



  • 書名:亞洲高等教育展望2018
  • 作者:鐘周
  • ISBN:9787302516088
  • 定價:128元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年11月


亞洲大學聯盟(Asian UniversitiesAlliance)是基於亞洲高等教育發展趨勢,由清華大學倡議發起、來自亞洲國家和地區的15所初頁斷轎創成員共同建立的高校聯盟,於2017年4月29日在北京成立。聯盟旨在通過加強成員高校間墊局獄櫃的合全催作,共同應對亞洲與世界面臨的挑戰,尤其是在高等教育、經濟、科技發展中遇到的共性問題。亞洲大學聯戒判籃盟每年發布高等教育再檔簽才研究報告。本書是聯盟出版的第一部報告,內容涵蓋亞洲各國的大學發展現狀、兵墊察策略與未來方向,以及亞洲大學聯盟的宗旨拒照犁與發展構想。對於有志於推動亞洲大學教育的專業工作者、研究者,以及對大學教育專題感興趣的廣大讀者,本書具有重要的參考價值。


Foreword I
About the Authors II
Asian Higher Education Outlook 2018 Research Team and Support Team IV
Acknowledgements V
List of Figures and Exhibits IX
Abbreviations XII
Executive Summary XIII
Summary of the Key Information and Messages in the Chapters XIV
Major Conclusions and Recommendations XXIV
Chapter 1 Key Trends Shaping Asian Higher Education 001
1.1 Introduction and Overview 002
1.2 Key Trends Shaping Asian Higher Education 003
Concluding Remarks 019
Chapter 2 Nature and Position of AUA Universities in the Global Context 021
2.1 Shared Mission and Extended Networks of AUA Universities 022
2.2 Academic Excellence of AUA Universities 025
2.3 Academic Excellence by Discipline and Subject 026
2.4 Characteristics of Co-authored Publications of AUA Universities 031
2.5 The Impact of Co-authored Publications of AUA Universities 035
2.6 Innovation 039
Concluding Remarks 040
Chapter 3 Nature and Position of the AUA Members 041
3.1 Introduction 042
3.2 Asian Universities Alliance 043
3.3 The Role of Higher Education 051
Concluding Remarks 053
Chapter 4 Providing Access to and Ensuring Excellence in Asian Higher Education 055
4.1 Increasing Access through Transnational Education in Asia 056
4.2 International Branch Campuses in Asia 058
4.3 International Education Hubs in Asia 060
4.4 Dissolving Borders through Quality Assurance and Recognition of
Qualification in Asian Higher Education 063
Concluding Remarks 067
Asian Higher Education Outlook 2018
Chapter 5 Identifying Alignment in Asian Higher Education with the Needs of
Government and Society 069
5.1 Building a National Ecosystem between Academia, Government and Society 070
5.2 The Social Role of a University 072
5.3 The Cultural Role of a University 074
5.4 Global Engagement 077
Concluding Remarks 080
Chapter 6 Entrepreneurship in Asian Higher Education 081
6.1 Introduction 082
6.2 Case Study: National University of Singapore 083
6.3 Case Study: Tsinghua University 085
Concluding Remarks 090
Chapter 7 Strengthening the Scholarship in Asian Higher Education Studies 093
7.1 Introduction 094
7.2 Origins of Publications 095
7.3 Main Areas of Research in Asian Higher Education Studies 097
7.4 Research in World-Class Universities in Asia 099
7.5 Research in the University and City 100
7.6 Enhancing Data Intelligence in Higher Education Studies 101
Concluding Remarks 102
Chapter 8 Ensuring the Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts in the Asian
Universities Alliance 105
8.1 Institutional Goals and Priorities in 2027 106
8.2 The Idea of Internationalization 109
8.3 Expected Contribution of the AUA to Members 110
8.4 Expected Contribution of AUA to the World 111
8.5 Measuring the Development of AUA in 2020 112
Concluding Remarks 113
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Recommendations 117
Research: Promoting AUA Co-authorship in Academic Publications 118
Education: Developing an AUA Quality Assurance Code in Student Mobility Programs 119
Public Engagement: Promoting an Active Public Relations Campaign for AUA 119
Public Engagement: Ensuring Active AUA Policy Consultation and
Communication on Global Issues 120
AUA Development: Deploying a Big Data Approach to AUA Activities and Relations 120
Concluding Remarks 121
Appendix AUA Joint Statement on 29 April 2017 123
Chapter 3 Nature and Position of the AUA Members 041
3.1 Introduction 042
3.2 Asian Universities Alliance 043
3.3 The Role of Higher Education 051
Concluding Remarks 053
Chapter 4 Providing Access to and Ensuring Excellence in Asian Higher Education 055
4.1 Increasing Access through Transnational Education in Asia 056
4.2 International Branch Campuses in Asia 058
4.3 International Education Hubs in Asia 060
4.4 Dissolving Borders through Quality Assurance and Recognition of
Qualification in Asian Higher Education 063
Concluding Remarks 067
Asian Higher Education Outlook 2018
Chapter 5 Identifying Alignment in Asian Higher Education with the Needs of
Government and Society 069
5.1 Building a National Ecosystem between Academia, Government and Society 070
5.2 The Social Role of a University 072
5.3 The Cultural Role of a University 074
5.4 Global Engagement 077
Concluding Remarks 080
Chapter 6 Entrepreneurship in Asian Higher Education 081
6.1 Introduction 082
6.2 Case Study: National University of Singapore 083
6.3 Case Study: Tsinghua University 085
Concluding Remarks 090
Chapter 7 Strengthening the Scholarship in Asian Higher Education Studies 093
7.1 Introduction 094
7.2 Origins of Publications 095
7.3 Main Areas of Research in Asian Higher Education Studies 097
7.4 Research in World-Class Universities in Asia 099
7.5 Research in the University and City 100
7.6 Enhancing Data Intelligence in Higher Education Studies 101
Concluding Remarks 102
Chapter 8 Ensuring the Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts in the Asian
Universities Alliance 105
8.1 Institutional Goals and Priorities in 2027 106
8.2 The Idea of Internationalization 109
8.3 Expected Contribution of the AUA to Members 110
8.4 Expected Contribution of AUA to the World 111
8.5 Measuring the Development of AUA in 2020 112
Concluding Remarks 113
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Recommendations 117
Research: Promoting AUA Co-authorship in Academic Publications 118
Education: Developing an AUA Quality Assurance Code in Student Mobility Programs 119
Public Engagement: Promoting an Active Public Relations Campaign for AUA 119
Public Engagement: Ensuring Active AUA Policy Consultation and
Communication on Global Issues 120
AUA Development: Deploying a Big Data Approach to AUA Activities and Relations 120
Concluding Remarks 121
Appendix AUA Joint Statement on 29 April 2017 123


