



  • 作者:王乃舉
  • ISBN:9787502141110
  • 頁數:379
  • 定價:200.00元
  • 出版時間:2003-4
  • 副標題:中國油藏開發模式總論
For the past half century, China has developed 892 reservoirs of more than ten different major types, and thus accumulated a wealth of experiences. In order to enhance the scientific foresight in reservoir development strategies,to enhance economic efficiency, and to establish development strategies, procedures and support production technologies, China National Petroleum Company (former Ministry of Petroleum) has gathered a group of industry experts to summarize and establish the development models of various reservoir types in China.
Summarizing the field experiences accumulated in decades and establishing related development theories is a leap forward in Chinese oilfield development. Especially, most of Chinese domestic reserves are in continental deposits, which are much more complicated to develop than those in marine deposits are. The theoretical summarization on the oilfield development not only will have a significant impact on Chinese reservoir development studies, but also will enrich the development theory studies in the world.
In 1987, a working group headed by Mr. Tan Wenbin was formed to formulate the publication of the Series on Reservoir Development Models in China. During a three-year preparation period, the group was focused on the publishing plans, organization setups as well as the technical reservoir categorization. In 1990, the compilation of the Series on Reservoir Development Models in China was formally initiated. This project was then listed by China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) as one of the key scientific research projects of the "Eighth Five-Year Economic Plan" (1991~1995). In 1995,an editorial committee chaired by CNPC president, Zhou Yongkang, was set up to accelerate the series' publication. In the committee, Mr.Tan Wenbin and Mr. Wang Naiju were appointed as vice chairmen of the committee. Professors Zeng Xianyi, Shen Pingping, Jin Yusun, Zhang Jiamao, Zhou Chengxun, Wan Renpu, Liu Wanfu and Gang Qinlin were elected as committee members.


