

《伏安原理》是2014年5月化學工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是紀效波、[英] 班克斯(Banks、C.E.) 。


  • 中文名:伏安原理
  • 作者:紀效波、[英] 班克斯(Banks、C.E.)
  • ISBN:9787122181497
  • 頁數:265頁
  • 定價:128元
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年5月
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 開本:16開




1 Equilibrium Electrochemistry
1.1 Chemical Equilibrium 1
1.2 An Introduction to Electrochemical Equilibrium 5
1.3 Electron Transfer at the Solution | Electrode Interface 6
1.4 The Nernst Equation and Electrode | Solution
Interfaces  8
1.4.1 One Phase to Another 8
1.5 Reference Electrodes 19
1.6 Standard Electrode Potentials 22
1.7 Formal Potentials 26
References 27
2 Electrode Kinetics
2.1 Introduction to Dynamic Electrochemistry 29
2.2 Experimental Arrangement 30
2.3 Electron Transfer and Energy Levels 32
2.4 Electrode Kinetics 33
2.5 The Tafel Law 38
2.6 Introduction to Marcus Theory 40
References 46
3 Cyclic Voltammetry
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 Diffusion 50
3.2.1 The Nernst Diffusion Layer 53
3.3 Migration 54
3.4 Electrode-Solution Interface 55
3.5 Electrode Kinetics 57
3.6 Reaction Mechanisms 68
3.7 pH Effects 77
3.8 Voltammetry at Microelectrodes 78
3.9 Chronoamperometric Experiments: Determining the
Electro-catalytic Rate Constant 87
3.10 EC′ Mechanism at a Microdisc Electrode 89
3.11 ECE Mechanism at a Microdisc Electrode 90
3.12 Effect of Temperature on Steady-state Currents at a
Microdisc 91
3.13 Properties of Microelectrodes 91
3.14 Applications of Microelectrodes 92
3.15 Microelectrode Arrays 94
3.16 Graphitic and Related Electrode Surfaces 103
3.17 Voltammetry at Heterogeneous Surfaces 109
3.18 Thin Layer Effects from Modifying Electrodes 120
References 124
4 Hydrodynamic Techniques
4.1 Introduction to Convection 127
4.2 Rotating Disc Systems 128
4.3 Channel and Tubular Electrodes 139
4.4 High Speed Channel Electrode 145
4.5 Hydrodynamic Electrodes Based on Impinging Jets 150
References 154
5 Electroanalysis
5.1 Introduction to Electroanalysis 156
5.2 Square Wave Voltammetry 156
5.3 Stripping Voltammetry 158
5.4 Sono-electroanalysis 161
5.5 Screen Printed Sensors 168
5.6 Bismuth Modified Electrodes 182
5.7 Relevant Analytical Parameters 184
References 187
6 Carbon Electrochemistry
6.1 Introduction 189
6.2 Carbon Nanotubes 189
6.3 Graphene Electrochemistry 202
6.3.1 Electrochemistry of heterogeneous graphitic
surfaces 206
6.3.2 Fundamental electrochemistry of graphene 209
6.3.3 Graphene as a heterogeneous electrode surface 210
6.3.4 Effect of surfactants on the electrochemistry
of graphene 218
6.3.5 Metallic impurities on the electrochemistry of
graphene 219
6.3.6 Direct electro-catalysis 219
6.3.7 Graphene Oxide(GO) 223
References 227
7 Energy Storage and Generation
7.1 Introduction 230
7.2 Super- and Ultra-Capacitors 231
7.3 Testing Super- and Ultra-Capacitors 238
7.4 Cycle Life 239
7.5 Graphene Based Supercapacitors 240
7.6 Hybrid Super-or Ultra-Capacitors 245
7.6.1 Noble Metal Oxides 246
7.6.2 Asymmetrical Supercapacitors 249
7.7 Fuel Cells 250
7.7.1 Graphene Based Fuel Cells 255
7.7.2 Microbial Bio-fuel Cells 258
7.7.3 Enzymatic Bio-fuel Cells 260
7.8 Batteries / Li-ion Batteries 260
References 263


