丁克峰,浙江大學醫學部教授、主任醫師、博士生導師。浙江大學醫學院附屬第二醫院院長助理、腫瘤外科副主任、大腸外科病區主任。浙江大學腫瘤研究所副所長、浙江省醫學分子生物學重點實驗室主任。主持國家自然科學基金課題5項,省部級課題多項。第一作者和通訊作者在Carcinogenesis, Surg Endosc, Int J Oncology, Oncology, J Bio Chem, World J Surg Oncol, Surg Today, World J Gastroenterol, FEBS JOURNAL, Ann of Oncol, BMCCancer,Plosone,Hepatogastroenterology, Oncology Letters, BioMed Res Int等以及國內諸多核心期刊發表論文。
1、 Study Comparing Conventional and Fast Track Multi-Discipline Treatment Interventions for Colorectal Cancer. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01080547.
2、 Randomized Trial of Promary Surgery Followed Selective Radiochemotherapy for Rectal Cacncer With MRI Negative CRM(PSSR). ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02121405
3、 Trial Evaluating Surgery With Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) in Treating Patients With a High Risk of Developing Colorectal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02179489
4、 Study Comparing Pursestring Wound Closure vs Conventional Closure to Reverse Stoma of Colorectal Cancer Patients (PURSE). Clinical Trail gov Identifier:NCT02564224
1、 Xu D, Li J, Song Y, Zhou J, Sun F, Wang J, Duan Y, Hu Y, Liu Y, Wang X, Sun L, Wu L, Ding Kefeng . Laparoscopic surgery contributes more to nutritional and immunologic recovery than fast-track care in colorectal cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2015 Feb 4;13(1):18.
2、 Tan Y, Fu J, Li X, Yang J, Jiang M, Ding K, Xu J, Li J, Yuan Y. A minor (<50%) signet-ring cell component associated with poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients: a 26-year retrospective study in china. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 19;10(3):
3、 LI‑FENG SUN, JIN‑JIE HE, SHAO‑JUN YU, JING‑HONG XU, JIAN‑WEI WANG, JUN LI, YONG‑MAO SONG, KE‑FENG DING and SHU ZHENG. Transsacral excision with pre‑operative imatinib mesylate treatment and approach for gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the rectum: A report of two cases. ONCOLOGY LETTERS 2014, 8: 1455-1460.
4、 Yue Liu, Jinghong Xu, Yurong Jiao, Yeting Hu, Chenghao Yi, Qiong Li, Zhou Tong, Xiaowei Wang, Lifeng Hu, Qian Xiao, Jun Li, and Kefeng Ding. Neuroendocrine Differentiation Is a Prognostic Factor for Stage II Poorly Differentiated Colorectal Cancer. BioMed Res Int, 2014.
5、 Jun Li, Yue Liu, Jian-Wei Wang, Yang Gao, Ye-Ting Hu, Jin-Jie He, Xiu-Yan Yu,Han-Guang Hu, Ying Yuan, Su-Zhan Zhang, Ke-Feng Ding.Oxaliplatin-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy withoutRadiotherapy Can Improve the Survival of Locally-Advanced Rectal Cancer. Plos one. 2014
6、 Jun Li, Bao-Cai Guo, Li-Rong Sun, Jian-Wei Wang, Xian-Hua Fu, Su-Zhan Zhang, Graeme Poston,Ke-Feng Ding. TNM staging of colorectal cancer should be reconsidered by T stage weighting.World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2014 May 7; 20(17): 5104-5112
7、 Xiao Q, Hu YT, Liu Y, Wang ZH, Geng HT, Hu LF, Xu DY, Wang K, Zheng L, Zheng S, Ding KF. BEX1 promotes imatinib-induced apoptosis by binding to and antagonizing BCL-2.Plos one. 2014(in press)
8、 Wang ZH, Ding KF, Yu JK, Zhai XH, Ruan SQ, Wang SW, Zhu YL, Zheng S, Zhang SZ. Proteomic analysis of primary colon cancer-associated fibroblasts using the SELDI-ProteinChip platform. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2012; 13: 159-167.
