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任治坤, 男,1980年生,博士,研究員。在日本文部省獎學金資助下於2010年畢業於日本靜岡大學,獲理學博士學位,獲得靜岡大學優秀畢業生獎勵,已主持和參加國家自然基金委等多項科研課題。


  • 中文名:任治坤
  • 外文名:REN ZHI KUN
  • 出生日期:1980年
  • 畢業院校:日本靜岡大學
  • 職稱:研究員


目前已發表論文50餘篇,其中SCI論文28篇,第一作者SCI論文10篇。於2016年入選中國地震局第二批防震減災優秀人才百人計畫,並獲得第九屆李善邦青年優秀地震科技論文二等獎(2015年),中國地震局防震減災科技成果獎一等獎(2014年),日本政府Follow-up Research Fellowship(2013年)等獎勵。2013年8月-11月在日本政府Follow-up Research Fellowship資助下訪問日本京都大學。2014年12月-2015年11月在國家留學基金委與中國地震局地震科技青年骨幹人才培養項目支持下訪問日本東京大學。2016年AOGS組織專題“Active Tectonics And Paleoseismology From High Resolution Topography And Chronology”;2016年AGU秋季年會組織專題“High-resolution topography and dating in active tectonics”;2017年CGU(中國地球科學聯合會)年會組織專題“活動構造、構造地貌的高精度定量研究”。


10.2007-9.2010: 靜岡大學創造科學技術大學院(日本)(博士) (日本政府文部省獎學金)
6.2005-9.2007: 中國地震局地震預測研究所(碩士)
9.2004-6.2005: 中國科學院研究生院(碩士基礎課)
9.1998-6.2002: 中國地質大學(北京) (學士)
9.2004-9.2007: 中國地震局地震預測研究所, 創新基地助理研究員
6.2002-9.2004: 中國地震局分析預報中心, 研究實習員


(1)高精度地貌數據在活動構造及構造地貌研究中的套用。如:基於LiDAR,Structure from Motion等方法獲取的高精度地貌數據。主要成果發表在GSA Bulletin,JGR等。
(2)強震與地貌演化之間的相互關係,主要成果發表在Geomorphology, International Journal of Remote Sensing,Remote Sensing等
(3)斷裂活動習性與強震破裂模式,主要成果集中在青藏高原東緣安寧河、則木河及小江斷裂帶,主要成果發表在Tectonophysics,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences等
(4)活動構造相關基礎理論研究,提出了滑動速率計算的一種新方法,相關研究成果發表在Island Arc,,地球物理學報地,震地質等,並已經在本所碩士研究生論文中有所套用


老龍灣地區晚新生代以來構造變形樣式及其演化過程, 地震動力學國家重點實驗室自主課題,2014-2017,項目負責人
汶川地震的地貌回響量化研究,國家自然基金青年基金,2012-2014. 項目負責人
龍門山地區震後侵蝕速率變化研究,基本科研業務專項,2011-2013. 項目負責人
三維遙感解譯第四紀盆地與斷裂關係, 地震預測研究所青年基金, 2006-2007. 項目負責人.
差分GPS在斷裂地貌研究中的套用, 地震科學聯合基金青年基金, 2007-2009. 項目負責人.
青藏高原東邊界活動斷層研究, 靜岡大學平成20年度自然科學系教育部學生公募項目助成, 2008. 項目負責人.
青藏高原東邊界斷裂帶古地震研究, 靜岡大學平成21年度自然科學系教育部學生公募項目助成, 2009. 項目負責人.
則木河斷裂帶活動構造與古地震研究(973國家重點基礎研究發展計畫項目), 2004-2009. 第二參加人.
青藏高原東北緣新生代構造變形幾何結構、運動圖像完善與演化過程恢復,國家自然基金委員會“十二五”重大項目“青藏高原東北緣新生代構造演化與深部動力學過程”子課題,2016-2020. 主要參加人.
鄂爾多斯西南緣的構造活動與地震危險性評估, 國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)與英國自然環境研究理事會(NERC)、英國經濟社會研究理事會(ESRC)中英合作項目,2016-2020. 主要參加人.


