- and enantiomer-specific accumulation. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 171: 191-198.
8、Feng AH, Chen SJ, Chen MY, He MJ, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCD)and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in riverine and estuarine sediments of the Pearl River Delta in southern China, with emphasis on spatial variability in diastereoisomer- and enantiomer-specific distribution of HBCD. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2012, 64: 919-925.
9、Liu J, Luo XJ, Yu LH, He MJ, Chen SJ, Mai BX. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyles (PCBs), hydroxylated and methoxylated-PBDEs, and methylsulfonyl-PCBs in bird serum from South China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2010,59: 492-501.
10、張熒, 吳江平, 余樂洹, 何明靖, 羅孝俊, 麥碧嫻. 非多溴聯苯醚(PBDE)類鹵系阻燃劑的生物富集特徵. 環境化學, 2011, 30(1): 34-43.