9、 JJ HE,KF DING, L ZHENG, JH XU, J LI, YL WU, LF SUN, DE ZHOU and S ZHENG。Adenosquamous carcinoma of the uncinate process of the pancreas with synchronous gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the stomach: Case report and review of the literature. Oncol Letters 4: 1191-1194, 2012。
10、 Zhou JJ, Li J, Ying XJ, Song YM, Chen R, Chen G, Min Y, Ding KF. Fast Track Multi-Discipline Treatment (FTMDT trial) Versus Conventional Treatment In Colorectal Cancer - The Design of A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:494-505.
11、 Li J, Wang JW, Zheng S, Zhang SZ, Ding KF. Influences of Laparoscopic Resection on Expressions of Metastasis Genes in Colorectal Cancer: Report of Microarray Analysis and Literature Review. Hepatogastroenterology. 2011;12:1975-1982。
12、 Ding KF, Ying XJ, Li J, Li G, Chen ZL, Wang ZH, Lv K, Zhou JJ, Ma YY, Zhang SZ. The interim analysis of an open nonrandomized prospective study comparing laparoscopic surgery with XELOX chemotherapy and open surgery with mFOLFOX6 chemotherapy for resectable colorectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 2010;21:220.Suppl 8
13、 Li J, Chen R, Xu YQ, Wang XC, Zheng S, Zhang SZ, Ding KF. Impact of a laparoscopic resection on the quality of life in rectal cancer patients: results of 135 patients. Surg Today. 2010;10: 917-922.
14、 Ding KF, Su YY, Pang LR, Lu Q, Wang ZH, Zhang SZ, Zheng S, Mao JS, Zhu YL. Inhibition of apoptosis by down-regulation of hBex1, a novel mechanism, contributes to the chemoresistance of Bcr/Abl+ leukemic cells.Carcinogenesis. 2009; 30:35-42.
15、Ding KF, Chen R, Zhang JL, Li J, Xu YQ, Lv L, Wang XC, Sun LF, Wang JW, Zheng S, Zhang SZ. Laparoscopic surgery for the curative treatment of rectal cancer: results of a Chinese three-center case–control study.Surg Endosc. 2009,23:854–861.
16、 Sun LF, Ye HL, Zhou QY, Ding KF, Qiu PL, Deng YC, Zhang SZ, Zheng S. A giant hemolymphangioma of the pancreas in a 20-year-old girl: a report of one case and review of the literature. World J Surg Oncol. 2009; 18:31-33.
17、 Zhou S, Wei H,Ding KF. A Rare Case of Metachronous Bilateral Angiosarcoma of the Breast。Breast Care 2009; 4:405-407
18、 Ge WT, Hu HG,Ding KF, Sun LF, Zheng S. Protein interaction analysis of ST14 domains and their point and deletion mutants. J Biol Chem. 2006;281:7406-7412.
19、 Ding KF, Sun LF, Ge WT, Su ZZ, Zheng S. Expression and purification of ST14, a tumor metastasis-related protein, and its activity assay. FEBS J. 2005;272: 352-352. Suppl. 1
20、 Ding KF, Sun LF, Ge WT, Hu HG, Zhang SZ, Zheng S. Effect of SNC19/ST14 gene overexpression on invasion of colorectal cancer cells. World J Gastroenterol. 2005;36:5651-5654.9
21、 Akio Yamaguchi, Kefeng Ding, Masanori Maehara, Takanori Goi and Gizo Nakagawara. Expression of nm23-H1 Gene and Sialyl Lewis X Antigen in Breast Cancer. Oncology, 1998, 55:357-362.
22、 Kefeng Ding, Akio Yamaguchi, Takanori Goi, Masanori Maehara and. Gizo Nakagawara. Lectin-histochemical Reactivity of Sialic Acid in Breast Cancer and Its Relationship to Prognosis Using limulus polyphemus agglutinin. Int J Oncology, 1997,10:759-763