劉金瑞, 任治坤, 張會平,李傳友,張竹琪,鄭文俊,李雪梅,劉彩彩. 2018 海原斷裂帶老虎山段晚第四紀滑動速率精確厘定與討論. 地球物理學報accepted.
Liu, J., Ren, Z., Zhang, H., Li, C., Zhang, Z., Zheng, W., Li, X., Liu, C. 2018. Late Quaternary slip rate of the Laohushan fault within the Haiyuan fault zone and its tectonic implications. Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), accepted.
Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Yin, J., 2017. Erosion associated with seismically-induced landslides in the Middle Longmen Shan Region, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Remote Sensing 9(8), 864, doi:10.3390/rs9080864
Zhang, H., Zhang, P., Prush, V., Zheng, D., Zheng, W., Wang, W., Liu, C.,Ren, Z., 2017. Tectonic geomorphology of the Qilian Shan in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights into the plateau formation processes. Tectonophysics 706-707, 103-115.
徐錫偉,陳桂華,王啟欣,陳立春,任治坤,許沖,魏占玉,魯人齊,譚錫斌,董紹鵬,石峰. 2017. 九寨溝地震發震斷層屬性及青藏高原東南緣現今應變狀態討論. 地球物理學報60(10),4018-4026.
Xu, X.W., Chen, G. H., Wang, Q.X., et al. 2017. Dicussion on seismogenic structure of Jiuzhaigou earthquake and its implication for current strain state in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 60(10),4018-4026. Doi:10.6038/cjg20171028
Wang, D., Kawakatsu, H., Mori, J., Ali, B., Ren, Z., Shen, X., Back-Projection Analyses from Four Regional Arrays for Rupture Over a Curved Dipping Fault: The Mw 7.7 September 24, 2013 Pakistan Earthquake.Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, DOI: 10.1002/2015JB012168.
Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Chen, T., Yan, S., Yin, J., Zhang, P., Zheng, W., Zhang, H., Li, C., 2016. Clustering of offsets on the Haiyuan Fault and their relationship to paleoearthquakes. GSA Bulletin,v. 128, no. 1-2 p. 3-18 . doi: 10.1130/B31155.1.
Ansberque, C., Godard, V., Bellier, O., De Sigoyer, J., Liu-Zeng, J., Xu, X., Ren, Z., Li, Y., Team, A.S.T.E.R., 2015. Denudation pattern across the Longriba fault system and implications for the geomorphological evolution of the eastern Tibetan margin. Geomorphology 246, 542-557.
Middleton, T.A., Walker, R., Parsons, B., Lei, Q., Zhou, Y., Ren, Z., 2015. A major, intraplate, normal-faulting earthquake: the 1739 event in the Yinchuan Graben, northern China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 121, 293-320. DOI:10.1002/2015JB012355.
鄭文俊,雷啟雲,杜鵬,陳濤,任治坤,俞晶星,張寧. 2015. 雷射雷達(LiDAR):獲取高精度古地震探槽信息的一種新技術. 地震地質37,232-241
Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Dai, F., Yin, J., Zhang, H.,2014. Topographic changes due to the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake as revealed by the differential DEM method. Geomorphology217, 122-130.
Ren, Z.,2014. Late Quaternary deformation features along the Anninghe Fault on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences85, 53-65. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.01.025
Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Yin, J., Dai, F., Zhang, H., 2014. Morphogenic uncertainties of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: generating or reducing? Journal of Earth Sciences25,668-675.
任治坤,陳濤,張會平,鄭文俊,張培震,2014. LiDAR技術在活動構造研究中的套用. 地質學報88,1-12.
Chen Tao, Zhang Peizhan, Li Chuanyou, Ren Zhikun, Kenneth,W. Hudnut, 2014. Quantitative study of tectonic geomorphology along Haiyuan fault based on airborne LiDAR. Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 20, 2396-2409
