- 中文名:丁騰達
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:水體微藻界面新興有機污染物的污染生態化學行為
- 任職院校:深圳大學
在EnvironmentalPollution,BioresourceTechnology,Journalof Hazardous Materials,Scienceof The Total Environment等國內外學術期刊上累計發表多篇學術論文;獲國家發明專利授權1項。
1、TengdaDing,Kunde Lin, Jin Chen, Qi Hu, Bo Yang, Juying Li, Jay Gan. Causes and mechanismson the toxicity of layered double hydroxide (LDH) to green algaeScenedesmusquadricauda. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 635, 1004-1011.
2、Tengda Ding, Kunde Lin, LianjunBao, Mengting Yang, Juying Li, Bo Yang, Jay Gan. Biouptake, toxicity andbiotransformation of triclosan in diatomCymbellasp. and the influenceof humic acid. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 234, 231-242.
3、Tengda Ding, Kunde Lin, MengtingYang, Lianjun Bao, Juying Li, Bo Yang, Jay Gan. Biodegradation of triclosan indiatomNaviculasp.: Kinetics, transformation products, toxicityevaluation and the effects of pH and potassium permanganate. Journal ofHazardous Materials, 2018, 344, 200-209.
4、Tengda Ding, Kunde Lin, Bo Yang,Mengting Yang, Juying Li, Wenying Li, Jay Gan. Biodegradation of naproxen byfreshwater algaeCymbellasp. andScenedesmus quadricaudaand thecomparative toxicity. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 238, 164-173.
5、Tengda Ding, Mengting Yang,Junmin Zhang, Bo Yang, Kunde Lin, Juying Li, Jay Gan. Toxicity, degradation andmetabolic fate of ibuprofen on freshwater diatomNaviculasp.. Journalof Hazardous Materials, 2017, 330, 127-134.
6、Tengda Ding*, Jianying Zhang,Wanmin Ni, Juying Li. Combined toxicity of arsenite and dimethylarsenic acid onthe freshwater diatom Nitzschia palea. Ecotoxicology, 2017, 26(2), 202-210.
7、Jianying Zhang #,TengdaDing#, Chunlong Zhang. Enhanced adsorption of trivalent arsenic fromwater by functionalized diatom silica shells. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(4), e0123395(# equal contribution)
8、Jianying Zhang*,TengdaDing, Chunlong Zhang. Biosorption and toxicity responses to arsenite(As [III]) inScenedesmus quadricauda. Chemosphere, 2013, 92, 1077-1084
9、Juying Li, Tuo Huang,Lizong Li,Tengda Ding, Hong Zhu, Bo Yang, Qingfu Ye, Jay Gan.Influence of soil factors on the stereoselective fate of a novel chiralinsecticide, Paichongding, in flooded paddy soils. Journal of Agricultural andFood Chemistry, 2016, 64, 8109-8117
10、Jianying Zhang*,Yanyan Ni,Tengda Ding, Chunlong Zhang. The role of humic acid inthe toxicity of arsenite to the diatomNaviculasp.. EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(6), 4366-4375
11、Wanmin Ni, JianyingZhang*,Tengda Ding, Yinmei Zhu. Environmental Factors RegulatingCyanobacteria Dominance and Microcystin Production in a subtropical lake withinTaihu watershed, China. Journal of Zhejiang University, 2012, 13, 311-322
12、Wanmin Ni, JianyingZhang,Tengda Ding, Jiaguo Qi. Assessment of spatial distributionof algal biomass in a subtropical lake in China by modeling of Landsat ETM+data coupled with field data. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 522-524,12-20
13、丁騰達,闞嘯林,吳振華,馮雪嬌,尹鋼,倪婉敏.砷對綠藻的毒性效應及氧化還原條件的影響.環境化學, 2016, 35(5),1084-1089
14、丁騰達,倪婉敏,張建英.硅藻重金屬污染生態學研究進展.套用生態學報, 2012, 23, 857-866
15、張建英,丁騰達,梁璐儀,王鳳平,陳瑾.水體生態系統對不同濃度水平苯酚污染的急性毒性回響.環境化學, 2012, 31, 714-719
張建英,丁騰達,曹俊梅,紀偉昌.一種淨化水體重金屬污染的方法及裝置.專利號:ZL 2013 1 0219037.9【國家發明專利】