1981.09-1985.07 本科生,計算數學專業,吉林大學數學系;
1985.09-1992.07 研究生,計算數學專業,吉林大學數學研究所,
1987.08-1992.09 吉林大學計算中心,助教、講師;
1992.09-2003.01 吉林大學數學系,講師、副教授、教授(2000.1);
2002.10- 現在 大連理工大學套用數學系,教授、博士生導師;
2005.05-2009.02 大連理工大學套用數學系,系主任;
1997.10-1999.09 日本筑波大學,博士後;
2001.06-2002.02 澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學,合作研究;
1. 數學規劃(非線性規劃、minimax問題、min-max-min問題、SDP等)的
2. 非線性方程組和不動點問題的全局收斂算法和高效率算法;
3. 金融中的最佳化方法。
[1] Yu Xiao and Bo Yu, A truncated aggregate smoothing Newton method for
minimax problems, Appl. Math. Comput., 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2009.11.034.
[2] Huijuan Xiong and Bo Yu, An aggregate deformation homotopy method for
constrained min-max-min problems with max-min constraints, Computational
Optimization and Applications, 2009, DOI 10.1007/s10589-008-9229-y.
[3] Xu, Qing; Dai, Xi; Yu, Bo Solving generalized Nash equilibrium problem with
equality and inequality constraints. Optim. Methods Softw. 24 (2009), no. 3, 327--
[4] Xiaona Fan and Bo Yu, A Smoothing Homotopy Method for Solving Variational
Inequalities, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 70 (2009), no. 1, 211--219.
[5] Qing Xu and Bo Yu, Solving the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker System of a Nonconvex
Programming Problem on Unbonded Set, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 70 (2009), no.
2, 757-763.
[6] Bo Yu and Bo Dong, A Hybrid Polynomial System Solving Method for Mixed
Trigonometric Polynomial Systems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 46 (2008), 1503-1518.
[7] Xiaona Fan and Bo Yu, A Polynomial Path Following Algorithm for Convex
Programming, Appl. Math. Comput., 196 (2008), no. 2, 866--878.
[8] Xiaona Fan and Bo Yu, Homotopy Method for Solving Variational Inequalities with
Bounded Box Constraints, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 68(2008), 2357-2361.
[9] Moody Chu, Nicoletta Del Buono and Bo Yu, Structured Quadratic Inverse
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[10] Junxiang Li and Bo Yu, Truncated partitioning group correction algorithms for l
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[11] Shaoyan Cui, Xiaogang Wang, Yue Liu and Bo Yu, Effect of velocity shear on flow
driven resistive wall mode, Phys. Letters A, 369(2007): 479-482.
[12] Qing Xu, Bo Yu and Guochen Feng, A Condition for Global Convergence of a
Homotopy Method for Variational Inequality Problems on an Unbounded Set,
Optimization Methods and Software, 22(2007), 587-599.
[13] Bo Yu and Qing Xu, On the complexity of a combined homotopy interior point
method for convex programming, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 200(2007), 32-46.
[14] Shaoyan Cui, Xiaogang Wang, Yue Liu and Bo Yu, Numerical studies for the linear
growth of resistive wall modes generated by plasma flows in a slab model, Physics
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[15] Qing Xu, Bo Yu and Guochen Feng, Homotopy methods for solving variational
inequalities in unbounded sets, J. Global Optimization, 31(2005), no. 1, 121-131.
[16] Zhenghua Lin, Bo Yu and Daoli Zhu, A continuation method for solving fixed
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[17] Bo Yu, Guochen Feng and Shaoliang Zhang, The aggregate constraint homotopy
method for nonconvex nonlinear programming, Nonlinear Analysis, 45(2001), 839-
[18] Bo Yu and T. Kitamoto, The CHACM method for computing the characteristic
polynomial of a polynomial matrix, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E83(2000), No.7,
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[22] Bo Yu and Zhenghua Lin, Homotopy method for a class of nonconvex Brouwer
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[23] Zhenghua Lin and Bo Yu, A quadratically convergent scaling Newton's method
for nonlinear complementarity problems, Optimization, 33(1995), 143-154.
[24] Bo Dong and Bo Yu, Homotopy Method for Mixed Trigonometric Polynomial
Systems, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 4(2007), 505-514.
[25] Huijuan Xiong, Yu Wang and Bo Yu, Maximum Entropy Method for Multiple-
Instance Classification, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 4
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[26] Changtong Luo and Bo Yu, Solving Min UR Problem by Triangle Evolution
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[27] Yu Xiao and Bo Yu, Truncated smoothing Newton method for fitting rotated
cones, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 接受發表,2009
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[30] Guoxin Liu and Bo Yu, Homotopy continuation method for linear complementarity
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[34] Bo Yu, Liqun Qi and Guoxin Liu, A modified aggregate homotopy method for
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[37] Yufeng Shang, Bo Yu, Qing Xu, Xiuying Zhao, Globally Convergent Method of
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1. 代數簇計算的理論和方法,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(19501018),1996.1-
4. 非凸非光滑最佳化及其在神經網路和圖形圖像中的套用,教育部博士點基金
5. 多項式方程組和最最佳化的整體解法,留學回國人員科研啟動基金,2001.9-2004.9
6. 多元水聲矢量方程的快速算法和軟體研製,軍工項目子課題,2002.7-2002.8
7. 滿意度分析算法和軟體研製,橫向課題,2004.6-2004.10
8. 貨物擺放和調運最佳化集成軟體研製,中國船舶工業集團公司委託項目,2006.1-2006.7
9. 比例模型數據採集與圖形處理系統開發研製,中國石油
10. 火燒驅物理模擬數據採集與
圖像處理系統開發研製, 中國石油
1. 吉林省教學成果獎(二等獎) 1997年。
2. 吉林省青年科技獎 2000年。
3. 遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎(2003年二等獎、2007年一等獎)。
4.《數值分析》被評為遼寧省精品教程 2006年。
5. 大連市優秀專家 2007年。
6.《數值分析》被評為國家精品教程 2008年。
8. 遼寧省自然科學三等獎 2009年。