


  • 中文名:中國文化英語講
  • 提供院校:東北大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:馬新、趙玉潔、郝麗霞、冷曉萍、師英、朱艷、劉春陽、陳瑤、顧華、王勃然


Part I Wisdom and Beliefs Unit 1. Lao Zi's Philosophy of Non-action
1.1 Legends about Lao Zi and Popularity of Tao Te Ching
1.2 Namelessness of Tao
1.3 Naturalness and Non-action
Quiz 1
Assignment 1 Chinese-English Translation
Unit 2 Confucian Thought on Heaven and Humanity
2.1 On Heaven:The Source of Everything
2.2 On People: Ren and Li
2.3 On the State of Life
Unit 3 Buddhist Truths
3.1 Seeking Buddhist Truths
3.2 The Eternal Smile of the Buddha
Quiz 2
Part II Creativity and Culture Unit 4 Chinese Characters
4.1 Characters from Underground-Jiaguwen
4.2 Han Characters and Chinese Language
4.3 Discovery of Origins of Han Characters
Quiz 3
Unit 5 Yellow River Culture
5.1 Chinese Dragon Culture
5.2 The Ancient Silk Road
5.3 Terracotta Army
Unit 6 Manchu-Qing Dynasty Culture
6.1 Manchu Residence
6.2 Manchu Costumes
6.3 Qing Dynasty Literature
Unit 7 Folk Customs
7.1 Little New Year
7.2 Culinary Delights
7.3 Ways of Savoring Tea
Part III Cultural Experience Unit 8 Former First Lady's Trip to China in 2014
8.1 The Forbidden City
8.2 Peking Opera
8.3 Chinese Dishes in English
8.4 The Great Wall
Quiz 4
Part IV Art and Aesthetics Unit 9 Traditional Chinese Music and Instruments
9.1 Overview of Traditional Chinese Music
9.2 Guqin--Streaming Rhymes
9.3 Pipa--Dingdong a Song
9.4 Guzheng--Limpid and Lifting Tunes
9.5 Erhu--A Weeping Voice
9.6 Idioms and Their Stories Related to Music
Quiz 5
Unit 10 Flying Strokes of Calligraphy
10.1 Flying Strokes of Calligraphy
10.2 “Hidden Style” of the Yan Script
Unit 11 Private Gardens in China
11.1 Gardening Styles
11.2 A Sense of Space
11.3 The Art of Contrast
11.4 Classical Gardens of Suzhou
11.5 Classical Oriental and Occidental Gardens
Quiz 6
Assignment 2
Part V Cultural Experience Unit 12 Liang and Lin in Exploring Architectural Past
12.1 A Professorship in Northeastern University in 1928-1931
12.2 Lin Huiyin, a Poet and One of Her Poems


中國文化英語教程 葉朗 朱良志著 章思英 陳海燕譯 外語教學與研究出版社
Chinese Culture:Characters 韓鑒堂著 王國振 周玲譯 五洲傳播出版社
Insights into Chinese Culture葉朗 朱良志著 章思英 陳海燕譯 外語教學與研究出版社
Liang and Lin:Partners in Exploring China's Architectural Past Wilma Fairbank University of Pennsylvania Press
The Wisdom of Confucius Lin Yutang 外語教學與研究出版社
The Wisdom of Laotse Lin Yutang 外語教學與研究出版社


