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  • 中文名:丁琛
  • 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 主要成就:北京市優秀青年人才




1. Feng J,Ding C*, Qiu N, Ni X, Zhan D, Liu W, Xia X, Li P, Lu B, Zhao Q, Nie P, Song L, Zhou Q, Lai M, Guo G, Zhu W, Ren J, Shi T*, Qin J*. Firmiana: Towards a One-stop Proteomic Cloud Platform for Data Processiong and Analysis. DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3825,Nature Biotechnology, 2017. (Co-first author,*Co-corresponding author)
2. Zhou Q, Liu M, Xia X, Gong T, Feng J, Liu W, Liu Y, Zhen B, Wang Y,Ding C*, Qin J*. A Mouse Tissue Transcription Factor Atlas. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15089,Nature Communications, 2017. (*Co-corresponding author)
3. Lang X, Tang T, Jin T,Ding C*, Zhou R*, Jiang W*. TRIM65 Catalyzed Ubiquitination is Essential for MDA5-mediated Antiviral Innate Immunity.Journalof Experimental Medicine. 2017.2.1, 214(2): 459~473. (*Co-corresponding author)
4. Shi W, Li K, Song L, Liu M, Wang Y, Liu W, Xia X, Qin Z, Zhen B, Wang Y, He F, Qin J,Ding C. TFRE on Tip (TOT): A sensitive approach for large-scale endogenous transcription factor quantitative identification.Analytical Chemistry. 2016.12.20, 88(24): 11990~11994.
5. Liu M, Ge R, Liu W, Liu Q, Xia X, Lai M, Liang L, Li C, Song L, Zhen B, Qin J, Ding C. Differential proteomics profiling identifies lipid droplet proteins and biological functions in high fat diet induced fatty livers.J Lipid Res. 2017 Feb 8. pii: jlr.M071407. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M071407. [Epub ahead of print]
6. Wei J, Zhang Y, Jia Q, Liu M, Li D, Zhang Y, Song L, Hu Y, Xian M, Yang H,Ding C*,Huang L*. Systematic investigation of transcription factors critical in the protection against cerebral ischemia by Danhong injection.Sci Rep.2016 Jul 19;6:29823. (*Co-corresponding author)
7. Ding C, Chan D, Liu W, Liu M, Li D, Li C, Jin J, Malovannaya A, Jung SY, Zhen B, Wang Y, Qin J. Proteome-wide profiling of activated transcription factors with a concatenated tandem array of transcription factor response elements.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2013 Apr 23;110(17):6771-6.
8. Ding C, Li Y, Guo F, Jiang Y, Ying W, Li D, Yang D, Xia X, Liu W, Zhao Y, He Y, Li X, Sun W, Liu Q, Song L, Zhen B, Zhang P, Qian X, Qin J, He F. A cell-type-resolved liver proteome.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016 Oct;15(10):3190-3202.
9. Ding C, Jiang J, Wei J, Liu W, Zhang W, Liu M, Fu T, Lu T, Song L, Ying W, Chang C, Zhang Y, Ma J, Wei L, Malovannaya A, Jia L, Zhen B, He F, Qian X, Qin J. A Fast Workflow for Identification and Quantification of Proteomes.Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.2013 Aug;12(8):2370-80.
10. Foulds CE, Feng Q,Ding C, Bailey S, Hunsaker TL, Malovannava A, Hamilton RA, Gates LA, Zhang Z, Li C, Chan D, Bajaj A, Callaway CG, Dean P. Edwards DP, Lonard DM, Tsai SY, Tsai MJ, Qin J, and Bert W. O'Malley BW. Proteomic Analysis of Coregulators Bound to ER on DNA and Nucleosomes Reveals Dynamic ‘Poised’ Complexes.Molecular Cell.2013 Jul 25;51(2):185-99. (Co-first author)
11. Ding C, Li Y, Kim BJ, Malovannaya A, Jung SY, Wang Y, Qin J. Quantitative analysis of cohesin complex stoichiometry and SMC3 modification-dependent protein interactions.J Proteome Res.2011 Aug 5;10(8):3652-9.
12. Ding C, Wei H, Sun R, Zhang J, Tian Z. Hepatocytes Proteomic Alteration and seroproteome analysis of HBV Transgenic Mice.Proteomics.2009 Jan;9(1):87-105.
13. Wei J,Ding C, Zhang J, Mi W, Zhao Y, Liu M, Fu T, Zhang Y, Ying W, Cai Y, Qin J, Qian X. High-throughput absolute quantification of proteins
using an improved two-dimensional reversed-phase separation and quantification concatemer (QconCAT) approach.Anal Bioanal Chem. 2014 406:4183–4193 (Co-first author)
6. Wei J, Zhang Y, Jia Q, Liu M, Li D, Zhang Y, Song L, Hu Y, Xian M, Yang H,Ding C*,Huang L*. Systematic investigation of transcription factors critical in the protection against cerebral ischemia by Danhong injection.Sci Rep.2016 Jul 19;6:29823. (*Co-corresponding author)
7. Ding C, Chan D, Liu W, Liu M, Li D, Li C, Jin J, Malovannaya A, Jung SY, Zhen B, Wang Y, Qin J. Proteome-wide profiling of activated transcription factors with a concatenated tandem array of transcription factor response elements.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2013 Apr 23;110(17):6771-6.
8. Ding C, Li Y, Guo F, Jiang Y, Ying W, Li D, Yang D, Xia X, Liu W, Zhao Y, He Y, Li X, Sun W, Liu Q, Song L, Zhen B, Zhang P, Qian X, Qin J, He F. A cell-type-resolved liver proteome.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016 Oct;15(10):3190-3202.
9. Ding C, Jiang J, Wei J, Liu W, Zhang W, Liu M, Fu T, Lu T, Song L, Ying W, Chang C, Zhang Y, Ma J, Wei L, Malovannaya A, Jia L, Zhen B, He F, Qian X, Qin J. A Fast Workflow for Identification and Quantification of Proteomes.Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.2013 Aug;12(8):2370-80.
10. Foulds CE, Feng Q,Ding C, Bailey S, Hunsaker TL, Malovannava A, Hamilton RA, Gates LA, Zhang Z, Li C, Chan D, Bajaj A, Callaway CG, Dean P. Edwards DP, Lonard DM, Tsai SY, Tsai MJ, Qin J, and Bert W. O'Malley BW. Proteomic Analysis of Coregulators Bound to ER on DNA and Nucleosomes Reveals Dynamic ‘Poised’ Complexes.Molecular Cell.2013 Jul 25;51(2):185-99. (Co-first author)
11. Ding C, Li Y, Kim BJ, Malovannaya A, Jung SY, Wang Y, Qin J. Quantitative analysis of cohesin complex stoichiometry and SMC3 modification-dependent protein interactions.J Proteome Res.2011 Aug 5;10(8):3652-9.
12. Ding C, Wei H, Sun R, Zhang J, Tian Z. Hepatocytes Proteomic Alteration and seroproteome analysis of HBV Transgenic Mice.Proteomics.2009 Jan;9(1):87-105.
13. Wei J,Ding C, Zhang J, Mi W, Zhao Y, Liu M, Fu T, Zhang Y, Ying W, Cai Y, Qin J, Qian X. High-throughput absolute quantification of proteins
using an improved two-dimensional reversed-phase separation and quantification concatemer (QconCAT) approach.Anal Bioanal Chem. 2014 406:4183–4193 (Co-first author)


