中國傳媒大學(Communication University of China)簡稱“中傳”,位於首都北京,是國家教育部直屬“211工程”、“985工程優勢學科創新平台”的全國重點大學(中國電子信息領域、廣電領域唯一的“2011計畫”牽頭高校)。學校致力於廣播、電視、電影、網路、出版、報刊及新媒體等信息傳播領域高層次人才培養和科學研究,是一所工、文、藝、理、管、經、法多學科協調發展,以信息傳播為特色的綜合性大學。
在American Mathematical Review, Kybernetes, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 《管理世界》,《系統工程理論與實踐》,《經濟學動態》,《中國工業經濟》,《數量經濟技術經濟研究》等國內外重要學術期刊上發表論文100多篇,出版了《Systems Economics: Making a New Science》, 《Industrial Systems Analysis》和《系統經濟學探索》等學術專著10部。
The Media Management School of Communication University of China was founded on May 28th, 2002. The current dean is Professor Li Huailiang. The school is divided into three departments: Department of Economics and Management, Department of Management Science and Engineering, and Department of Public Administration. It also has three research centers, which are Media Economics Research Center, Culture Trade Research Center and China System Economics Research Center. Our school owns one doctorate program, five Master’s programs and ten bachelor’s programs. It has advanced teaching equipments, including 2 teaching laboratories, 3 shared laboratories with the university. Our professional competence of the faculty is strong, with 12 professors and 20 associate professors.
With the culture industry and media economics and management as the core, based on the two main disciplines, i.e. economics and management, the Media Management School has covered interdisciplinary courses and successfully integrated them, dedicated to training senior economic and managerial talented people with innovative spirit and ability of practice for the national media industry, cultural industry and economic and social development. At the same time, the Media Management Scholl is also an academic research center for media economics and management and a consulting service center to provide advanced theoretical support for the government and enterprise managerial decision-makers.