



  • 中文名:中國經典文化走向世界叢書:詩歌卷一
  • 作者:潘文國總主編
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年11月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787544655521


 《中國經典文化走向世界叢書(詩歌卷1 英文版)》為我社全英文版“中國經典文化走向文化叢書”詩歌卷之一,即《英譯詩經國風》的英文部分。《中國經典文化走向世界叢書(詩歌卷1 英文版)》包含160首“國風”詩歌,即來自周南、召南等周朝十五個地區的民歌,其中有“關關雎鳩”“坎坎伐檀”等名篇。汪榕培先生給出了高水平的英譯,他的譯詩充分採用了英美詩歌的創作方式,兼顧音步、格律和押韻,把兩千多年前的中國詩歌轉換成了曉暢易懂的現代英語韻律詩。希望《中國經典文化走向世界叢書(詩歌卷1 英文版)》能為“中國經典文化走向文化叢書”增添豐富多彩的文體和內容,為推廣中國文化做出貢獻。


Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Southern Zhou
The Cooing
The Ramee
The Cocklebur
A Bending Tree
The Locust
The Beautiful Peach
The Hunting Net
The Plantain Seeds
The Wide Han
The Ford
The Kylin
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Southern Shao
The Magpie's Nest
Wormwood Leaves
The Grasshopper
Picking Duckweed
The Birch-Leaf Pear
Roadside Dew
The Lamb
The Rumbling Thunder
The Plums
Little Stars
The River Branch
A Dead Doe
Why So Pretentious?
The Forester
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Bei
The Cypress Boat
The Green Coat
Two Swallows
The Sun and the Moon
The Wind
Drum Beating
The Southern Breeze
The Cock-Pheasants
The Gourd
The Mountain Gales
A Wretched State
The Mound
The Court Dancer
Spring Water
The Northern Gate
The Northern Wind
A Quiet Maiden
The New Terrace
Two Youths Drift in a Boat
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Yong
The Cypress BoatThistles on the Wall
A Life Companion
Amid the Mulberries
Quails and Magpies
Builder's Star
Red Sky
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Wei
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Wang
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Zheng
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Qi
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Wei
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Tang
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Qin
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Chen
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Gui
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Cao
Regional Songs from The Book of Poetry: Songs of Bin




