- 中文名:人民幣非官方匯率定價研究
- 外文名: The unofficial exchange rate pricing research
- 論文作者:張紀林
- 學科專業:國際金融
副題名 兼論與官方匯率的背離與統一
外文題名 A study on the pricing of unofficial RMB FX rate and its relationship with official RMB FX rate
論文作者 張紀林著
導師 陳國慶教授指導
學科專業 國際金融
學位級別 d 2001n
學位授予時間 2001
關鍵字 人民幣匯率 外匯 匯率定價 官方匯率 匯率
This dissertation makes a study on unofficial RMB foreign exchange(FX) ratepricing and the relationship between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX rate.The dissertation, which is generally divided into four parts includes introduction,five-chapter text.Introduction, the first part, is to analyze the subject to study, the reasons of choosingthe subject, the status of the study on the subject, anticipated target, the innovation of thedissertation and the analysis methods used in the dissertation.Chapter one, the second part, is to analyze official RMB FX rate pricing .The firstreason why we analyze official RMB FX rate pricing is that, the study on official RMBFX rate pricing is the groundwork of the study on both unofficial RMB FX rate pricingand the relationship between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX rate. Thesecond reason is that we have some new ideas on official RMB FX rate pricing.Part three, the key point of this article, is made up of chapter two and three. Partthree makes a study on unofficial RMB FX rate pricing. Unofficial RMB FX rate iscomposed of underground RMB FX rate and offshore RMB FX rate.Chapter two makes a study on underground RMB FX rate pricing. S-D mode isapplied to analyze both the mechanism of underground RMB FX market and itsequilibrium rate. After an underground RMB FX rate pricing mode is introduced, themode is adjusted by adding a parameter. The adjusted mode is proved to be effectivethrough case study.Chapter three makes a study on offshore RMB FX rates pricing. The offshore RMBFX market is mainly located in Hongkong and Singapore. It is not controlled by Chinesegovernment, so the rates are determined by the market. Offshore RMB FX rates arecomposed of offshore RMB FX spot rate, non-delivable forward rate (NDF) and RMBoption price.Part four, which is made up of chapter four and five, makes a study on therelationship between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX rate .In certaincondition, unofficial RMB FX rate deviates from official RMB FX rate. From the casestudy of Thailand in Asian financial crisis, we know that the deviation has great negativeimpact on the financial system. Since the capital account is strictly controlled by Chinesegovernment, the deviation between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX ratedidn't have negative impact on the inland financial system in Asian financial crisis in1997 and1998. When the control on capital account is released, the deviation will havenegative impact on the financial system, we should take both long run measures andshort run measures to prevent the financial system from the negative impact of thedeviation.The results of both theoretical analysis and the case study of the countries fromLatin America, Asia and Africa, prove that the official FX rate will be set at the level ofunofficial FX rate before unification when FX market is unified. The official RMB FXrate was set at the level of unofficial RMB FX rate before unification when the RMB FXmarket was unified in 1994.To adopt single floating RMB FX rate system, we shouldunify the RMB FX market in the future. We can set the official RMB FX rate at the levelof unofficial RMB FX rate before unification when we unify the RMB FX market for thethird time.
This dissertation makes a study on unofficial RMB foreign exchange(FX) ratepricing and the relationship between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX rate.The dissertation, which is generally divided into four parts includes introduction,five-chapter text.Introduction, the first part, is to analyze the subject to study, the reasons of choosingthe subject, the status of the study on the subject, anticipated target, the innovation of thedissertation and the analysis methods used in the dissertation.Chapter one, the second part, is to analyze official RMB FX rate pricing .The firstreason why we analyze official RMB FX rate pricing is that, the study on official RMBFX rate pricing is the groundwork of the study on both unofficial RMB FX rate pricingand the relationship between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX rate. Thesecond reason is that we have some new ideas on official RMB FX rate pricing.Part three, the key point of this article, is made up of chapter two and three. Partthree makes a study on unofficial RMB FX rate pricing. Unofficial RMB FX rate iscomposed of underground RMB FX rate and offshore RMB FX rate.Chapter two makes a study on underground RMB FX rate pricing. S-D mode isapplied to analyze both the mechanism of underground RMB FX market and itsequilibrium rate. After an underground RMB FX rate pricing mode is introduced, themode is adjusted by adding a parameter. The adjusted mode is proved to be effectivethrough case study.Chapter three makes a study on offshore RMB FX rates pricing. The offshore RMBFX market is mainly located in Hongkong and Singapore. It is not controlled by Chinesegovernment, so the rates are determined by the market. Offshore RMB FX rates arecomposed of offshore RMB FX spot rate, non-delivable forward rate (NDF) and RMBoption price.Part four, which is made up of chapter four and five, makes a study on therelationship between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX rate .In certaincondition, unofficial RMB FX rate deviates from official RMB FX rate. From the casestudy of Thailand in Asian financial crisis, we know that the deviation has great negativeimpact on the financial system. Since the capital account is strictly controlled by Chinesegovernment, the deviation between unofficial RMB FX rate and official RMB FX ratedidn't have negative impact on the inland financial system in Asian financial crisis in1997 and1998. When the control on capital account is released, the deviation will havenegative impact on the financial system, we should take both long run measures andshort run measures to prevent the financial system from the negative impact of thedeviation.The results of both theoretical analysis and the case study of the countries fromLatin America, Asia and Africa, prove that the official FX rate will be set at the level ofunofficial FX rate before unification when FX market is unified. The official RMB FXrate was set at the level of unofficial RMB FX rate before unification when the RMB FXmarket was unified in 1994.To adopt single floating RMB FX rate system, we shouldunify the RMB FX market in the future. We can set the official RMB FX rate at the levelof unofficial RMB FX rate before unification when we unify the RMB FX market for thethird time.