陳濤,張培震,劉靜,李傳友,任治坤,Kenneth,W. Hudnut, 2014. 機載雷射雷達技術與海原斷裂帶的精細地貌定量化研究.科學通報59,1293-1304.
Ren, Z., 2013. Geometry and deformation features of the most recent co-seismic surface ruptures along the Xiaojiang Fault and its tectonic implications for the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences77, 21-30.
Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Chen, T., Wang, W., 2013. Theoretical and quantitative analyses of the fault slip rate uncertainties from single event and erosion of the accumulated offset. Island Arc. 22,185-
Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Dai, F., Yin, J., Zhang, H., 2013. Co-seismic landslide topographic analysis based on multi-temporal DEM—A case study of the Wenchuan earthquake. SpringerPlus2: 544.
Zhang, Zhuqi., Wang, Weitao., Ren, Zhikun., Zhang, Peizhen., Fang, Lihua., Wu, Jianping., Lushan Ms 7.0 earthquake: A special earthquake occurs on curved fault. Chinese Science Bulletin58, 3483-3490. 2013.
張竹琪,王偉濤,任治坤,張培震,房立華,吳建平,2013.蘆山7.0級地震:特殊的彎曲斷層地震. 科學通報58, 1933-1940.
張竹琪,陳濤,任治坤,王偉濤,2013. 數值模擬顯示的隱伏彎曲斷層同震地表位移特好找.地震地質35,452-460.
韓竹軍,任治坤,王虎,王明明,2013.蘆山縣龍門鄉蘆山"4·20"7.0級強烈地震地表破裂跡象與討論. 地震地質35,388-397.
鄭文俊,袁道陽,何文貴,閔偉,任治坤,劉興旺,王愛國,許沖,葛偉鵬,李峰. 2013. 甘肅東南地區構造活動與2013年岷縣-漳縣Ms6.6級地震孕震機制. 地球物理學報56, 4058-4071.
鄭文俊,閔偉,何文貴,任治坤,劉興旺,王愛國,許沖,李峰. 2013. 2013年甘肅岷縣漳縣6.6級地震震害分布特徵及發震構造分析. 地震地質35,604-615.
Xu Xiei, Wen Xueze, Han Zhujun, Chen Guihua, Li Chuanyou, Zheng Wenjun, Zhang Shimin, Ren Zhikun, Xu Chong, Tan Xibin, Wei Zhanyu, Wang Mingming, Ren Junjie, He zhongtai, Liang Mingjian. Lushan Ms 7.0 earthquake: A blind reverse-fault event. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58, 3437-3443.
徐錫偉,聞學澤,韓竹軍,陳桂華,李傳友,鄭文俊,張世民,任治坤,許沖,譚錫斌,魏占玉,王明明,任俊傑,何仲,梁明劍. 2013. 四川蘆山7.0級強震:一次典型的盲逆斷層型地震. 科學通報58,1887-1903.
許沖,徐錫偉,鄭文俊,閔偉,任治坤,李志強. 2013. 2013年甘肅岷縣漳縣6.6級地震觸發滑坡及其構造分析. 地震地質35, 616-626.
劉靜,陳濤,張培震,張會平,鄭文俊,任治坤,梁詩明,盛傳貞,甘衛軍,2013. 機載雷射雷達掃描揭示海原斷裂斷錯地貌的精細結構. 科學通報58,41-45. Doi: 10.1.1360/972012-1526.
Lin, A., Jia, D., Rao, G, Yan, B., Wu, X., Ren, Z., 2011. Recurrent morphorgenic earthquakes in the past millennium along the strike-slip Yushu Fault, central Tibetan Plateau. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America101, 2755-2764. doi: 10.1785/0120100274
Lin, A., Rao, G, Jia, D., Wu, X., Yan, B., Ren, Z., 2011. Co-seismic strike-slip surface rupture and displacement produced by the 2010 Mw6.9 Yushu earthquake, China, and implications for Tibetan tectonics. Journal of Geodynamics52 (3-4), 249-259.
Rao, G.,Lin, A., Yan, B.,Jia, D.,Wu, X.,Ren, Z.,2011. Co-seismic Riedel shear structures produced by the 2010 Mw 6.9 Yushu earthquake, central Tibetan Plateau, China. Tectonophysics507, 86-94.
Ren, Z., Lin, A., Rao, G., 2010. Late Pleistocene-Holocene activity of the Zemuhe Fault on the southern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics495, 324-336. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.09.039.
Ren, Z., Lin, A., 2010. Deformation characteristics of co-seismic surface ruptures produced by the 1850 M 7.5 Xichang earthquake on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences38, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2009.12.008.
