



  • 中文名稱:何媛
  • 英文名稱:Yuan He
  • 別名:無
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:陝西西安
  • 職業:醫生
  • 畢業院校:中山大學中山眼科中心
  • 臨床職稱:主任醫師
  • 專業:眼科學
  • 學歷:博士
  • 教學職稱:教授
  • 執業地點:西安醫學院第二附屬醫院




主要的科研研究方向集中於開角型青光眼發病機理、視網膜神經再生與保護、表觀遺傳學研究等領域,研究具體涉及:1. PEDF對視網膜色素上皮細胞保護作用機制的研究。2. 青光眼發病機制的研究及視神經保護,在該方面有系列研究。3. 突變myocilin蛋白對於細胞內質網應激及線粒體膜電位的影響等。4.視網膜神經節細胞與RPE細胞損傷機制研究,並通過體外多種細胞因子、中藥及外周神經移植進行視網膜神經節細胞再生和青光眼視神經損傷保護研究。發表論文40餘篇,其中包括SCI收錄論文15篇。
1. He Y*, Liu HF, Ji Z and Zhu BL. Surgical interventions for late ocular complications of relapsing polychondritis. Am J Ophthalmol case report, 2017, 4(5): 63-66.
2. Shu-Wei Tian, Yuan Ren, Jin-Zhi Pei, Bai-Chao Ren and Yuan He*(通訊作者). Pigment epithelium-derived factor protects retinal ganglion cells from hypoxia-induced apoptosis by preventing mitochondrial dysfunction. Int J Ophthalmol. 2017, 10(7): 1046-1054.
3. He Y, Tombran-Tink J*, Ge J*. PEDF Improves Mitochondrial Function in Retinal Pigment Epithelium cells During Oxidative Stress. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Sep 11. 55(10): 6742-55.
4. He Y*, Jian Ge*, Janice M. Burke, Roland L. Myers, Zhi Z. Dong and Joyce Tombran-Tink*. Mitochondria impairment correlates with increased sensitivity of aging RPE cells to oxidative stress. J of Ocul Biol Dis Infor. 2010 3(3): 92-108.
5. He Y*, Tombran-Tink J*. Mitochondrial Decay and Impairment of Antioxidant Defences in Aging Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2010, 664: 165-83.
6. Zhuo YH,He Y(共同第一作者),Leung KW, Hou F, Li YQ, Chai F, Ge J*.Dexamethasone disrupts intercellular junction formation and cytoskeleton organization in human trabecular meshwork cells. Mol Vis. 2010, 16: 61-71.
7. He Y, Leung KW, Zhuo YH, Ge J*. Pro370Leu mutant myocilin impairs mitochondrial functions in human trabecular meshwork cells. Mol Vis. 2009, 15: 815-825.
8. He Y, Ge J*, Tombran-Tink J*. Mitochondrial Defects and Dysfunction in Calcium Regulation in Glaucomatous Trabecular Meshwork Cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008, 49(11): 4912-4922.
9. He Y, Leung KW, Zhang YH, Duan S, Zhong XF, Jiang RZ, Peng Z, Tombran-Tink J*, Ge J*. Mitochondrial complex I defect induces ROS release and degeneration in trabecular meshwork cells of POAG patients: protection by antioxidants. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008, 49(4): 1447-1458.
10. Dong Z, Li J, Leng Y, Sun X, Hu H, He Y, Tan Z, Ge J. Cyclic intensive light exposure induces retinal lesions similar to age-related macular degeneration in APPswe/PS1 bigenic mice. BMC Neurosci. 2012, 13(1):34.
11. Chai F,Luo RJ, Li YQ, Bai YJ, He Y, et al. Down-regulation of GRP78 in human glaucomatous trabecular meshwork cells. Mol Vis.2010;16:1122-1131
12. Jiang R, Huang B, Jin C, Song G, Zhong X, Yuan J, Xiang P, He Y, Liu B, Sun X, Zhang Y, Ge J*. A potential model for studying the plasticity and reprogramming of human epidermal stem cells through preimplantation blastocyst microinjection. Cell Biol Int. 2008, 32(12): 1567-1573.
13.Zhang Y, Gao Q, Duan S, He Y, Sun X, Jiang R, Duan Y, Zhong X, Ge J*. Upregulation of Copine1 in trabecular meshwork cells of POAG patients: a membrane proteomics approach. Mol Vis. 2008, 14: 1028-1036.


