



  • 書名:上海周邊古鎮烏鎮
  • 作者:何兆興
  • ISBN:9787119061665
  • 定價:96.00元
  • 出版社外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年4月1日
  • 開本:16開


《烏鎮(英文)(圖文版)》內容簡介:Wuzhen is famous for its residences dating from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 ), and the town keeps its ancient ambience, as if time has stood still. Wuzhen is also famous for its traditional craft of "bed-making," exquisite examples of which can be seen in the Museum of Antique Beds. Other attractions include the elaborate painting of 24 filial sons of old times in the Zhu Family House, and depictions of traditional ceremonies, such as those for babies when they were one month old, weddings and the birthdays of the elderly all illustrative of the culture of southeast China. The Xizha district of the town has old houses and paviUons stretching over 1,000 m along dyer banks. Piled up in the courtyard of the Gaogongsheng Winery are jars filled with rice wine, scenting the air with a heady aroma. At the Hongyuantai Dye Works, immensely long pieces of indigo-blue printed cotton are hung high in the air to dry. Wuzhen is also home to the Xiuzhen Taoist Temple, one of the three most renowned ones in southeast China. In front of the temple is an ancient opera stage, where performances are given all the year round. In addition, Prince Zhaoming's Study and the Former Residence of Mao Dun attract people interested in Chinese language and literature.


006 The Tranquil Town of Wuzhen
016 Riverside Scenery
028 Styles of Old Bridges
042 Former Residence of Mao Dun
052 Fangluge Teahouse and "Three-Whites" Wine
064 Xiuzhen Taoist Temple and Ancient Stage
074 Old and Famous Residences
088 Indigo-blue Cotton Prints
096 The Beauty of Xizha by the River
104 Scenery by the Water Market
114 Gourmet Specialties
123 Scenic Spots
125 Accommodation
126 Local Delicacies
128 How to Get to Wuzhen


