1981.09-1985.07 本科生,計算數學專業,
1985.091992.07 研究生,計算數學專業,吉林大學數學研究所,
1987.08-1992.09 吉林大學計算中心,助教、講師;
1992.09-2003.01 吉林大學數學系,講師、副教授、教授(2000.1)
2002.10- 現在 大連理工大學套用數學系,教授、博士生導師;
2005.05-2009.02 大連理工大學套用數學系,系主任;
2009.05- 現在 大連理工大學數學科學學院 學術委員會主任、計算科學研究所所長;
2013.04-現在 大連理工大學盤錦校區基礎部部長
1997.10-1999.09 日本筑波大學,博士後;
2000.08-2001.01 北京大學 訪問學者
2001.06-2002.02 澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學,合作研究;
2008.05-2008.10 英國牛津大學,學術訪問;
2011.01-2011.02 美國北卡州立大學,學術訪問。
ISRN Operations Research 編委,2012-
1. 數學規劃(非線性規劃、VIP、minimax問題、min-max-min問題、SDP等)的全局收斂算法和高效率算法;
2. 非線性方程組和不動點問題的全局收斂算法和高效率算法;
3. 計算金融、金融中的最佳化方法。
1. 數學規劃(非線性規劃、VIP、minimax問題、min-max-min問題、SDP等)的全局收斂算法和高效率算法;
2. 非線性方程組和不動點問題的全局收斂算法和高效率算法;
3. 計算金融、金融中的最佳化方法。
1] Bo Dong, Bo Yu and Yan Yu, A symmetric homotopy and hybrid polynomial system solving method for mixed trigonometric polynomial systems, Mathematics of Computation. to appear.
[2] Zhengyong Zhou and Bo Yu, The flattened aggregate constraint homotopy method for nonlinear programming problems with many nonlinear constraints, Abstract and Applied Analysis, to appear.
[3] Bo Yu, Jintao Zhang and Yanyan Xu, An efficient algorithm for computing minimal polynomials of polynomial matrices, J System Sciences and Complexity, to appear.
[4] Li Dong and Bo Yu, A spline smoothing Newton method for finite minimax problems, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, to appear.
[5] Fenlin Yang, Ke Chen, Bo Yu and D. Fang, A relaxed fixed point method for a mean curvature based denoising model, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29 (2014), No. 2, 274–285,
[6] Liyan Xu and Bo Yu, CVaR constrained stochastic programming reformulation for stochastic nonlinear complementarity problems, Comput Optim Appl, (2014) 58:483-501, DOI 10.1007/s10589-013-9625-9
[7] Zhengyong Zhou and Bo Yu, A smoothing homotopy method for variational inequality problems on polyhedral convex sets, J Glob. Optim, 58:151-168, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-013-0033-6
[8] Yan Yu, Bo Yu and Bo Dong, Robust continuation methods for tracing solution curves of parameterized systems, Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 65 (2014), Issue 4, pp 825-841, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-013-9716-9
[9] Y. Xiao, H. J. Xiong and B. Yu, Truncated Aggregate Homotopy Method for Nonconvex Nonlinear Programming, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29 (2014), No. 1, 160–176,
[10] Li Yang, Bo Yu and Qing Xu, A constraint shifting homotopy method for general nonlinear programming, Optimization, Vol. 63 (2014), No. 4, 585-600. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02331934. 2012.668189
[11] Zhichuan Zhu, Bo Yu and Li Yang, Globally convergent homotopy method for designing piecewise linear deterministic contractual function, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 10 (2014), No. 3, 717-741.
[12] Li Dong, Bo Yu and Zhengyong Zhou, A constraint shifting spline smoothing homotopy method for general nonlinear programming, Pacific J. Optimization, Vol. 10 (2014), No. 1, 21-35.
[13] Xuping Zhang, Jintao Zhang, and Bo Yu, Eigenfunction expansion method for multiple solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with polynomial nonlinearity, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 51 (2013), No. 5, pp. 2680-2699.
[14] Li Yang and Bo Yu, A homotopy method for nonlinear semidefinite programming, Computational Optimization and Application, Comput Optim Appl, 56 (2013), 81-96,DOI 10.1007/s10589-013-9545-8.
[15] Xuping Zhang, Bo Yu and Jintao Zhang, Proof of a conjecture on a discretized elliptic equation with cubic nonlinearity, Science China: Mathematics, Vol. 56 (2013 ), No. 6: 1279–1286.
[16] Xuping Zhang and Bo Yu, A note on the relation between the newton homotopy method and the damped newton method, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, Volume 40, pp. 373-380, 2013.
[17] Changtong Luo, Shaoliang Zhang and Bo Yu, Some Modifications of Low Dimensional Simplex Evolution and Their Convergence, Optimization Methods and Software, Volume 28, Issue 1, February 2013, pages 54-81. DOI:10.1080/ 10556788.2011.584876.
[18] Zhichuan Zhu, Bo Yu and Yufeng Shang, A modified homotopy method for solving nonconvex fixed points problems, Fixed Point Theory, 14(2013), No. 2, 531-544, http://www.math.ubbcluj.ro/nodeacj/sfptcj.html
[19] Li Dong and Bo Yu, A Spline Smoohing Newton Method for L∞ Distance Regression with Bound Constraints, ISRN Operations Research, Vol. 2013, Article ID 393482, 7 pages.
[20] Jianping Zhang, Ke Chen and Bo Yu, An iterative lagrange multiplier method for constrained total variation-based image denoising, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 50 (2012), 983–1003.