Ren, Z., Lin, A., 2010. Co-seismic landslides induced by the 2008 Wenchuan magnitude 8.0 earthquake, as revealed by ALOS PRISM and AVNIR2 imagery data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 31, 3479-3493. doi:10.1080/01431161003727770.
Lin, A.,Ren, Z., Rao, G., 2010. Eyewitness accounts of surface thrusting and folding during the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Seismological Research Letters81: 884-891. doi:10.1785/gssrl.81.6.884.
Lin, A., Ren, Z., Miyairi, Y., 2010. Evidence for a Tang-Song Dynasty great earthquake prior to the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Seismology14, 615-628. doi:10.1007/s10950-010-9186-7.
Lin, A.,Ren, Z., Kumahar, Y., 2010. Structural analysis of the coseismic shear zone of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Journal of Structural Geology32, 781-791. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.05.004.
Lin, A., Ren, Z., Jia, D., 2009. Co-seismic ground shortening structures produced by the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Tectonophysics491, 21-34. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.10.027.
Lin, A., Ren, Z., Jia, D., Wu, X., 2009. Co-seismic thrusting rupture and slip distribution produced by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Tectonophysics471, 203-215. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.02.014.
Tian, Q.,Ren, Z., Zhang, J., 2009. Study of paleoearthquakes by group trenches on Zemuhe Fault around Daqingliangzi, Xichang, Sichuan. Earthquake Research in China23, 56-67.
jia, D., Li, Y., Lin, A., Wang, M., Chen, W., Wu, X., Ren, Z., Zhao, Y., Luo, L., 2009. Structural model of 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in the rejuvenated Longmen Shan thrust belt, China. Tectonophysics491, 174-184. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.08.040.
Lin, A., Ren,Z., 2009. Co-seismic surface rupture and damage produced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Chikyu monthly31(4): 243-252 (in Japanese with English title).
Lin,A., Jia,D., Ren,Z., Xiaojun Wu, 2008. Report on the co-seismic surface rupture and related disaster associated with the Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Journal of Geography117(3): 593-598 (in Japanese with English abstract).
Tian, Q., Li,Z., Zhang,J., Ren,Z., 2008. A Preliminary Study on a Seismotectonic Model for the Active Faults in the Xining Urban Area. Earthquake Research in China22(1): 15-23.
田勤儉, 任治坤, 張軍龍, 2008. 則木河斷裂帶大箐梁子附近古地震組合探槽研究. 地震地質30(2): 400-411
任治坤,田勤儉, 張軍龍, 2007. 後差分GPS測量則木河斷裂地震微地貌特徵. 地震27(3): 97-104.
田勤儉, 李智敏, 張軍龍, 任治坤, 2007. 西寧市活斷層地震構造模型初步研究. 地震地質29(2): 311-319.
張軍龍, 田勤儉, 李智敏, 任治坤, 郝凱, 2007. 差分GPS方法在城市活斷層探測中的套用探討. 地震27(3): 74-82.
任治坤, 田勤儉, 陳立澤, 2005.南北地震帶中段地震構造遙感解譯. 地震25(4): 127-132.
郝平, 田勤儉, 傅征祥, 陳正位, 任治坤, 2004. 1937年花石峽地震滑動虧損和後續地震應力觸發研究. 地震24 (Supplement): 34-39
Lin, A., and Ren,Z., 2009. Co-seismic Surface Rupture and Disaster Produced by the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 Earthquake—A Photographic Atlas. Springer and Higher Education Press, p.120. (英文版)
林愛明·任治坤, 2009. 2008汶川8.0級大地震地表破裂與震害圖集. 中國高等教育出版社, p.156. (中文版)
林愛明·任治坤, 2009. 2008年中國汶川大地震の地震斷層と被害寫真集. 近未來社, p.112. (日本版)


4.2013年8月-11月日本政府Follow-up Research Fellowship for Former International Students,單獨獲獎.


