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  • 中文名:何慶林
  • 畢業院校香港科技大學
  • 職業:教育科研工作者
  • 職稱:助理教授





  • 分子束外延(MBE)量子材料、金屬、半導體薄膜、納米結構,包括量子點、納米線等;
  • 拓撲(晶體)絕緣體;
  • 拓撲超導體與馬約拉納費米子;
  • 反鐵磁自旋電子器件。


1. Q. L. He, G. Yin, L. Yu, A. J. Grutter, L. Pan, C-Z Chen, X. Che, G. Yu, B. Zhang, Q. Shao, A. L. Stern, B. Casas, J. Xia, X. Han, B. J. Kirby, R. K. Lake, K. T. Law, and K. L. Wang, 'Topological transitions induced by antiferromagnetism in a thin-film topological insulator', Physical Review Letters 121, 096802 (2018).
2. Q. L. He, G. Yin, A. J. Grutter, L. Pan, X. Che, G. Yu, D. A. Gilbert, S. M. Disseler, Y. Liu, P. Shafer, B. Zhang, Y. Wu, B. J. Kirby, E. Arenholz, R. K. Lake, X. Han, K. L. Wang, 'Exchange-biasing topological charges by antiferromagnetism', Nature Communications 9: 2767 (2018).
3. Q. L. He, L. Pan, A. L. Stern, E. Burks, X. Che, G. Yin, J. Wang, B. Lian, Q. Zhou, E. S. Choi, K. Murata, X. Kou, T. Nie, Q. Shao, Y. Fan, S.-C. Zhang, K. Liu, J. Xia, and K. L. Wang, 'Chiral Majorana fermion modes in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator–superconductor structure', Science 357, 294-299 (2017).
4. Q. L. He, X. Kou, A. J. Grutter, G. Yin, L. Pan, X. Che, Y. Liu, T. Nie, B. Zhang, S. M. Disseler, B. J. Kirby, W. Ratcliff II, Q. Shao, K. Murata, X. Zhu, G. Yu, Y. Fan, M. Montazeri, X. Han, J. A. Borchers, and K. L. Wang, 'Tailoring exchange couplings in magnetic topological insulator/antiferromagnet heterostructures', Nature Materials 16, 94–100 (2017).
5. Q. L. He, H. Liu, M. He, Y. H. Lai, H. He, G. Wang, K. T. Law, R. Lortz, J. Wang, and I. K. Sou, 'Two-dimensional superconductivity at the interface of a Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure', Nature Communications 5:4247 (2014).
6. Q. L. He, Y. H. Lai, Y. Liu, E. Beltjens, J. Qi, and I. K. Sou, 'High performance CaS solar-blind ultraviolet photodiodes fabricated by seed-layer-assisted growth', Applied Physics Letters 107, 181903 (2015).
7. Q. L. He, M. He, J. Shen, Y. H. Lai, Y. Liu, H. Liu, H. He, G. Wang, J. Wang, R. Lortz, and I. K. Sou, 'Anisotropic magnetic responses of a 2D-superconducting Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 345701 (2015).
8. Q. L. He, Y. H. Lai, Y. Lu, K. T. Law, and I. K. Sou, 'Surface reactivity enhancement on a Pd/Bi2Te3 heterostructure through robust topological surface states', Scientific Reports 3: 2497 (2013).
9. G. Yu, A. Jenkins, X. Ma, S. A. Razavi, C. He, G. Yin, Q. Shao, Q. L. He, H. Wu, W. Li, W. Jiang, X. Han , X. Li, A. C. B. Jayich, P. K. Amiri, and K. L. Wang, 'Room-temperature skyrmions in an antiferromagnet-based heterostructure', Nano Lett., 2018, 18 (2), pp 980–986.
10. T. Nie, J. Tang, X. Kou, Y. Gen, S. Lee, X. Zhu, Q. L. He, L.-T. Chang, K. Murata, Y. Fan, and K. L. Wang, 'Enhancing electric-field control of ferromagnetism through nanoscale engineering of high-Tc MnxGe1−x nanomesh', Nature Communications 7: 12866 (2016).


