一則寓言(2020年Matei Jude主演的微電影)

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《一則寓言》是2020年Matei Jude主演的一部微電影,導演是拉杜·裘德


  • 中文名:一則寓言
  • 外文名:A Fable
  • 類型:短片
  • 製片地區:羅馬尼亞
  • 導演:拉杜·裘德
  • 編劇:Sonia Larian (novel)
  • 主演:Matei Jude
  • 上映時間:2020年4月21日
  • 對白語言:羅馬尼亞語
  • imdb編碼:tt12246884
In “Spaces #2”, 7 internationally acclaimed directors shot, after commissioning by the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, a short film at home, making their own timely comment on the new reality that we live in. The project is inspired by the book "Species of Spaces" by the French novelist, filmmaker, documentalist, and essayist, Georges Perec and the days of quarantine.
The idea is to create a film at home, using the environment, the people or the animals in that space. The only outdoor areas that may be used are outdoor living spaces, such as the terrace, the garden, the balcony and the stairwell.
The films are directed by: Tarik Aktaş, Mateo Bendesky, Denis Côté, Rachel Leah Jones, Radu Jude, John Carroll Lynch, Jia Zhang-ke.


