《中國管理研究與實踐:復旦管理學傑出貢獻獎獲獎者代表成果集(2012)》是2014年11月由出版社出版的圖書,作者是梁梁 黃海軍。
- 書名:中國管理研究與實踐:復旦管理學傑出貢獻獎獲獎者代表成果集(2012)
- 作者:梁梁 黃海軍
- ISBN:978-7-309-10985-6/C.288
- 頁數:331頁
- 定價:48.50 元
- 出版時間:2014年11月
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開
- 字數:479千字
An Option Contract Pricing Model of Relief Material Supply Chain
DEA Models for Supply Chain Efficiency Evaluation
DEA Models for Two-Stage Processes: Game Approach and Efficiency Decomposition
DEA-Based Production Planning
Measuring Performance of Two-Stage Network Structures by DEA: A Review and Future Perspective
Stackelberg GameTheoretic Model for Optimizing Advertising, Pricing and Inventory Policies in Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) Production Supply Chains
The DEA Game Cross-Efficiency Model and Its Nash Equilibrium
Towards Integrated Optimal Configuration of Platform Products, Manufacturing Processes, and Supply Chains
Two-Stage Cooperation Model with Input Freely Distributed among the Stages
Principle of Marginal-Cost Pricing: How Does It Work in a General Road Network?
Fares and Tolls in a Competitive System with Transit and Highway: The Case with Two Groups of Commuters
Modeling and Solving the Dynamic User Equilibrium Route and Departure Time Choice Problem in Network with Queues
Pricing and Logit-Based Mode Choice Models of a Transit and Highway System with Elastic Demand
The MultiClass, Multi-Criteria Traffic Network Equilibrium and Systems Optimum Problem
Equilibrium Properties of the Morning Peak-Period Commuting in a Many-to-One Mass Transit System
Continuum Modeling of Park-and-Ride Services in a Linear Monocentric City with Deterministic Mode Choice