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2018.3-至今, 蘭州大學歷史文化學院,講師;
2012.9-2017.12, 蘭州大學資源環境學院西部環境教育部重點實驗室,研究生;




  1. Ren LL, DongGH, Liu FW, d’Alpoim-Guedes J, FladRK, MaMM, Li HM, YangYS, Liu YJ,ZhangDJ, LiGL, Li JY,ChenFH. Foraging and farming: archaeobotanical andzooarchaeological evidence for Neolithic exchangeon the Tibetan Plateau. Antiquity. 2019. (accepted)
  2. Yang YS,Ren LL, Dong GH, Cui YF, Liu RL, Chen GK, Wang H, WilkinS,Chen FH. Economic Change in the Prehistoric Hexi Corridor (4800–2200 BP), North-West China.Archaeometry. 2019, 61(4): 957-976.
  3. Ren LL, Dong GH, Li HM, Dave R, Flad RK, LiGQ, YangY, Wang ZX , Cai LH, RenXY, Zhang DJ, Chen FH. Dating human settlement in the east-central Tibetan Plateau during the late Holocene.Radiocarbon. 2018, 60(1): 137-150.
  4. Ren LL, Li X, Kang LH, Brunson K, Liu HG, Dong WM, Li HM, Min R, Liu X, Dong GH. Human paleodiet and animal utilization strategies during the bronze age in northwest yunnan province, southwest china.Plos One,2017, 12(5): e0177867.
  5. Ren LL, Wang YR, Li GQ, Li QL, Ma ZT, Dong GH. Discovery of a tiger (Panthera tigris (L.)) skeleton from the Little Ice Age buried on the shore of Qinghai Lake, northeast Tibet Plateau.Quaternary International, 2015, 355: 145-152.
  6. Dong GH,Ren LL, Jia X, Liu XY, Dong SM, Li HM, Wang ZX, Xiao YM, Chen FH. Chronology and subsistence strategy of Nuomuhong culture in the Tibetan Plateau.Quaternary International,2016, 426: 42-49.
  7. Dong GH, Wang ZL,Ren LL, Matuzeviciute GM, Wang H, Ren XY, Chen FH. A comparative study of radiocarbon dating charcoal and charred seeds from the same flotation samples in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in the Gansu and Qinghai Provinces, Northwest China.Radiocarbon, 2014, 56(1): 157-163.
  8. Li HM, Liu FW, Cui YF,Ren LL, Storozum, MJ, Qin Z, Wang J, Dong GH. Human settlement and its influencing factors during the historical period in an oasis-desert transition zone of dunhuang, hexi corridor, northwest china.Quaternary International. 2017. Doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.11.044.
  9. Li HM, Zuo XX, Kang LH,Ren LL, Liu FW, Liu HG, Zhang NM, Min R, Liu X, Dong GH. Prehistoric agriculture development in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, southwest China: Archaeobotanical evidence.Science China Earth Sciences, 2016: 59(8): 1562-1573..
  10. Yang Y, Dong GH, Zhao Y, Li GQ,Ren LL, Fang KY, Wu X. Spatiotemporal variability of temperature and precipitation during 1960-2008inferred from instrumental records in qinghai province,northeastern tibetan plateau.Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2013, 33(4): 45-54.
  11. Zhang NM, Dong GH, Yang XY, Zuo XX, Kang LH,Ren LL, Liu HG, Li H, Min R, Liu X, Zhang DJ, Chen FH. Diet reconstructed from an analysis of plant microfossils in human dental calculus from the bronze age site of shilinggang, southwestern china.Journal of Archaeological Science,2017, 83:41-48.
  12. 任樂樂, 董廣輝. “六畜”的起源和傳播歷史.自然雜誌, 2016(4), doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-9608.2016.04.005.
  13. 李志鵬,任樂樂, 史雲征. 河北省邢台小里遺址出土動物遺存的鑑定與初步研究.南方文物, 2015(4): 92-96.
  14. 李志鵬,任樂樂, 梁官錦. 金禪口遺址出土動物遺存及其先民的動物資源開發策略.中國文物報, 2014: 04-22.
  15. 黎海明, 左昕昕, 康利宏,任樂樂, 劉峰文, 劉鴻高, 張乃夢, 閔銳, 劉旭, 董廣輝. 植物大化石和微體化石分析揭示的雲貴高原新石器-青銅時代農業發展歷程.中國科學:地球科學, 2016, 46(7): 926-938.
  16. 楊穎, 董廣輝, 趙艷,李國強,任樂樂,方克艷,吳嫻. 器測記錄的青海省1960-2008 年氣溫與降水時空變化.海洋地質與第四紀地質, 2013, 33(4): 45-54.


