



  • 軟體名稱:一個跟蹤
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體版本:iOS3.0及以上
  • 軟體大小:2.02MB
(精簡版版本不是完整的版本包括許多層次少,相對於其它功能,這兩個版本是相同的) 誰沒有畫任何東西,而想完全不同的東西嗎? 這正是一個跟蹤! 分數塗鴉要追溯到與唯一的幫助您的移動設備的運動感測器,並始終只在一個衝程。 解決的路徑繪製所有。 精確和快速的完成每個級別,時間扮演著對付你。 一樣快,你覺得你的圖是足夠的相似性,我們建議一個,觸控螢幕迅速,然後觸摸結束得到的結果。 一個跟蹤是非常令人上癮的! 這是肯定的,你是無法得到完美的得分大部分的圖紙! 不要忘了將所有內容發布到Facebook和Twitter,記錄你的技能! 您是否正在尋找我們的地圖編輯器嗎? 從來沒有這么容易在比賽中採取了積極的作用! 跟蹤主屏和觸摸編輯器給我們自己的圖紙。 我們選擇最佳的圖紙,然後包括他們在一個跟蹤每推出更新。 我們將永遠感謝您與我們分享您的藝術天賦,這就是為什麼我們包括作者姓名,下到各個層面,以及他或她的Facebook和Twitter帳戶和網站的連結(我們也可以發布 筆名和連結的信息,您決定。我們尊重所有discreets的!)如果你的目標是讓您的部落格,或者你想增加你的追隨者,這是一個極好的方法來達到你的目的。 你有沒有聽說過我們的音樂? 一個跟蹤嘗試支持大家誰是闖入世界的樂譜。 你想成為其中的一部分的遊戲配樂? 我們一首歌,不要忘了提到它的標題和你的樂隊的名稱。 我們將證明一切連同你的Facebook和Twitter賬戶,您的網站。 如果你是一個聆聽者,而不是一個作曲家,跟蹤是最好的地方去了解新的音樂家。 我們相信你最終成為他們的任何一個風扇。 播放,並採取積極的作用,一個跟蹤! (The lite version includes many fewer levels than the full version. Respect to other functions, both versions are identical) Who has never drawn anything while thinking about something totally different This is exactly what One Trace is about! Scores of doodles to be traced with the only help of the motion sensor of your device and always in only one stroke. Solve the path to draw all at once. Be precise and fast in order to complete each level, time plays against you. As fast as you think your drawing is similar enough to the one we suggest, touch the screen quickly and then touch End to get your results. One Trace is extremely addictive! It is sure you are unable to get the perfect score for most of the drawings! Do not forget to publish everything to Facebook and Twitter, record your skill! Are you looking for our map editor It has never been so easy to take an active role in a game! Touch Editor from the One Trace main screen and send us your own drawings. We choose the best drawings and then we include them in One Trace with every launched update. We will be always grateful to you for sharing with us your artistic talent, that is why we include the name of the author next to every level as well as the link to his or her Facebook and Twitter accounts and website (we can also publish a pseudonym and link only the information that you decide. We respect all discreets!) If you aim to make your blog known or you want to increase your number of followers, this is a superb way to achieve your purpose. Have you ever heard about our music One Trace tries to support everyone who is breaking into the world of music scores. Do you want to be part of the game soundtrack Send us a song and do not forget to mention its title and the name of your band. We will show everything together with your Facebook and Twitter accounts and your website. If you are a listener rather than a composer, One Trace is the best place to get to know new musicians. We are sure you end up becoming a fan of any of them. Play and take and active role in One Trace!


