民族的,才是世界的。“lazy planet文化風” 叢書旨在讓中國了解世界,向世界介紹中國,一覽世界各國的民族文化熱點。“中國風”系列主要從中國烙印、遠去的記憶、自然景觀、歷史古蹟、經典國粹、中華美食、民俗節日、風土人情、瑰麗國寶方面,從必備單詞、高頻句子到常用話題角度,系統學習用英語介紹中國。學習者既可以促進英語水平的提高,又能從中體味中國文化的魅力。
本書精選了用英語介紹中國必備 5000單詞,每個主題分為 “簡單詞So Easy!” “高頻詞 So Useful!”,每部分有 6 個核心詞,每個核心詞都下設有 “Word大爆炸 ”,以發散思維拓展相關辭彙,讓你介紹中國的英文辭彙量足夠用!
中國烙印/ The Impression of China
01. 中國概況/ Introductions of China
02. 四大發明/ Four Great Inventions of Ancient China
03. 儒家文化/ Confucian Culture
04. 中原文化/ Zhong Yuan Culture
05. 楚湘文化/ Chu-Xiang Culture
06. 燕趙文化/ Yan-Zhao Culture
07. 大運河文化/ The Grand Canal Culture
08. 漢唐文化/ The Culture of Han-Tang Dynasties
09. 蒙古西征/ The Western Expedition of Mongolian Empire
10. 中國第一個皇帝秦始皇/The First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang
11. 中國三聖/ Three Ancient Sages of China: Confucius, Lao-Tzu, Huineng.
12. 一代偉人毛澤東/ The Greatest Leader of China, Mao Zedong
遠去的記憶/In the Fading Memory
01. 皇宮文化/The Palace Culture
02. 胡同文化/The Hutong Culture
03. 上海里弄/Shanghai Li-Longs
04. 幫會與鏢局/The Gangs and Armed Escorts
05. 艄公/Boatman
06. 貨郎/Itinerant Pedlar
07. 印章篆刻/Seal Cutting
08. 泥人張/Zhang's Clay Figure
09. 屏風/The Screen
10. 算盤/Abacus
自然景觀/The Natural Landscapes
01. 珠穆朗瑪峰/Mount Qomolangma
02. 黃山/Mount Huangshan
03. 青海湖/Qinghai Lake
04. 五台山/Mount Wutai
05. 九寨溝/Jiuzhaigou
06. 張家界國家森林公園/Zhangjiajie National Forest Park
07. 三峽/The Three Gorges
08. 泰山/Mount Tai
09. 桂林山水/The Landscape of Guilin
10. 黃果樹瀑布/Huangguoshu Waterfall
11. 呼倫貝爾草原/Hulunbuir Grassland
12. 雅魯藏布江大峽谷/Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon
歷史古蹟/Historical Sites
01. 萬里長城/The Great Wall
02. 天壇/The Temple of Heaven
03. 少林寺/Shaolin Temple
04. 秦始皇兵馬俑/The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum
05. 頤和園/Summer Palace
06. 敦煌莫高窟/Dunhuang Mogao Caves
07. 平遙古城/The Ancient City of Pingyao
08. 承德避暑山莊/Chengde Mountain Resort
09. 布達拉宮/The Potala Palace
10. 洛陽龍門石窟/The Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang
經典國粹/The Classic Quintessence of Chinese Culture
01. 書法/The Beauty of Calligraphy
02. 功夫/The Soul of Kungfu
03. 瓷器/A Long History of Porcelain
04. 中國戲曲/Chinese Operas
05. 中醫/Chinese Traditional Medicine
06. 相聲/Xiangsheng, a Typical Art in China
07. 民樂/Chinese Folk Music
08. 絲綢/The Luxurious and Mysterious Silk
09. 國畫/Chinese Painting
10. 舞獅子/Lion Dance
11. 圍棋/Weiqi
12. 蘇杭園林/Suzhou Classical Gardens
中華美食/Chinese Cuisine
01. 筷子文化/Chopsticks Culture
02. 八大菜系/Chinese Eight Cuisines
03. 北京烤鴨/Beijing Roast Duck
04. 涼皮/Liangpi
05. 麵條/Chinese Noodles
06. 包子/Baozi
07. 餃子/Dumplings
08. 豆花/Douhua
09. 火鍋/Hot Pot
10. 糖葫蘆/Sugar-coated Haws on a Stick
11. 年糕/Niangao, New Year's Rice Cake
12. 湯圓/Tangyuan, Rice Glue Balls
民俗與節日/Chinese Traditions and Festivals
01. 婚喪嫁娶/Wedding and Funeral
02. 廟會/Temple Fair
03. 祭祀/Worship Rituals
04. 剪紙/Chinese Paper Cutting
05. 石刻/Stone Carving
06. 春節/The Spring Festival
07. 元宵節/The Lantern Festival
08. 清明節/Tomb-sweeping Day
09. 端午節/The Dragon Boat Festival
10. 七夕節/The Qixi Festival
11. 中秋節/Mid-Autumn Day
12. 重陽節/The Double Ninth Festival
風土人情/Folk Cultures and Customs
01. 家庭觀念/Strong Family Relationship
02. 茶道/Tea Culture
03. 賓客宴請之禮/Dinning Etiquette
04. 禮尚往來/Gifts in Chinese Culture
05. 旗袍/Cheongsam
06. 風箏/Kites
07. 集市/The Country Fairs
08. 吉利數字/Lucky Numbers
09. 龍的圖騰/Chinese Dragon Totem
10. 十二生肖/Chinese Zodiac Signs
11. 中國結/Chinese Knot
12. 陰陽/Yin and Yang
瑰麗國寶/The Amazing Art Work and
National Treasures
01. 后母戊鼎/Ding Oedicated to His Mother Amyl
02. 編鐘/Chime-Bells
03. 《清明上河圖》/Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival
04. 大熊貓/Giant Panda
05. 麋鹿/Milu (deer)
06. 金絲猴/Golden Monkey
07. 銀杏/Ginkgo
08. 冬蟲夏草/Caterpillar Fungus