[21] Li Yang, Bo Yu and Qing Xu, A Combined Homotopy Infeasible Interior Point Method for Nonconvex Programming, Pacific J. Optim., Vol. 8 (2012), No. 1, 89-101.
[22] Fenlin Yang, Ke Chen, Bo Yu. Effcient homotopy solution and a convex combination of ROF and LLT models for image restoration. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Volume 9 (2012), Number 4, Pages 907–927.
[23] Fenlin Yang, Ke Chen, Bo Yu, Homotopy Curve Tracking for Total Variation Image Restoration, J. Comput. Math., Vol. 30 (2): 177-196, 2012.
[24] Fenlin Yang, Ke Chen, Bo Yu, Homotopy method for a mean curvature-based denoising model, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 62, Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 185-200.
[25] Jianping Zhang, Ke Chen and Bo Yu, A Multigrid Algorithm for the 3D ChanVese Model of Variational Image Segmentation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2011. Volume 89, Issue 2, January 2012, pages 160-189
[26] Changtong Luo, Bo Yu, Low dimensional simplex evolution: a new heuristic for global optimization, J Glob Optim., 2012, Volume 52, Number 1, Pages 45-55 DOI 10.1007/s10898-011-9678-1
[27] Zhengyong Zhou, Bo Yu, A smoothing homotopy method based on Robinson's normal equation for mixed complementarity problems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2011 Pages 977-989.
[28] Yufeng Shang and Bo Yu, A Constraint Shifting Homotopy Method for Convex Multi- objective Programming, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 236, Issue 5, 1 October 2011, Pages 640-646.
[29] L. Du, T. Sogabe, B. Yu, Y. Yamamoto, S.-L. Zhang, A block IDR(s) method for nonsymmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235 (2011) 4095–4106.
[30] Yufeng Shang, Qing Xu and BoYu, A globally convergent noninterior point homotopy method for solving variational inequalities, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 26(2011), No. 6, 933-943, DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2010.484063.
[31] Huijuan Xiong and Bo Yu, An aggregate deformation homotopy method for constrained
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[32] Su, Menglong; Yu, Bo; Shi, Shaoyun, A boundary perturbation interior point homotopy method for solving fixed point problems. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377(2011), no. 2, 683--694.
[33] M Su, B Yu and Jian Wang, Solving nonconvex nonlinear programming problems via a new aggregate constraint homotopy method, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, Volume 73, Issue 8, 15 October 2010, Pages 2558–2565.
[34] Yu Xiao and Bo Yu, A truncated aggregate smoothing Newton method for minimax problems, Appl. Math. Comput., 216 (2010), 1868-1879.
[35] Xu, Qing; Dai, Xi; Yu, Bo Solving generalized Nash equilibrium problem with equality and inequality constraints. Optim. Methods Softw. 24 (2009), no. 3, 327--337.
[36] Xiaona Fan and Bo Yu, A Smoothing Homotopy Method for Solving Variational Inequalities, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 70 (2009), no. 1, 211--219.
[37] Qing Xu and Bo Yu, Solving the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker System of a Nonconvex Programming Problem on Unbounded Set, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 70 (2009), no. 2, 757--763.
[38] Bo Yu and Bo Dong, A Hybrid Polynomial System Solving Method for Mixed Trigonometric Polynomial Systems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 46 (2008), 1503-1518.
[39] Xiaona Fan and Bo Yu, A Polynomial Path Following Algorithm for Convex Programming, Appl. Math. Comput., 196 (2008), no. 2, 866--878.
[40] Xiaona Fan and Bo Yu, Homotopy Method for Solving Variational Inequalities with Bounded Box Constraints, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 68(2008), 2357-2361.
[41] Moody Chu, Del Buono, Nicoletta and Bo Yu, Structured Quadratic Inverse Eigenvalue Problem, I. Serially Linked Systems, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 29(2007), pp. 2668-2685.
[42] Junxiang Li and Bo Yu, Truncated partitioning group correction algorithms for large-scale sparse unconstrained optimization, Appl. Math. Comput., 190(2007), 242-254.
[43] Shaoyan Cui, Xiaogang Wang, Yue Liu and Bo Yu, Effect of velocity shear on flow driven resistive wall mode, Phys. Letters A, 369(2007): 479-482.
[44] Qing Xu, Bo Yu and Guochen Feng, A Condition for Global Convergence of a Homotopy Method for Variational Inequality Problems on an Unbounded Set, Optimization Methods and Software, 22(2007), 587-599.
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[47] Qing Xu, Bo Yu and Guochen Feng, Homotopy methods for solving variational inequalities in unbounded sets, J. Global Optimization, 31(2005), no. 1, 121-131.
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2. 最最佳化的同倫方法和代數幾何方法,國家自然科學基金項目(10071031),2001年1月至2003年12月
3. 非線性等式與不等式組的有效解法及其套用,國家自然科學基金項目(10671029),2007年1月至2009年12月
4. 非凸非光滑最佳化問題的高效率大範圍收斂解法,國家自然科學基金項目(11171051),2012.1-2015.12
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9. 螺栓連線結構建模中的非凸最佳化問題,大連理工大學數學+X”學科交叉前沿科研專題(DUT11SX01)
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12. 邊界條件設定、物理尺寸相容性測試、數據採集、調運程式評估集成軟體開發,中國船舶工業集團公司委託項目, 2006年1月-2006年7月
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